Maximum size : 6 cm

Spotted Hi Fin Corydoras - Corydoras sp CW027 : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Spotted Corydoras (Corydoras sp CW27), characterized by their visually appealing patterns, represent a relatively uncommon species within the aquarium hobby. Despite their rarity, these Corydoras exhibit desirable qualities, including peaceful behaviour, hardiness, and low maintenance requirements, rendering them excellent choices for both novice and experienced aquarists.

In their natural habitat, Spotted Corydoras form sizable aggregations. Thus, maintaining a group of at least six individuals, preferably more, is highly recommended to replicate their social dynamics and promote a more vibrant display. By accommodating larger numbers of these Corydoras, their natural behaviour will be enhanced, resulting in increased activity and visibility. When selecting suitable tankmates for the Spotted Corydoras, it is advisable to consider small, peaceful species such as small to medium-sized Cyprinids, Characins, Dwarf Gouramis, and Dwarf Cichlids. However, caution should be exercised to avoid pairing them with significantly larger or aggressive species, as this may cause distress and lead to feeding difficulties for the Corydoras.

Creating an ideal environment for the Spotted Corydoras involves implementing a soft sandy substrate within the aquarium and providing ample shelter using driftwood or bogwood, coupled with areas of dense planting. These features not only contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the tank but also provide a sense of security for the fish. Regular aquarium maintenance is crucial, including substrate cleaning and frequent partial water changes, to ensure optimal water quality and a healthy habitat for the Corydoras.

The Spotted Corydoras exhibits a creamy-coloured body adorned with dark spots that originate behind the gill plates and extend towards the base of the caudal fin. These spots gradually fade as they approach the belly of the fish. Additionally, a distinctive dark band traverses vertically over the head, terminating below each eye. Furthermore, a grey band commences behind the gill plates and extends along the frontal half of the dorsal fin. The remaining fins generally possess a transparent appearance, with the exception of the caudal fin, which features six to eight narrow vertical stripes dotted in nature. These stripes commence at the base of the caudal fin and gradually fade towards the fin's edge.

Spotted Hi Fin Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Spotted Corydoras can pose a moderate challenge. Nonetheless, certain characteristics can aid in identification. Typically, females exhibit a slightly larger size compared to males, particularly when reaching sexual maturity. Moreover, sexually mature females display a more rounded and higher body profile. In contrast, males tend to possess a slimmer physique and are slightly smaller than their female counterparts. Notably, males exhibit bolder patterning, showcasing more pronounced and intricate markings. Another distinguishing feature is the male's higher dorsal fin, which is a discernible trait when observing these Corydoras.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Corydoras sp CW027
Year Described 1947
Other Names Wotroi Cory
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Siluriformes
Family Callichthyidae
Genus Corydoras
Origins Venezuela , Suriname
Max Size 6 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Bottom
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg Depositor
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 20
TDS 36 - 215
Ideal Temperature
68 - 79
20 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Spotted Corydoras is indigenous to the Río Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela and also inhabits coastal drainages within Suriname, situated in South America. Within their natural range, these Corydoras predominantly occupy coastal drainages characterized by clear, slow-moving shallow rivers and streams abundant in dense vegetation. They exhibit a preference for habitats featuring a softer substrate, often observed in areas with sandy or muddy bottoms. These areas are typically enriched with organic matter, such as mulm or leaf litter, which contributes to the overall ecological dynamics of their environment.

 Orinoco - Venezuela
Venezuela Flag


At present, there is a scarcity of information about the breeding techniques specific to the Spotted Corydoras. Consequently, there is a dearth of documented successful breeding endeavours involving this particular Corydoras species within the confines of a home aquarium. However, it is reasonable to infer that their breeding behaviour may mirror that of other Corydoras species. To foster successful breeding, it is advisable to allocate a separate breeding tank, housing two or more males per female.

When the females display noticeable signs of being gravid with eggs, initiating a significant water change ranging from 50 to 70 per cent using cooler water is recommended. Concurrently, enhancing oxygenation and water flow within the tank becomes crucial. This water change regimen should be repeated on a daily basis until spawning occurs.

Spotted Corydoras typically deposit their eggs on the tank glass amidst fine-leaved plants or within submerged spawning mops. Upon completion of the spawning process, it is advisable to either remove the adult fish or transfer the eggs to a designated rearing tank. If the latter approach is chosen, it is imperative to ensure that the rearing tank maintains identical water parameters to the spawning tank and is adequately oxygenated.

Some breeders opt to introduce a few drops of methylene blue or utilize alder cones in the rearing tank to prevent fungus development on the eggs. The incubation period typically spans 3 to 4 days, and once the fry has absorbed their yolk sacs, they can be nourished with small live foods such as microworms and baby brine shrimp.

It is important to note that raising Corydoras fry can present challenges, necessitating strict adherence to exceptional water quality standards. Interestingly, these fry seem to exhibit heightened resilience against diseases when reared over a thin layer of the sand substrate as opposed to a bare tank setup.

Diet & Feeding

As a scavenging omnivorous species, the Spotted Corydoras exhibits versatility in its dietary preferences. These Corydoras readily accept most sinking dried foods, including algae wafers or pellets, which can serve as essential components of their diet. Additionally, offering small live and frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, Tubifex, and bloodworms enhances their nutritional intake. Incorporating vegetable matter into their diet proves beneficial, as providing an ample supply of plant-based foods ensures optimal health and well-being for the Corydoras. Maintaining a varied and balanced diet is crucial to promote the overall condition and vitality of these fish.


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