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Flora Emslandia - Plants in Emsland (northwestern Germany)

Marsh pennywort

Hydrocotyle vulgaris, marsh pennywort, flowers Hydrocotyle vulgaris, marsh pennywort, Blatt

Flowers, fruits and leaf of the marsh pennywort


Hydrocotyle vulgaris L.:
Blooming period: July–August
Height: 5–25 cm
Flowers: actinomprphic, Ø, approx. 1 mm, bisexual, stamens: 5, styles: 2
Petals: 5, whitish, greenish or reddish
Sepals: 5, very small or absent
Stem leaves: alternate, peltate, notched

Plant perennial, herbaceous.

Stem prostrate, creeping, fine, up to 1 m long, rooting at the nodes.

Leaves long-petiolate, with membranous, splitted stipules.

Leaves alternate, peltate, notched, glossy, underside sometimes hairy, Ø up to 4 cm with 6–9 radially extending leaf veins. Petioles up to 25 cm long, long hairy.

Flowers in 3- to 6-flowered, axillary clusters or whorls, almost sessile. Stalks of inflorescences about half as long as the petioles.

Each flower possesses a single bract.

Petals 5, greenish or whitish to reddish, sepals absent or very small, stamens 5, 2 spreading or recurved styles.

From the ovary formed by selfing an approximately 2 mm long fruit that is stalked very short, clearly ribbed, laterally flattened, elliptical and 2-seeded. Plant overwintering green, poisonous!

Floral formula:
* K0–5 C5 A5 G(2) inferior

Moors, marshy meadows, edges of ponds and ditches. Prefers wet, acidic and very nutrient-poor locations.

Almost all of Europe, North Africa and Belarus. In northern Germany frequently, in Southern Germany extremely endangered.