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Addicted Aquarium

Rotala macrandra narrow

Regular price $4.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 SGD

Rotala macrandra originates from India and has been cultivated in aquariums since the early days due to its attractive foliage. It is a fast growing stem plant that has the reputation of being a picky plant to grow well. Rotala macrandra has larger leaves and is pickier to grow compared to the more commonly found Rotala rotundifolia and is best used in the mid or background of a tank. Its leaves are delicate and are easily broken with rough handling. Most varietals branch readily when growth requirements are fulfilled, which allows them to become dense bushes. 

There are many varietals and different morphs of Rotala macrandra. The green varietals are generally easiest to grow, the red is more difficult, and the variegated and mini versions (Including 'mini butterfly' and 'mini/pearl types 1 to 4') are significantly pickier. If we add in the 'narrow leaf' versions and variations from different regions, there are more than 10 distinct forms that can come under the general umbrella of Rotala macrandra.