Maximum size : 3.5 cm

Salt and Pepper Corydoras - Corydoras habrosus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Salt and Pepper Pygmy Corydoras (Corydoras habrosus) are aesthetically pleasing and amiable fish, making them an excellent choice for nano or well-planted aquarium setups. Their gregarious nature necessitates keeping these Corys in groups of no less than six individuals, ideally ten or more, to ensure their well-being.

When considering tankmates, it is suitable to house them with smaller and peaceable fish species like Ember Tetras, Clown Killifish, Endler Guppies, and Micro Rasboras while avoiding larger and excessively aggressive tankmates that may intimidate or prey upon them.

Providing a sandy substrate is essential to safeguard the delicate sensory barbels of the Corydoras, and offering shaded hiding spots among driftwood and broad-leaved plants adds to their comfort. Incorporating floating plants can help diffuse bright lighting.

The use of peat filtration aids in releasing tannins, promoting soft and acidic water conditions that accentuate the vibrant colours of the fish. Efficient filtration is necessary, with gentle water movement.

The colour pattern of Salt and Pepper Pygmy Corydoras exhibits variability but typically encompasses a light tan body adorned with black and shiny silver spotting, as well as fragmented striping. Notably, two blotches are noticeable along their flanks, accompanied by a distinct large blotch on the caudal peduncle, while the caudal fin displays dark stripes.

Salt and Pepper Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Salt and Pepper Pygmy Corydoras is a relatively uncomplicated task. Typically, the females of this species tend to exhibit a larger overall size compared to the males. When observed from above, the females will appear wider in body shape, providing a noticeable visual distinction between the sexes.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras habrosus
Year Described1960
Other NamesDainty Cory, Salt And Pepper Cory, Venezuelan Pygmy Cory, Salt And Pepper Catfish
OriginsVenezuela , Colombia
Max Size3.5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 20
TDS 36 - 215
Ideal Temperature
68 - 82
20 - 27

Natural Habitat

Salt and Pepper Pygmy Corydoras are indigenous to the Upper Orinoco River Basin, found in the regions of Venezuela and Colombia in South America. These Corydoras primarily inhabit inland waters within floodplains and periodic wetlands. Their natural environment is characterized by abundant leaf litter and vegetation, which serves as vital shelter and sanctuary for these fish to navigate and thrive freely.


To facilitate the successful breeding of Salt and Pepper Pygmy Corydoras, it is recommended to maintain a separate breeding tank with a ratio of two or more males per female. When the females exhibit visible signs of being laden with eggs, a substantial water change of 50 to 70 per cent should be performed using cooler water to stimulate the spawning process. Additionally, enhancing oxygenation and water flow within the tank is crucial. This process should be repeated daily until spawning occurs.

Salt and Pepper Pygmy Corydoras typically deposit their eggs on the tank glass, amidst fine-leaved plants, or within submerged spawning mops. Once the spawning is complete, either the adult fish or the eggs should be removed from the tank. If opting to move the eggs, the raising tank should possess similar water parameters to the spawning tank and maintain sufficient oxygenation. Some breeders employ a few drops of methylene blue or introduce alder cones to the raising tank to prevent fungal growth on the eggs.

The incubation period for the eggs generally spans from 2 to 4 days. Once the fry has consumed their yolk sacs, they can be provided with small live foods such as microworms and baby brine shrimp. It is important to note that raising Corydoras fry can pose challenges, necessitating excellent water quality. Maintaining the fry over a thin layer of sand instead of a bare tank appears to make them less susceptible to diseases. Initially, finely powdered first foods should be offered to the fry, followed by the introduction of microworms and newly hatched brine shrimp after a few days.

Diet & Feeding

In a home aquarium setting, the Salt and Pepper Pygmy Corydoras readily accept a variety of high-quality dried foods, including granules, flakes, and sinking pellets. These modern food formulations have been specifically designed to provide comprehensive nutrition, meeting the dietary requirements necessary for maintaining the health and well-being of these fish.

Supplementing their diet with occasional servings of live, frozen, or freeze-dried meals, such as bloodworms, daphnia, and tubifex, once or twice a week can offer additional benefits to the overall health of the fish. However, it is important to note that bloodworms should be provided sparingly, as an occasional treat, rather than constituting the staple diet, as they can be challenging for fish to digest and may potentially cause blockages.

In their natural habitat, Salt and Pepper Pygmy Corydoras display omnivorous feeding behaviour, incorporating some vegetable matter into their diet. While most modern fish foods take this into account and include plant-based ingredients, supplementing their diet with blanched vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and zucchini can be beneficial. It is essential to avoid overfeeding and promptly remove any uneaten food to maintain water quality.

Other Corydoras

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