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Last Updated: Friday, 7 November, 2003, 19:07 GMT
Emmerdale's Seth returns home
Stan Richards playing Seth Armstrong during filming
Seth has appeared in Emmerdale for more than 25 years
Emmerdale star Stan Richards has returned home after spending three months in hospital recovering from a collapsed lung.

Programme makers had to rewrite scenes to account for the absence of the 72-year-old actor who plays ex-gamekeeper Seth Armstrong.

He was taken to Sheffield Northern General Hospital in August where he was treated for severe breathing difficulties.

Mr Richards, who lives in Barnsley, has clocked up more than 25 years on the long-running Yorkshire soap and is one of its most recognisable characters.

An Emmerdale spokesman said: "We are delighted that Stan is on the road to recovery and hopeful that he will return to the show after a period of convalescence."

In 1998 he had to take a rest from the series after breaking a thigh bone.



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