Maximum size : 7 cm

Bronze Corydoras Var Longfin - Corydoras aeneus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Longfin Bronze Corydoras are precisely the same as the Bronze Corydoras; they just have a recessive gene that has been artificially highlighted. These Corys are small, peaceful freshwater Catfish that have become quite popular in the home aquarium. This fish species is easy to care for and incredibly hardy but can be somewhat shy. However, they are incredibly eye-catching because of the variety of body colours they possess, and their behaviours are fascinating.

It is recommended to keep Longfin Bronze Corydoras in groups of at least six individuals, preferably more, as this will allow your fish to feel more secure and confident, leading to a far more natural-looking display. Ideal tankmates for these Corys could include small to medium Characins and Cyprinids as well as Gouramis, Dwarf Cichlids and other peaceful Catfish. However, it would be best if you didn't house them with anything aggressive or huge or keep very timid, slow-moving species with these fish as they are very active and may scare them. The ideal aquarium environment for these Corys would be well-planted with some driftwood to hide in and a sandy substrate. These fish will also need a sound filtration system and a moderate water flow.

The body of the Longfin Bronze Corydoras is elongated and has an armoured appearance due to the presence of bony plates on its sides. The body is primarily bronze in colour, ranging from light bronze to dark bronze or even brown. The sides of the body may have a slight greenish tint. Longfin Bronze Corydoras have large flattened heads covered in bony plates, which add to the fish's armoured appearance. The eyes are large and located on the sides of the head. The mouth is located on the underside of the head and has a downward orientation. These Corys have transparent fins, and the dorsal and pectoral fins may have a slight orange or reddish tint.

Bronze Corydoras Var Longfin Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

It is comparatively hard to distinguish between the male and female Longfin Bronze Corydoras. Generally, the female is larger, slimmer, and slightly less colourful than the male. Also, the females have a higher body frame than the males alongside their more significant abdominal region.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras aeneus
Year Described1858
OriginsArgentina , Colombia , Venezuela , Trinidad and Tobago
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 25
Ideal Temperature
75 - 80
23 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Longfin Bronze Corydoras can be found in Argentina, Columbia, Venezuela and Trinidad to the Rio de la Plata Basin on the Eastern side of the Andes in South America. They inhabit quiet, shallow, slow-moving rivers and streams with soft, muddy bottoms.


Spawning Longfin Bronze Corydoras is relatively easy. However, before breeding, they should be conditioned with fresh or frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp, and high-quality flake food. The water should be slightly acidic. Rainwater is often used. You will then need to do a 50% water change with colder water than the breeding tank, which will usually trigger spawning. If you find this unsuccessful, then duplicating rain by slowly adding water to the tank with some sprinkler motion will usually work.

The Longfin Bronze Corydoras becomes very lively during courting. Males will pursue females throughout the aquarium at a swift pace, stopping to rub their bodies and barbels against the female whenever the opportunity emerges. Once the female consents, he will search for suitable egg-laying sites and clean several fitting locations. As the courting progresses, roles ultimately reverse, and the female starts seeking the male. Spawning begins when the pair seizes the classic T position. This position triggers the release of sperm as well as one to 10 eggs, which the female will grip with the pelvic fins.

Once fertilised, the female will deposit the eggs at the site that has been previously cleaned. The eggs are sticky and will adhere securely to the nesting site. This ritual will continue for several days, with the female releasing a few eggs at a time until all the eggs have gone. Once the spawning is complete, you should remove the adults from the tank or move the eggs to a grow-out tank so they do not get eaten by the parents. Eggs are usually translucent, but they will darken as they develop.

After approximately four to five days, the eggs will start to hatch; they will then feed off the yolk sac for an additional three to four days until they have consumed it. You must then provide the fry with very fine powdered food or infusoria.

Diet & Feeding

In the home aquarium, Longfin Bronze Corydoras will readily accept most good quality dried foods such as granules, flakes and sinking pellets. These modern food products have been developed to provide adequate nutrition to maintain your fish's health and dietary requirements. Additional foodstuffs such as live, frozen, and freeze-dried meals such as mini bloodworm, daphnia, and tubifex once or twice a week will provide other benefits to your fish's health and well-being but are not a must for this fish.

This fish is an omnivore in the wild, consuming some vegetable matter. Although most modern fish foods consider this and include them in their products, you can still supplement your fish's diet with blanched vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and zucchini. Ensure you do not overfeed your fish and remove any leftovers the following day.

Other Corydoras

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