RAM CICHLID – Apistogramma Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi – Facts Info

RAM CICHLID – Apistogramma Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi – Facts Info

Name and family:Microgeophagus ramirezi

Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi, Ramirezi Apistogram, Papiliochromis Ramirezi, Ramirez Nano Cyclide, Ramirez Dwarf Cichlid, Butterfly Cichlid.
The Ramirezi belongs to the Cichlidae family, originates from South America, Venezuela and Colombia.

Feature and behavior:

The body is high and compressed to the sides. The lateral profile is ovaloid, with a bony caudal peduncle. The dorsal fin, tall and long, has the first elongated rays, the ventral fins are pointed, the anal is elongated. The livery is sparkling and very varied; there are a few variations: usually the head and the gingival area is yellow-green with pink reflections, the reddish belly, the rest of the green-blue body with blue dots. The ventral fins have a different coloration: from black to bluish, to purple red. The other fins are blue or rosé, marbled by small blue spots. The eye, which is red, is crossed by a black curve that starts from the head and ends in the throat. Lively and very clever fish, very willing to swim, needed plenty of free space for swimming, dense vegetation, roots and hiding places. Moderate lighting, will spontaneously form pairs that will occupy different areas of the tank.

Fishes’s coexistence:Mikrogeophagus_ramirezi_sabbia

You must to know that with these dwarf cichlid it is better to minimize the population but they can coexist with any other kind of quiet fishes like: Otocinclus, Ancistrus, Corydoras, or Hemigrammus Bleheri.
For only one pair it is best to use tanks of not less than 50 liters.


Sexual dimorphism and breeding:

The first rays of the dorsal fin are much more pronounced in males than females and have much more intense and flashy coloration; Instead, the female that is smaller in size, has a slightly pinkish belly. Like all Cyclids, Ramirezi is ovary and easy enough to reproduce, The female lays eggs (even 200) sheltered on stones or depressions of the bottom; hatching occurs after 48 hours, the male cares for the fryes who after 5-6 days swim freely. To induce reproduction, the values must be perfect, nitrites and nitrates absent and increase the temperature to 28 ° celsius.

Feeding and mantenance:

Ramirezi is essentially carnivore: feed in tablets, flakes, but also freeze-dried and frozen foods of animal origin, such as mosquito larvae or saline artemies brine shrimp nauplii.


6/8 euros.Mikrogeophagus-ramrirezi-seryusly copia

Maximum dimension: 7 cm

Swimming level: total

Ideal temperature range: 23° – 28° celsius

PH range: 5 – 7

GH range: 4 – 12