Maximum size : 4.5 cm

Guapore Corydoras - Corydoras Guapore : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Guapore Corydoras (Corydoras Guapore) are a stunning and captivating fish species that offer aquarists an easy and rewarding ownership experience. These docile and peaceful Catfish are an excellent choice for soft water community aquariums and are a perfect fit for aquarists of all skill levels.

To ensure the best environment for your Guapore Corydoras, keeping them in groups of 4 to 6 individuals is important due to their natural shoaling nature. It's also best to avoid housing them with larger, more aggressive or boisterous fish, as they are easily stressed. Instead, consider pairing them with small to medium tankmates such as Rasboras, Tetras, and Danios.

Guapore Corys thrive in quiet, well-planted spaces with soft substrates such as sand or smooth gravel in an aquarium environment. Additionally, providing hiding places and good water flow through either external or internal power filters is crucial. Frequent partial water changes are also necessary to maintain ideal water conditions, as this species can be susceptible to high nitrate levels.

Guapore Corys have a distinct and striking appearance, with a short, compact head and large eyes. Their sandy-coloured bodies can transform into an orangey-yellow hue when in good condition. They also display reddish-blush cheeks, subtle spots, and a blueish-black blotch on the caudal peduncle. In addition, their dorsal fins have spotted bands, and their caudal fins have prominent banding of 8 to 10 rows of spots, while their adipose fin features a black blotch to the rear.

With their unique appearance and peaceful nature, Guapore Corydoras are a fantastic addition to any soft-water community aquarium. Whether you're an experienced aquarist or just starting, these delightful fish are sure to bring joy and tranquillity to your underwater world.

Guapore Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Guapore Corydoras is a relatively straightforward task for experienced aquarists. Generally, females tend to grow slightly larger, have a deeper body, and are noticeably broader than males. On the other hand, males have spiked dorsal and pelvic fins, while females typically have rounded fins.

By closely observing these subtle physical differences, aquarists can easily differentiate between male and female Guapore Corydoras with a high degree of accuracy. This can be especially useful when selecting breeding pairs or managing shoal dynamics within a community aquarium.

Overall, the distinct physical characteristics between male and female Guapore Corydoras offer a fascinating insight into the subtle nuances of these captivating fish. By paying close attention to these traits, aquarists can create a harmonious and visually appealing underwater world for these remarkable creatures.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras Guapore
Year Described1961
Other NamesGuapore Cory
OriginsBolivia , Brazil
Max Size4.5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 8 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.0
GH 2 - 25
TDS 36 - 215
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Guapore Corydoras is a remarkable fish species that are native to the Guapore River Basin, located within the upper Rio Madeira basin in northeastern Bolivia and western Brazil in South America. These captivating fish are well-adapted to life in warm, clear, and acidic inland waters that are often stained brown from the presence of tannins and other decaying matter.

In their natural habitat, Guapore Corys inhabit a unique and dynamic ecosystem that provides them with the perfect conditions for growth and survival. Their stunning sandy-coloured bodies and distinct physical features make them a marvel. Additionally, their natural habitat serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity and beauty of the world's aquatic environments.

As such, providing an aquarium environment that mimics their natural habitat is essential for their health and well-being. By carefully considering factors such as water temperature, acidity, and water flow, aquarists can create an ideal habitat for their Guapore Corys to thrive in. This not only enhances the fish's overall condition but also creates a visually stunning display that captures the essence of their natural habitat.

In summary, the Guapore Cory is a fascinating and captivating fish species endemic to South America's unique and dynamic ecosystem. Aquarists can create an ideal environment for these remarkable fish to thrive and grow by providing an aquarium environment that mimics their natural habitat.

 Guaporé River - Brazil
Brazil Flag


Breeding Guapore Corydoras in home aquariums is a fascinating and rewarding experience, although it is not commonly attempted. However, the process is usually similar to other types of Corydoras, and with proper care and attention, aquarists can successfully breed this stunning fish.

To begin the breeding process, it's recommended to maintain a ratio of two males for every female. This is because females are usually larger and more likely to be full of eggs, making them an essential component of the breeding group. Once the females are noticeably larger and full of eggs, a significant water change with cooler water and increased oxygenation and water flow in the tank are necessary. Repeat this process daily until the fish spawn.

Corys may deposit eggs on plants, the aquarium glass, or spawning mops at the bottom of the tank. Still, using a spawning mop is typically best for easy clean-up. If you have a single, sizeable female cichlid, she can produce enough eggs for a new generation. Once spawning is completed, either remove the adults or the eggs. It's crucial to ensure that both the spawning tank and container are well-oxygenated, and breeders often use methylene blue or alder cones to prevent fungus growth.

To successfully incubate a group of new fry, the eggs must hatch after 3-4 days. Once hatched, the live fry requires excellent water quality and should be fed appropriate food such as baby brine shrimp. Interestingly, Guapore Cory fry appears to be less susceptible to diseases when maintained over a thin layer of sand rather than a bare bottom. With proper care and attention, these captivating fish can be a rewarding addition to any aquarist's collection.

Diet & Feeding

Guapore Corydoras are predominantly nocturnal fish, and as such, it is usually sufficient to feed them once before turning off the lights for the night. However, training these fish to eat during the day is possible by offering them food at regular intervals.

In their natural habitat, Guapore Corys are adapted to forage on zooplankton, making a diet containing plenty of live food such as artemia and daphnia essential. Additionally, it's crucial to supplement their diet with high-quality dried food such as sinking pellets or wafers and frozen fare such as brine shrimp or mosquito larvae.

Aquarists can ensure that their Guapore Corydoras are receiving all the necessary nutrients for optimal health and growth by providing a well-rounded diet consisting of live and frozen foods and dried food. This not only enhances the fish's overall condition but also brings out their stunning colours, making for an even more visually stunning display.

Other Corydoras

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