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Some answers

Grazie! Thank you everybody for all the lovely comments; I am overwhelmed.

Since I received a bunch of questions about Ene's scarf (and more), I'll answer them here.

The yarn: Indie cashmere by Little Knits. Lovely, soft, light, wonderful to knit, well priced. What more can I say? Go get yourself some.

The size: finished size after blocking is 59" for the wingspan and 30" from top to point.

The pattern: "Ene's scarf" by Nancy Bush in the book Scarf Style.

The needles: I used 3.5mm but if I were to do it again with the same yarn, I would probably go down to 3.25mm. It's an almost imperceptible size change, but I think it might improve the stockinette stitch part of the border.

The blocking board: it's actually a cutting board I bought at JoAnn's. It's not meant to be pricked with pins over and over, but I haven't been sewing and it seemed like a good idea. It may not last long as a blocking board, but it's helping for now. I find the measurements and lines printed on it especially useful. Size: 68" x 36" (approx. 172x91cm).

My speed: Ha! Let's dispel that myth, shall we? I am not a fast knitter; quite the contrary, in fact. It's just that I've been putting in long hours of uninterrupted knitting over the past few weeks. This has been the summer of injuries and as a result I've been forced to rest, so all the time I would have spent working out and doing other stuff went into knitting. At least I got something to show for all the stupid injuries. Keeping my fingers crossed here, I haven't hurt myself in ten days. Weeee!!!

And about the weight loss… no, I haven't lost any more weight. After I reached my goal in late February, I've been more or less stable. Because of the forced inactivity over the summer, I actually put back a few pounds and I am now working on shedding the last 2-3 stubborn ones. As my trainer is fond of saying (Hi Jennifer!), maintaining the weight is like keeping a beach ball under water. Sheesh.

And since we are off the subject of knitting anyway, how about a greatuitous kitty picture? Isn't Pipie looking innocent here? "Looking" being the operative word… he has been tormenting Kelvin lately and yesterday outdid himself by barfing on the sofa (insert colorful Italian expression here). Still haven't been able to clean the microfiber seat properly.


Well you look good (not that you didn't before) and those 2-3 pounds don't show at all!

Pipie wouldn't do that! He's too cute.

Awe, what a sweet barfy baby...

Pipie looks a bit like the IKEA cat bed (http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2007/08/its-been-a-whil.html) ... do you think he would be freaked out by a bed who looks like him? LOL!

Ene is gorgeous! And, I think I just might need to get me some of that yarn. It looks way too scrumptious for words!

Ah, but how much of your cashmere was left before the helpful ones disposed of it for you? I have a couple of skeins of comparable yarn but with slightly less yardage. Can you tell I am totally inspired by your scarf/shawl? I have been looking at Ene for a while, working up my courage/energy.

P.S. Thanks for the book reviews, both Japanese and lace knitting! I have found them VERY helpful.

Oh, Pipie. Is that why there's a towel under him?

Hey congrats on reaching your weight loss goal! that is hard to do! (i know)