Maximum size : 5 cm

Ornate Tetra - Hyphessobrycon bentosi : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Ornate Tetra (Hyphessobrycon bentosi) is a captivating and sociable fish known for its striking appearance, making it a delightful addition to any community or biotope aquarium. Despite their relative resilience and straightforward care requirements, these Tetras thrive in pristine water conditions and may pose a challenge for novice aquarists. However, for enthusiasts committed to maintaining optimal water quality, the rewards of keeping these Tetras are well worth the extra effort.

To fully appreciate their natural behavior, it's recommended to keep them in groups of six or more, allowing their schooling tendencies to shine. When faced with disturbances such as larger tankmates or water changes, they often exhibit tight schooling behavior, showcasing their innate schooling instinct.

For optimal compatibility, tankmates should ideally possess a small and peaceful demeanor. Suitable companions include species such as Corydoras Catfish, Hatchetfish, and Dwarf Cichlids exemplified by Apistogramma or Mikrogeophagus, as well as select smaller suckermouth Catfish. Given the inherently timid nature of Ornate Tetras, it's crucial to exercise caution and avoid cohabitation with more boisterous species.

To create a natural habitat for Ornate Tetras, incorporating aquatic plants and wood structures is essential to provide shelter and cover. Gentle water flow and subdued lighting are recommended to replicate their native environment. Additionally, adding dried leaves such as Catappa leaves can further enhance the aquarium's resemblance to the Ornate Tetra's natural habitat. Not only does this mimic their environment, but it also aids in conditioning the water, creating an optimal environment for the fish to flourish.

The Ornate Tetra has a deep body, similar to that of larger Tetras, and boasts a silvery salmon pinkish body with a dark spot around the gills, a faint greyish shoulder patch, and dark red markings with white tips on its fins. Its unique and beautiful appearance makes it a favourite among fish enthusiasts.

Ornate Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing male from female Ornate Tetras is quite simple. Male Ornate Tetras possess elongated dorsal and anal fins, display more vivid and intense colouration, and are generally slightly larger than their female counterparts. Females, on the other hand, exhibit a plumper physique, particularly when full of eggs, have shorter fins, and are relatively duller in appearance than males.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameHyphessobrycon bentosi
Year Described1908
Other NamesBentosi Tetra, White Tip Tetra, White Fin Ornate, False Rosy Tetra, White-fin Bentosi Tetra
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 8.0
GH 3 - 12
TDS 18 -215
Ideal Temperature
73 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Ornate Tetra is native to the lower Amazon Basin, specifically observed in regions such as Obidos, Para, and Brazil. They thrive in a diverse range of freshwater habitats, including slow-moving creeks, sidearms, tributaries, and floodplain lakes, all characterized by the presence of submerged woody structures. These structures serve as vital elements, offering the Tetras a sense of security and shelter from the overhead canopy of riparian vegetation.

Regarding water parameters, these Tetras demonstrate a preference for environments with low mineral content and minimal buffering, resulting in water that appears brownish due to the natural release of tannins and acids from decomposing organic matter. Recreating this unique habitat in an aquarium setting requires meticulous attention to detail and careful consideration of water chemistry and décor.

 Tapajós - Brazil
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Breeding the Ornate Tetra can be a challenging yet fulfilling task. These egg-scattering spawners do not exhibit parental care, and breeding pairs in good condition will typically spawn in a community tank, but adult fish will consume eggs and fry. Therefore, a separate breeding aquarium is necessary, with water conditions featuring soft and slightly acidic water and fine-leaved plants as a spawning medium. Lighting should be dim to mimic their natural habitat and trigger spawning, and gentle water flow provided by a small, air-driven sponge filter.

Maximizing breeding success requires conditioning the males and females in different tanks before breeding and feeding them plenty of small, live food. Selecting the largest and most colourful males and a group of one or two males and multiple females in the breeding tank in the evening is recommended. A mature female' s full-of-eggs belly will be perfectly rounded. Spawning typically occurs in the morning, with females releasing their eggs among the fine-leaved plants.

Immediately removing the parents after spawning is essential to prevent egg consumption. The eggs hatch in approximately 24 to 36 hours, with the fry becoming free-swimming five days later. Frequent water changes are necessary, with great care taken not to remove any fry. For the first few days, the fry requires infusoria-type foods until they are mature enough to accept microworms or baby brine shrimp. The slow-to-reach-maturity baby fish should be isolated until they are too large to be eaten.

Diet & Feeding

For optimal health and development, it is advisable to provide the Ornate Tetra with a diverse and well-rounded diet. Primarily, high-quality flake foods enriched with essential vitamins should constitute the mainstay of their diet. Additionally, offering live foods can cater to their innate hunting instincts, while occasional grazing on algae or plant matter can serve as a nutritious supplement.

Feeding multiple times throughout the day is recommended, albeit with caution to avoid overfeeding. Providing only what the fish can consume within 3 minutes or less helps mitigate the risk of overfeeding and ensures water quality is maintained. A balanced and nutrient-rich diet plays a pivotal role in promoting the overall health and longevity of these Tetras.

Other Tetras

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