Maximum size : 38 cm

Orange Pike Cichlid - Crenicichla sp. xingu 1 : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Renowned for their vibrant colouration and dynamic behaviour, Orange Pike Cichlids (Crenicichla sp. xingu 1) is a focal point in any aquatic setting. They require specific care due to their size and territorial nature, making them more suitable for experienced aquarists. Upon reaching maturity, Orange Pike Cichlids exhibit a marked increase in aggressive behaviour, particularly notable in males, who attain significantly larger sizes compared to their female counterparts. 

This behavioural shift and size differentiation in mature specimens can often be unexpected for novice aquarists, who may initially perceive these cichlids as smaller and more docile. Their unique characteristics, combined with their intriguing behaviour, make the Orange Pike Cichlid a species of interest both for ecological study and for the seasoned aquarium hobbyist. 

Orange Pike Cichlids, recognized as one of the larger species within the Cichlid family, exhibit both speed and strength, necessitating a spacious aquarium environment. For their habitat, a minimum of a 280-litre tank with a securely fitting lid is essential. The recommended substrate is a mix of sandy to small gravel. The aquascaping should include at least one sizable piece of driftwood, providing natural cave-like structures complemented by smaller driftwood pieces and potential rock formations. Incorporating a variety of live plants, ranging from small species to large Amazon swords, enhances their environment.

These Cichlids are capable of adapting to the light requirements necessary for sustaining larger plant life but show a preference for shaded areas, which can be created using floating vegetation or by designing cave-like structures with driftwood or rocks. They thrive in "blackwater" conditions, favouring the upper range of their temperature spectrum, along with a preference for lower pH levels, soft water, and exceptionally clean conditions.

Given their size and dynamic nature, Orange Pike Cichlids require ample open space for effective hunting and swimming. Consequently, a tank size of at least 340 litres is recommended, especially for housing a single male or a pair (male and female).

The species is known for its extreme aggression and territorial behaviour, making the selection of tank mates a critical aspect. It is advisable to introduce potential tank mates prior to or concurrently with the Pike Cichlid. Suitable companions may include large Geophagus species, medium to large Pleco species, true Parrot Cichlids, Lima Shovelnose Catfish, larger Oscars, and Peacock Bass of comparable size.

Regarding the colouration, juvenile specimens exhibit an orange hue adorned with slender black longitudinal stripes. Mature males typically exhibit red fins against charcoal bodies, while females have red fins with white edging on their dorsal fins. Notably, females also display bright red bellies when in spawning condition, adding to their striking appearance. Both sexes sport a black blotch on their caudal fin.

Orange Pike Cichlid Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Orange Pike Cichlids in their mature stage is relatively uncomplicated. The males are identifiable by their larger size, and more pointed dorsal fins. In contrast, the females exhibit a fuller body shape and notably develop a red mid-section when they are ready to spawn. These distinct physical characteristics facilitate easy identification of their sexes in mature specimens.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCrenicichla sp. xingu 1
Max Size38 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept asLoners
Diet & FeedingHerbivore
ReproductionCave Spawner
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.0
GH 4 - 10
Ideal Temperature
76 - 86
24 - 30

Natural Habitat

Orange Pike Cichlids are native to the Rio Xingu, located within the Amazon Basin in Brazil, South America. Their natural habitat is characterized by clear, fast-moving waters with a predominantly rocky substrate. These fish exhibit a preference for warm and highly oxygenated waters, coupled with a robust current, which is essential for their thriving in their indigenous environment.


To date, there have been no documented instances of successful breeding of Orange Pike Cichlids in home aquariums. Similar to other species in the Pike Cichlid family, they exhibit cave-spawning behaviour. During the breeding process, eggs are laid and fertilized within a cave or crevice. The female assumes the responsibility of caring for the eggs, while the male engages in guarding the surrounding area patrolling the perimeter to ensure the safety of the brood.

Diet & Feeding

Orange Pike Cichlids are inherently piscivorous, demonstrating a natural preference for live fish as their primary diet in the wild. In captivity, these cichlids exhibit remarkable adaptability in their feeding habits. Initially, they may exclusively target live fish, but they are quick learners and often observe and mimic the behaviour of other fish in the aquarium. 

This adaptability enables them to gradually accept a variety of other live foods, such as ghost shrimp and earthworms. Over time, with consistent training, they can be conditioned to consume frozen or freshly prepared meaty foods, including chopped krill, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and finely cut fish pieces.

While some individuals may eventually adapt to freeze-dried or other prepared food forms, success in this transition can vary. Nonetheless, this poses minimal dietary challenges, as live foods like ghost shrimp can be gut-loaded and vitamin-enriched. Such practices ensure that Orange Pike Cichlids receive a diverse and nutritionally balanced diet, crucial for their health and well-being in an aquarium setting.

Other Cichlids

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