Maximum size : 3.5 cm

Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish - Pseudomugil paludicola : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil paludicola) epitomizes a small, resilient, and amiable species, making it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists alike. With their adaptability and peaceful nature, these Rainbowfish flourish in various aquatic setups, whether it be a nano aquarium or a meticulously crafted planted tank.

In communal tanks, it is advisable to house the Swamp Blue-eye Rainbowfish alongside compatible species that share similar environmental preferences. Fellow Pseudomugil Rainbowfish, such as the Red Neon Blue Eye, Spotted Blue Eye, and Popondetta Blue Eye, can make ideal tankmates. However, caution should be exercised as hybridization can occur within the Pseudomugil genus. For those interested in breeding, smaller Rainbowfish species like the Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish or Celebes Rainbowfish are better-suited companions. Other peaceful species of comparable size, temperament, and water requirements, such as Rasboras, Gobies, Pentazona Barbs, Cherry Barbs, and Checker Barbs, can also coexist harmoniously.

As a shoaling species, the Swamp Blue-eye Rainbowfish thrives in the company of its own kind. Therefore, a minimum group size of 8 to 10 individuals, preferably more, is recommended to alleviate any nervousness and promote a captivating display of natural behaviour.

Creating an optimal habitat for the Swamp Blue-eye Rainbowfish involves incorporating areas of dense vegetation, including floating aquatic plants, and strategically positioning driftwood roots and branches to provide shelter and diffuse lighting. Although these fish do not require a strong current in the aquarium, mimicking the calm stretches of their natural habitat is ideal.

The Swamp Blue-eye Rainbowfish boasts a semi-translucent body with a silvery abdomen and head, adorned with a beautiful blueish silver sheen under specific lighting conditions. In addition, their fins exhibit a transparent appearance, with a subtle pale yellowish hue accentuating the pelvic fin, anal fin, and the edge of the second dorsal fin.

By embracing the charm and elegance of the Swamp Blue-eye Rainbowfish, aquarists can embark on a captivating journey of observing these enchanting creatures flourish in their carefully curated aquatic haven.

Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish is a relatively straightforward task. Males display vibrant yellow hues in the anterior portion of the anal fin, the caudal fin base, and along the outer edge of the second dorsal fin. They also possess a slimmer and slightly larger body size, accompanied by a longer dorsal fin.

On the other hand, females exhibit a smaller and more subdued appearance, lacking the vivid yellow colouration seen in males. In addition, their fins are comparatively shorter in length. These distinguishing characteristics allow for easy differentiation between the sexes of the Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePseudomugil paludicola
Year Described1981
Other NamesYellow Fin Blue Eye Rainbowfish
OriginsPapua New Guinea
Max Size3.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 20
Ideal Temperature
79 - 86
26 - 30

Natural Habitat

Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish are captivating inhabitants of the island of New Guinea, found in the enchanting realms of West Papua and southwestern Papua New Guinea in the Oceania region, nestled to the north of Australia. These remarkable fish thrive in the tranquil embrace of clear, slow-flowing waters, gracefully navigating the labyrinthine forest streams and the lush, swampy regions that fringe the coastal areas.

Within their natural habitat, the Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish can be discovered gracing the picturesque tributaries of rivers such as Pahoturi, Morehead, and Binaturi. These serene waterways offer a sanctuary characterized by an abundance of aquatic vegetation, creating a haven that these captivating fish call home. In this idyllic setting, they gracefully navigate their surroundings, showcasing their vibrant colours amidst the verdant backdrop.


Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish exhibit a typical egg-laying reproductive strategy without any form of parental care. Given the opportunity, they will consume their own eggs and fry. Maintaining temperatures at the upper end of the range is advisable to encourage spawning.

Females of this species deposit a small number of eggs daily over several days, attaching them to aquatic vegetation or specially designed spawning media such as java moss or wool mops. During warmer periods, spawning is likely to occur throughout the day, and a male may mate with multiple females in a single day.

Breeding Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish can be accomplished using two primary methods. The first involves isolating a small group of six to eight individuals or a single male with two or three females in a dedicated breeding tank equipped with an air-powered sponge filter and appropriate spawning media. Regular monitoring is essential, and any observed eggs should be promptly removed to a separate incubation tank.

Alternatively, maintaining a colony of adult Rainbowfish in a well-established, fully-decorated aquarium can provide a more natural environment where some fry can survive. Ensuring ample vegetation and suitable hiding places is crucial for successful reproduction. Floating plants with long roots can also serve as ideal spawning sites.

While less productive, the second method offers a more straightforward and reliable approach. A well-established planted aquarium with stable water conditions and an established microfauna population can create a valuable early food source for the fry. Eggs typically hatch within 7 to 14 days, depending on temperature, and the newly hatched fry can readily accept a variety of foods, including high-quality dried powder, baby brine shrimp, and microworms. In addition, frequent small meals, provided twice a day, contribute to their overall well-being.

Regular water changes every 2 to 3 days are necessary to ensure the fry's survival and growth. Accumulation of uneaten food in the rearing tank should be avoided as it can lead to deteriorating water quality and high mortality rates.

By implementing these breeding methods and maintaining meticulous care, aquarists can enjoy the wonder of observing the successful reproduction and growth of the Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish in their home aquarium.

Diet & Feeding

Swamp Blue Eye Rainbowfish are generally uncomplicated when it comes to their feeding habits and exhibit no particular dietary restrictions. However, it is important to note that they primarily consume food in the upper levels of the aquarium. Therefore, it is advisable to consider their feeding behaviour when providing nourishment.

To ensure optimal nutrition, offering a diverse diet to these Rainbowfish is recommended. This can be achieved by incorporating high-quality dried foods such as flakes or granules as the staple diet. Additionally, supplementing their meals with live, frozen, or freeze-dried food options such as cyclops, daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms will provide them with a varied and nutritious diet. This approach supports their overall health and vitality.

Other Rainbowfish

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