Maximum size : 7 cm

Albino Corydoras - Corydoras aeneus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Albino Corydoras (Corydoras aeneus), with their peaceful and sociable nature, are a fantastic addition to any community aquarium. These fish do not intentionally bother other tank inhabitants, although their exuberant swimming style may ruffle the feathers of more delicate fish or other bottom-dwelling species. It is advisable to avoid keeping these Corys with aggressive fish. Still, they generally keep to themselves, spending most of their time scavenging around the tank's bottom.

Albino Corydoras fish prefer the company of their own kind, and it is recommended to keep them in groups of at least six individuals. The more individuals you have, the more secure they will feel, leading to better overall behaviour.

The optimal care of Albino Corydoras necessitates meticulous attention to their habitat. It is advisable to maintain a soft sand substrate within the aquarium. Additionally, the provision of shaded planted regions is essential to accommodate their natural preferences. When considering suitable tankmates for Albino Corydoras, compatibility with a variety of community tank species is achievable, provided that the prospective tankmates exhibit non-aggressive and amicable behavioural traits.

Species such as Otocinclus Catfish, Tetras, Barbs, Livebearers, and other Corydoras represent harmonious companions within the same aquatic habitat. It is advisable, however, to exercise caution and restraint when selecting tankmates. Specifically, the inclusion of Oscars, Texas Cichlids, or Jack Dempseys in the shared tank environment should be avoided. These particular species have the potential to inflict harm upon the Corydoras or may exhibit predatory behaviour, posing a threat to their well-being.

An important consideration stems from the unique respiratory behaviour of Corydoras, as they possess the ability to extract oxygen from the air via their intestinal system. To facilitate this physiological process, it is prudent to maintain a slight gap between the water surface and the aquarium lid. This clearance allows the fish to surface intermittently throughout the day to access atmospheric air, a behaviour that may occur on multiple occasions.

Regarding the choice of decorative elements within the aquarium, it predominantly hinges on personal preferences, affording aquarists the latitude to exercise their individual aesthetic inclinations.

Albino Corydoras are a captivating albino variety of the standard-coloured Bronze Corydoras explicitly designed for aquarium enthusiasts. These fish have pale pinkish-orange bodies and striking red eyes, making them a visually stunning addition to any aquarium. While physically similar to their coloured counterparts, breeders suggest that the fry of Albino Corydoras develop slightly slower than those of normal-coloured individuals.

Others argue that Albino Corydoras are virtually blind and sterile, potentially due to extensive inbreeding. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for Albino Corydoras to be injected with bright dye via a needle before being sold in the aquarium trade. While this may make for a striking visual display, it is not a natural or ethical practice and should be avoided.

Albino Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Identifying the sexual dimorphism in Albino Corydoras can be a daunting task. Generally, the female exhibits relatively larger physical dimensions, featuring a sleeker physique, subdued hues, a more elevated body profile, and a more prominent abdominal region during the gestation of eggs.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras aeneus
Other NamesAlbino Cory, Albino Paleatus Cory, Armored Catfish
OriginsTrinidad and Tobago , Colombia , Argentina , Uruguay
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 8 - 12
TDS 36 - 268
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Albino Corydoras is a fascinating fish species that was developed from the Bronze Corydoras; therefore, you will not find them in the wild. However, the Bronze Corydoras can be found in a range of locations throughout Trinidad and Colombia, extending as far south as the Rio de la Plata drainage at the border of Uruguay and Argentina in South America.

Typically found in quiet, shallow running waters such as streams and rivers, these fish have adapted to a soft substrate that can, at times, be heavily polluted by clouds of disturbed mud from the bottom. One of the most interesting traits of the Albino Corydoras is its ability to breathe air from the water's surface. This unique adaptation enables these fish to thrive in stagnant waters, setting them apart from many other species that cannot survive in such conditions. Such exceptional resilience is a testament to the evolutionary ingenuity of these remarkable creatures.

 Rio de la Plata - Uruguay
Uruguay Flag


The process of breeding Albino Corydoras is relatively straightforward, with a few important considerations to ensure success. Before breeding, the fish should be conditioned with high-quality flake food, fresh or frozen bloodworm, and brine shrimp. The water parameters must be slightly acidic, often achieved through the use of rainwater, and a 50% water change with cooler water than the breeding tank can induce spawning. In the event that this approach proves unsuccessful, replicating rain through slow water addition with a sprinkler motion can be effective.

During courtship, Albino Corydoras are highly active, with males vigorously pursuing females, rubbing their barbels and bodies against them in an effort to solicit consent. Once obtained, the male will identify suitable egg-laying sites and proceed to clean several locations. As the courtship progresses, the roles reverse, and the female becomes the active partner in seeking out the male. Spawning commences once the pair assumes the T position, triggering the release of sperm and up to ten eggs, which the female secures with her pelvic fins.

After fertilization, the female deposits the eggs at the previously cleaned nesting site, where they adhere firmly. This process continues for several days until all eggs are spent, with a potential yield of up to 300 eggs. After spawning, removing the adult fish from the tank or transferring the eggs to a grow-out tank is best to prevent predation.

The eggs will be translucent initially but darken as they develop. After four or five days, the eggs will hatch, and the fry will feed off the yolk sac for an additional three to four days until it is entirely consumed. At this stage, providing the fry with infusoria or very fine powdered food is crucial for their growth and development.

Diet & Feeding

The Albino Corydoras are omnivorous scavengers that will readily consume most sinking dried foods such as pellets and wafers, as well as small frozen or live foods like tubifex, bloodworm, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. A varied diet is essential to ensure optimal health and physical condition in these fish. It is imperative to note that these fish should not be expected to subsist on leftover food from other tank inhabitants or serve as cleaners for the aquarium. Relying on such an approach may result in malnourishment and other health complications for the fish. Therefore, providing them with a proper and varied diet is crucial for their growth, development, and overall well-being.

Other Corydoras

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