Maximum size : 6 cm

Highfin Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma hoignei : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Highfin Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma hoignei) are rarely seen in the fish-keeping hobby; these Cichlids exhibit a remarkable combination of attributes that render them highly appealing in the realm of aquatics. Possessing an innate allure underscored by their vibrant pigmentation and distinctive dispositions, these specimens invariably command the attention of any observer.

In terms of temperament, Highfin Dwarf Cichlids manifest a commendable equilibrium, striking a harmonious balance between their captivating aesthetics and their relatively moderate aggressiveness. Their dietary and aquatic prerequisites are characterized by a commendable lack of excessive demands, underscoring their compatibility with a broader range of enthusiasts.

In communal settings, Highfin Dwarf Cichlids coexist amicably with most Tetras and other diminutive, placid species. Nonetheless, it is essential to note that intraspecific interactions warrant circumspection, as aggression toward fellow Dwarf Cichlids can manifest in scenarios devoid of ample territorial expanse. 

A recommended approach to ensure optimal well-being involves maintaining a male-to-female ratio of 1:4 within a community tank, fostering a conducive social milieu. Alternatively, housing them in pairs also merits consideration for those seeking a more focused observation of their behaviour and interactions.

In creating an optimal environment for Highfin Dwarf Cichlids, several key factors must be thoughtfully addressed. A spacious aquarium is paramount, affording ample room for their natural movements. Integrating a variety of hiding spots, including intricately designed caves, strategically positioned driftwood, and lush vegetation, provides both refuge and exploration opportunities, mimicking their native habitats. 

Cultivating a well-planted aquarium characterized by dense greenery is imperative, as this emulates their preferred surroundings. Adequate care of water quality is paramount, necessitating the maintenance of proper water parameters and a consistent regimen of regular water changes to ensure pristine conditions conducive to their well-being. With lighting, moderation is the guiding principle, replicating the dimly lit ambience they are most attuned to. 

Diligent monitoring of crucial water quality indicators such as temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels is imperative to prevent any fluctuations that could adversely impact their health. A well-functioning filtration system is necessary to keep the water clean and maintain optimal water quality. Regular behavioural observation assumes significance, as any deviations from their usual demeanour may signify potential stress or illness, warranting swift attention and intervention to uphold their thriving state.

The Highfin Dwarf Cichlids showcase a notable spectrum of variability in both their pigmentation and fin morphology. The male individuals, in particular, can be discerned by their distinctive caudal fin, characterized by vividly coloured edges adorning the superior and inferior margins of the lyrate-shaped fin structure. 

The prevalence of solid hues in shades of red or black is a common occurrence, with certain populations displaying a combination of both these shades. Additionally, certain subpopulations of males exhibit a prominent dorsal fin characterized by a tall, serrated configuration. Notably, a significant number of specimens bear dark facial markings; however, this particular trait should not be singularly relied upon for definitive identification.

Highfin Dwarf Cichlid Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Highfin Dwarf Cichlids can present a discernment challenge. Males typically exhibit augmented dimensions, a heightened chromatic spectrum, and the development of elongated finnage in comparison to their female counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameApistogramma hoignei
Year Described1965
Other NamesHighfin Apisto
OriginsVenezuela , Brazil
Max Size6 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept as1 Male + Several Females
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.0
GH 5 - 15
TDS 0 - 179
Ideal Temperature
73 - 84
23 - 29

Natural Habitat

The natural distribution of Highfin Dwarf Cichlids encompasses specific geographic regions, namely the Rio Apuré situated within the Venezuelan state of Guérico, as well as various drainage systems within the Orinoco River Basin, including the Portuguesa, Aracua, and lower Caura River. 

Additionally, these Cichlids can be found along the primary course of the lower Orinoco River, extending up to the Barrancas vicinity. Residing within sluggish tributaries, secluded backwaters, and meandering creeks, these Highfin Dwarf Cichlids primarily inhabit locales characterized by diminished water flow, thereby facilitating the accumulation of fallen foliage.


Breeding Highfin Dwarf Cichlids requires replicating their natural habitat conditions. A well-planted aquarium with ample hiding spots, such as caves, crevices, and leaf litter, closely mimics their native environment and provides the necessary privacy for the breeding pair. Maintaining a stable water parameter is crucial, with slightly acidic to neutral pH and temperatures around 78-82°F (25-28°C) being optimal.

During courtship, the male undergoes a transformation, displaying intensified colouration and intricate fin extensions to attract the female. Ritualized behaviours like fin-flaring, tail-slapping, and shimmering are observed as part of their elaborate courtship dance. Once a pair forms a strong bond, the female selects a suitable breeding site within a cave or crevice, often situated close to her chosen territory.

After successful courtship, the female enters the chosen breeding site and lays her eggs, which she then carefully fertilizes while the male guards the immediate vicinity. The male's role is crucial in safeguarding the territory from potential threats and ensuring a conducive environment for the eggs' development.

The incubation period typically lasts for a few days, during which the male remains vigilant in tending to the eggs. Once the fry hatch, they are initially cared for within the confines of their shelter. As the fry grows, the parents might lead them out into the aquarium, teaching them to forage for food. It's essential to provide appropriately sized live or frozen foods for the developing fry, as their nutritional needs differ from the adults.

Diet & Feeding

As a predominantly carnivorous species, Highfin Dwarf Cichlids' dietary preferences in its natural habitat predominantly revolve around benthic invertebrates. In a controlled aquarium environment, it is recommended to provide a regimen comprising live and frozen sustenance, including but not limited to Artemia, Daphnia, and bloodworms, consistently. Notably, many individuals can be acclimated to incorporating dehydrated substitutes into their diet, with pelleted nutritional offerings typically favoured over flake options.

Other Apistogramma

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