Maximum size : 5 cm

Agassizs Corydoras - Corydoras agassizii : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Agassiz's Corydoras (Corydoras agassizii) is a peaceable and gregarious species that thrive within a community aquarium alongside other compatible species or in a dedicated species-only setup. It is important to note, however, that the sensitivity of this fish to water conditions renders it less suitable for novice aquarists. In its natural habitat, the Agassiz's Corydoras form cohesive shoals; therefore, maintaining a group of at least six individuals is advisable to promote their well-being. A smaller number may cause heightened stress, withdrawal, and increased vulnerability to illnesses.

Suitable tankmates for the Agassiz's Corydoras include Tetras, Pencilfish, Dwarf Cichlids such as Apistogrammas, Rasboras, smaller Barbs, Otocinclus, aquarium snails, and Shrimp. However, it is important to exercise caution and avoid housing them with aggressive species, as the Corydoras possess venomous spines that could potentially harm them in the event of an attack. The use of fine sand as a substrate is ideal, although smooth gravel can be utilized, provided it is regularly cleaned. While not mandatory, providing adequate cover in the form of driftwood, bogwood, rocks, tall aquatic plants, or floating vegetation enhances the sense of security for these fish. The addition of dried leaf litter can also be beneficial.

The Agassiz's Corydoras showcases a silvery body with a golden tone along its lateral line. The first three rays of the dorsal fin display a striking black colouration, while the remaining rays are transparent to whitish. The ventral and pelvic fins are translucent, although some individuals may exhibit a yellowish hue. The caudal fin ranges from translucent to bluish-white, adorned with three to five rows of transverse dark spots. Such captivating physical characteristics add to the allure of this remarkable species.

Agassizs Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Agassiz's Corydoras can present a moderate challenge. Females exhibit a larger size and possess a fuller body shape when observed from an overhead perspective, particularly when gravid or carrying eggs. Conversely, males are slightly smaller and leaner in comparison to their female counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras agassizii
Year Described1876
Other NamesSpotted Cory
OriginsBrazil , Peru
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 8 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 2 - 25
TDS 36 - 215
Ideal Temperature
71 - 80
21 - 26

Natural Habitat

While comprehensive information regarding the natural habitat of Agassiz's Corydoras remains limited, it is known that these captivating fish are endemic to the Amazon River Basin, situated near the border of Brazil and Peru in South America. In addition, collection records indicate their presence in the Rio Nanay; however, the broader extent of their distribution within the region remains somewhat uncertain.

 Nanay River - Peru
Peru Flag


While there are currently no documented breeding reports specific to the Agassiz's Corydoras, it is likely that their spawning behaviour resembles that of other Corydoras species. During the breeding process, the male and female assume the classic 'T position,' with the male fertilizing the eggs held by the female between her pelvic fins. Therefore, if you aspire to breed Agassiz's Corydoras, preparing a separate breeding tank is recommended.

The breeding tank can be simplistic in its design, although a soft substrate is essential as Corydoras prefer to forage for food by rummaging in the substrate. The water conditions should be mature, characterized by softness, acidity, and low light levels. Incorporating broad-leaved plants and providing gentle aeration contributes to a suitable breeding environment. As the female approaches the spawning phase, you may observe her engaging in surface cleaning behaviours, preparing to deposit her eggs on leaves or the aquarium glass. Simulating their natural spawning behaviour can be achieved through significant water changes using rainwater or cooler water and conditioning the fish with live foods.

During a single spawning event, the female Agassiz's Corydoras may lay a substantial number of eggs, potentially reaching up to 100. Following this reproductive act, the adult fish will not partake in any further care for the offspring and may even consume the eggs if given the opportunity. Thus, it is advisable to promptly return the adults to their regular tank to prevent such incidents. Typically, the eggs hatch within one to three days, influenced by water temperature and conditions. The fry then spends an additional two to three days consuming their yolk sacs and transitioning to a free-swimming stage. Infusoria-type foods, such as rotifers, can serve as suitable nourishment for the fry at this stage.

Once the fry has reached a size where they are less susceptible to predation, they can be introduced into the community tank to join the existing shoal. First, however, ensuring a gradual acclimation process is crucial by balancing the water temperatures between the breeding and community tanks is crucial. This precaution mitigates the risk of triggering diseases, such as White Spots, and promotes the overall health and well-being of the young fish before their integration into the community setting.

Diet & Feeding

Agassiz's Corydoras, being scavenging omnivores, display versatility in their dietary preferences. They readily accept various sinking dried foods, including pellets and algae wafers. Additionally, these fish eagerly consume small live and frozen offerings such as mosquito larvae, bloodworms, and tubifex. Supplementing their diet with abundant vegetable matter is highly beneficial, as a diverse and well-rounded feeding regimen contributes to their overall health and optimal condition.

It is crucial to note that relying on leftover food from other aquarium inhabitants or expecting the Corydoras to serve as cleaners for the aquarium is not advisable. While they are efficient foragers, providing them with adequate nutrition directly to ensure their well-being and vitality is essential. By offering a balanced and varied diet, you can foster an environment where Agassiz's Corydoras flourish and thrive.


Agassiz's Corydoras (Corydoras agassizii) - Rare Corydoras Fish Profile & Care Guide Thumbnail

6 tank mate ideas for the Agassizs Corydoras

Looking for some awesome tank mate ideas for your Agassizs Corydoras? Look no further! Here are 6 of the most captivating & fascinating options that will liven up your aquarium!

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