Maximum size : 6.5 cm

Colombian Redfin Tetra - Hyphessobrycon columbianus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Colombian Redfin Tetra (Hyphessobrycon columbianus) is a striking freshwater fish native to South America. Esteemed for its vibrant colouration, this species boasts a captivating contrast of iridescent blue bodies with vivid red fins, making it a sought-after addition to the home aquarium.  The Colombian Tetra's resilience, coupled with its dynamic appearance, makes it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists looking to add a splash of colour and activity to their aquatic setups.

Colombian Redfin Tetras, recognized for their robustness, versatility, and vitality, thrive when maintained in schools of six or more to fully showcase their inherent schooling instincts and spectacular visual performances. Ideal tank mates include other peaceable, comparably sized species such as Characids, Dwarf Cichlids, Hatchet Fish, Pencilfish, Loricariids, and Corydoras Catfish, facilitating a harmonious aquatic community. To mitigate the risk of fin nipping, it is advisable to avoid housing them with overly active or long-finned species, ensuring a conducive environment for all inhabitants.

For Colombian Redfin Tetras, crafting an environment that closely mirrors their natural habitat is paramount. It is advisable to equip the aquarium with an assortment of driftwood, bogwood, and live aquatic plants. Incorporating dried leaves, such as oak or Indian almond, not only augments the authenticity of their surroundings but also supports the growth of beneficial microorganisms, contributing to a balanced ecosystem. The significance of pristine water conditions cannot be overstated for the well-being of these Tetras. Implementing regular weekly water changes and ensuring efficient filtration are critical practices to sustain an optimal aquatic environment. Furthermore, these species exhibit sensitivity to organic pollutants, emphasizing the necessity of introducing them to a well-established, biologically mature aquarium.

The Colombian Redfin Tetra has a silvery-grey body with a turquoise-blue tinge over the dorsal ridge, complemented by blood-red fins with whitish tips. The ventral fins are transparent to light orange, and the anal fins are usually edged in black. Their colouration and schooling behaviour make them a stunning addition to any community aquarium.

Colombian Redfin Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexually dimorphic characteristics in the Colombian Redfin Tetra make it somewhat challenging to differentiate males from females. Males are distinguished by their vibrant, intense colouration, slimmer bodies, and slightly smaller size, in addition to developing an elongated dorsal fin. In contrast, females have a rounder body shape and lack the elongated dorsal fin.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Hyphessobrycon columbianus
Year Described 2002
Other Names Colombian Tetra, Red Tail Mirror Blue Tetra, Blue-red Colombian Tetra
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Characidae
Genus Hyphessobrycon
Origins Colombia
Max Size 6.5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 5.5 - 7.5
GH 6 - 15
Ideal Temperature
75 - 80
23 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Colombian Redfin Tetra is native to South America, where you can find them in the Rio Acandi in the Choco Department of Northern Colombia, situated near the border with Panama. Within this natural setting, these exquisite fish are found in tranquil, slow-moving creeks, streams, tributaries, and waterways characterized by dense vegetation and an abundance of submerged tree roots. Such environments offer an optimal habitat for these tetras, affording them ample opportunities to seek nourishment and navigate their surroundings.


Breeding the Colombian Redfin Tetra (Hyphessobrycon columbianus) is a relatively straightforward process that requires a separate breeding tank with specific conditions. The tank must be heavily planted with fine-leaved plants such as java moss, dimly lit, and have gentle filtration with soft, acidic water. It is also essential to condition the fish with high-quality live or flake food three to five times per day. When a female is ready to spawn, she becomes plump, and at this point, you should introduce your healthiest male and female to the breeding tank.

 When the couple is ready to spawn, the male will perform a courting display by flicking his fins and shimmying near the female. After the courting dance, the female will discharge her eggs, and the male will fertilize them. A single spawning will produce approximately 100 to 150 semi-adhesive eggs that the parents will consume if given the opportunity. It is, therefore, best to remove the eggs once spawning has finished.

The eggs are sensitive to light, so the breeding tank should be covered or kept dark to prevent damage. Hatching usually occurs around 36 hours later, and the fry will become free-swimming four days later. The fry should be fed infusoria or unicellular organisms initially, then finely crushed flake food, and finally, freshly hatched brine shrimp and microworms several days later to help them grow.

Diet & Feeding

Ensuring the Colombian Redfin Tetra's vivid colouration and overall well-being within a domestic aquarium requires a comprehensive and diversified nutritional regimen. Administering small, regular portions of premium dried granules and flakes enriched with algae or plant derivatives, in conjunction with a variety of frozen and live feed, including daphnia, bloodworm, and brine shrimp, is recommended for superior outcomes. This dietary strategy guarantees that the Colombian Redfin Tetras are furnished with the crucial nutrients requisite for their optimal growth and flourishing health.

Other Tetras

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