Maximum size : 10 cm

Tiger Barb - Gold - Puntius tetrazona var. "Gold" : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Gold Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona) holds a prestigious position within the realm of aquarium fauna, celebrated for its charismatic behavioural characteristics and vivid interaction with its habitat. It is, however, pertinent to observe that these particular specimens are not naturally occurring variants but are the outcome of meticulous selective breeding processes, wherein the trait of a gold body has been accentuated, thereby culminating in a unique colour morph of the Tiger Barb species.

These fish continue to mesmerize enthusiasts of aquaria with their resilience, ease of maintenance, and dynamic behaviour. Nevertheless, their proclivity for fin-nipping necessitates a meticulous assessment of their compatibility with other aquatic species. This trait may introduce complications for fish species possessing more fragile fins.

In juxtaposition, nimble and swift aquatic species such as Danios, Platys, and a significant variety of catfish species form excellent counterparts within the aquarium. These species synchronize seamlessly with the vibrant nature of Gold Tiger Barbs. A noteworthy exemplar of an ideal tankmate is the clown loach, renowned for its peaceful cohabitation with the barbs, frequently schooling alongside them and occasionally mirroring their behaviour.

The vivacious and spirited nature of the Gold Tiger Barbs is genuinely captivating, often characterized by their swift chasing and darting actions within the aquarium. To maintain their wellness, the provision of optimal living conditions is paramount. These fish flourish in soft, mildly acidic water and demonstrate a commendable capacity to adapt to diverse water conditions.

Equipping them with abundant space for swimming and a diverse mix of live or synthetic plants contributes substantially to their optimal habitat. Moreover, the incorporation of appropriate lighting and a fine substrate culminates in the creation of an ideal environment for these energetic creatures.

Tiger Barb - Gold Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Upon attaining sexual maturity, the disparities between male and female Gold Tiger Barbs become remarkably discernible. The females are typically characterized by their more rounded and fuller abdomens, and they generally exceed the males in size.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePuntius tetrazona var. "Gold"
Year Described1855
Other NamesSumatra Barb, Moss Barb, Partbelt Barb
Max Size10 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 3 - 10
Ideal Temperature
68 - 79
20 - 26

Natural Habitat

While the Gold Tiger Barb is a product of selective breeding and not a naturally occurring variant, their original counterparts, the Tiger Barbs, boast a rich natural history. The authentic Tiger Barbs originate from the lush jungles of Malaysia, Borneo, Thailand, Cambodia, and Sumatra, genuinely reflecting the wonder of their native surroundings.

Intriguingly, these exotic barbs have journeyed to various parts of the globe, establishing their presence in locales such as Australia, Singapore, Colombia, and the United States. This widespread distribution attests to their global popularity among aquarium aficionados.

In their indigenous habitats, Tiger Barbs reside in peaceful tributaries adorned with rocky and sandy substrates, lush underwater vegetation, and rivers sheltered by overhanging trees. In these surroundings, they partake in a varied diet encompassing algae, insects, invertebrates, and plant debris. Their penchant for clear, well-oxygenated waters renders their natural habitats visually appealing.

While emulating this ideal habitat for Gold Tiger Barbs in your home aquarium may necessitate a degree of dedication, the benefits of curating a lively, interactive aquatic environment make the endeavour unequivocally rewarding.


The successful breeding of Gold Tiger Barbs calls for a finely tuned aquarium environment, explicitly tailored to facilitate their distinctive breeding cycle and to provide favourable conditions for the subsequent developmental stages of the juveniles. The breeding aquarium ought to be equipped with fine-leaved plants and soft, slightly warmed, acidic water. This specially crafted milieu is designed to stimulate spawning and bolster successful breeding.

The aquarium floor assumes a pivotal role in this process. It should either remain bereft of any substrate or be layered with a spawning mesh, marbles, or pebbles. This configuration serves to prevent the adult fish from reaching and ingesting the eggs, thereby enhancing the survival probabilities of the hatchlings.

Upon meticulous preparation of the breeding aquarium, select a group of the most robust and vibrant Gold Tiger Barbs, ideally numbering six. Introduce these selected specimens into the breeding tank and monitor their behaviour as they establish pairs. Subsequent to the pairing, the unpaired fish should be removed. The retained pairs should be nurtured with a diet rich in live foods to encourage successful spawning.

Spawning is typically witnessed during the early morning hours. The female Gold Tiger Barb deposits approximately 200 eggs, ranging from clear to a yellowish hue. These eggs are swiftly fertilised by the male. Post-spawning, it is imperative to isolate the adult fish from the fertilised eggs to prevent any predatory behaviour.

Approximately 36 hours post-fertilisation, the eggs hatch into fry. Within another span of 4-5 days, these newborn fish initiate free-swimming. The dietary needs of the fry demand careful deliberation. Begin by providing them with freshly hatched brine shrimp, serving as their initial nourishment. As they mature and increase in size, transition their diet to finely crushed flake food. This gradual dietary shift facilitates optimal growth and vitality of the young Gold Tiger Barbs.

Diet & Feeding

Preserving the health and vigour of your Gold Tiger Barbs is contingent upon furnishing them with a diverse and nutritionally affluent diet. While these fish do not exhibit particularly finicky feeding habits, their health benefits profoundly from the inclusion of premium flake food as the bedrock of their dietary regimen, thereby bolstering their immune system.

To facilitate a balanced diet, it is prudent to complement the flake food with an assortment of frozen, live, and freeze-dried food types. Gold Tiger Barbs are known to readily accept a variety of foods, such as Bloodworms, Daphnia, and brine shrimp. Moreover, these barbs display a strong predilection for small aquatic invertebrates and blanched vegetables.

By proffering an eclectic range of food groups, you ascertain that your Gold Tiger Barbs receive a comprehensive diet. This conscientious approach to their nutrition fosters the growth of healthier, more vibrant specimens, thereby enhancing the allure of your aquarium.

Other Barbs

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