Maximum size : 4 cm

Bloody Mary Shrimp - Neocaridina davidi : Complete Shrimp Profile & Care Guide

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Bloody Mary Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) are not only visually stunning but also serve a practical purpose in any aquarium. These sociable and peaceful shrimp are versatile and can thrive in a range of water parameters, making them an ideal choice for aquarists of any level. In their natural habitat, Bloody Mary Shrimp are scavengers, and they will readily feed on any leftover waste in the aquarium. Therefore, these shrimp are excellent additions to planted aquariums, where they can help maintain a healthy and clean environment.

To ensure that Bloody Mary Shrimp exhibit their natural behaviours, it is best to keep them in more significant numbers. However, these shrimp will also do well in smaller groups. Bloody Mary Shrimp can coexist peacefully with other popular fish species, such as Dwarf Gouramis, Tetras, Pencilfish, Dwarf Barbs, smaller Danios, Micro Rasboras, Livebearers, Catfish, and Freshwater Snails. However, it is advisable to keep them separate from larger, more aggressive fish species that may see them as a snack.

To create an optimal habitat for Bloody Mary Shrimp, a well-established, heavily planted aquarium with driftwood, bogwood, and rocks for hiding places is recommended. These shrimp will thrive in soft or hard water and appreciate a comfortable and natural environment.

Bloody Mary Shrimp have a smooth and even deep red colouration that is more intense than other Neo Caradinas. The translucent exoskeleton of these shrimp reveals bright red tissue underneath their bodies. Their unique features include rounded and shortened noses compared to regular Cherry Shrimp.

Bloody Mary Shrimp Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

In distinguishing male and female Bloody Mary Shrimp, there are notable physical differences. Males are typically smaller in size and have a narrower tail compared to their female counterparts. Additionally, males tend to display a lighter shade than females. Conversely, females exhibit a broader tail, are larger in size, and are much more vibrant and colourful than males.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameNeocaridina davidi
Year Described1904
Other NamesCherry Shrimp
Max Size4 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
Best kept asNA
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 2 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.8
GH 4 - 12
KH 3 - 5
TDS 150 - 300
Ideal Temperature
64 - 84
17 - 28

Natural Habitat

Bloody Mary Shrimp were bred in captivity, and as a result, they don't have a natural habitat. However, their ancestors originated in Taiwan, where they typically inhabit slow-moving waters in lakes and streams covered in dense vegetation. Adding Bloody Mary Shrimp to your aquatic collection is a great way to showcase their unique beauty and add a pop of colour to your aquarium. So why wait? Explore the wonders of these incredible creatures and bring a touch of Taiwan into your home today!\r\n


Breeding Bloody Mary Shrimp is a relatively straightforward process, and they reach sexual maturity between 4 to 6 months old. Only one pair of sexed shrimp is required, and as long as the water parameters are optimal and they have plenty of food sources, breeding should be effortless. When the females are ready to spawn, they release pheromones into the water to signal their availability to the males. The males become active and dart around the aquarium, searching for the source of the pheromones.

Once the males find the female, they mate, and the male deposits sperm onto the female's body. The female then lays her eggs and attaches them to her swimmerets. The eggs will not become fertilized until they are outside of her body. Each female can have up to 20 to 30 eggs, which will take around 2 to 3 weeks to hatch. Upon hatching, the shrimplets will exhibit striking similarities to their adult counterparts in both morphology and behaviour. It is essential to have a well-planted aquarium to create a comfortable and safe environment for the female to breed and for the shrimplets to hide once they hatch. Providing plenty of plant coverage will ensure the shrimp feel secure, comfortable and safe.

Diet & Feeding

Bloody Mary Shrimp are known to be excellent algae eaters, although they are not picky eaters and will consume any food provided to them. For their primary diet, it is recommended to feed them high-quality dried food such as sinking pellets or algae wafers. However, it would be beneficial to offer them blanched vegetables such as courgette, peas, spinach, and kale occasionally. This will not only provide them with the necessary nutrients but also enhance and maintain their vibrant red colouration.


Bloody Mary Shrimp Thumbnail

Other Neocaridina

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