Maximum size : 5 cm

White Wizard Snail - Filopaludina martensi Snail Profile & Care Guide

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The captivating White Wizard Snail (Filopaludina martensi) is a relatively new and scarce species in the aquarium hobby. As one of the larger freshwater snails in the trade, their striking appearance makes them a highly sought-after addition to any aquatic environment. One of the most notable characteristics of these snails is their entirely peaceful nature, as they do not pose a threat to aquarium plants or other aquatic creatures. Additionally, White Wizard snails are long-lived and unlikely to overpopulate your aquarium, making them an excellent option for hobbyists seeking a low-maintenance, peaceful species.

While these snails are solitary, non-aggressive, and shy by nature, they thrive in peaceful tank environments with calm aquatic companions. White Wizard snails are particularly active at night, typically resting during the day. However, as they settle into their new environment, they will venture out more during the day and forage for food. Despite their calm demeanour, White Wizard snails are sensitive and easily frightened, which can affect their behaviour. If spooked, they may become sluggish and barely move for days, highlighting the need for a quiet and peaceful environment.

Growing to a substantial size, White Wizard snails utilize their gills to filter feed and thrive in warmer waters, setting them apart from other species. Their creamy, off-white colour and smooth texture, often with fine lines on the shell, make them a unique and stunning addition to any aquarium. The last whorl is notably expanded with a dense, broadly conical shell containing six to seven whorls. These snails also possess a unique operculum, which they use to close their shell completely when threatened or disturbed. Another distinguishing feature of these snails is their long tentacles, adding to their charm and allure.

White Wizard Snail Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

The process of discerning between male and female White Wizard Snails is relatively uncomplicated, as it involves identifying distinct external features. Unlike certain other snail species, the genders of these creatures can be visually distinguished. Specifically, the males possess modified antennae, which serve as a critical indicator of their sex. One of the antennae is notably thicker than the other, while the female's antennae are of equal length and size.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameFilopaludina martensi
Year Described1864
Other NamesGhost Wizard Snail, White Ghost Wizard Snail, Ghost Piano River Snail, White Mage Snail, White Trapdoor Snail
OriginsIndonesia , Laos , Cambodia , Thailand , Malaysia , Vietnam
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asNA
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.5
GH 5 - 20
KH 4 - 12
Ideal Temperature
73 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

White Wizard Snails can be found in various locations throughout Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. These fascinating creatures prefer to reside in warmer freshwater environments, such as ponds, canals, swamps, ditches, and rice fields. However, they can also be spotted in areas with gentle currents, such as rivers and streams, where they can delicately dredge through soft, muddy substrates. Their natural habitat, paired with their unique characteristics and behaviour, make White Wizard Snails an intriguing species to observe and study. 


White Wizard Snails exhibit gonochorism, a reproductive strategy where both male and female organisms are necessary for successful reproduction. During copulation, the male snail approaches the female and ascends her shell until he reaches the final whorl. Here, he will seek out the genital aperture, seize it with his penial sheath, and engage in copulation that lasts several hours. Despite being kept in larger groups, White Wizard snails have a meagre reproduction rate, making it highly unlikely for them to overpopulate an aquarium. This aspect may offer some relief to hobbyists concerned about overcrowding. After a gestation period, the female White Wizard snail will give birth to live miniature snails, usually during the night. The embryos develop within cases situated in the mother's brood chamber, enabling viviparity to protect the young until the egg case breaks before birth. The number of offspring produced by the female generally ranges from 5 to 15, depending on her size. The newborn snails will exhibit a darker colouration with a yellowish hue, but their shells will gradually lighten as they mature. To maximize the survival rate of the young snails, it is recommended to feed them finely powdered food at least once daily. This will ensure optimal growth and development during their early stages of life.

Diet & Feeding

White Wizard Snails are naturally omnivorous and have a remarkable ability to scavenge for food. Although they can consume algae, it is not their primary food source, as they rely on their gills to filter feed and trap microorganisms in the water column, effectively cleaning your tank. These snails are not picky eaters and will readily consume a wide range of foods, including fish flakes, granules, shrimp pellets, and algae wafers. These options are particularly suitable for White Wizard Snails as they tend to sink to the bottom of the tank, where the snails can easily access them. Additionally, it is beneficial to occasionally include blanched vegetables such as spinach, zucchini, cucumber, carrots, and sprouts in their diet. These nutritious options can provide a well-rounded diet for these snails and enhance their overall health and well-being.


White Wizard Snails Thumbnail

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