Chilean Rose Tarantula (Grammostola Rosea)


Lets start off with the one that is probably the most common species of tarantula in American and European pet stores today, the Chilean Rose Tarantula (Grammostola Rosea), also known as the rose hair tarantula, are known for their calm nature and are good for beginners that are new to the hobby because of how hardy they are and how easy it is to care for them in captivity.

Natural Habitat

Image result for grammostola rosea in the wild

The natural habitat of a rose hair tarantula is in the northern deserts of Bolivia, Chile, Argentina. They mostly live in burrows on their natural habitat, but they generally do not burrow in captivity but rather stay on the surface which makes them a very good display tarantula.


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Even though the rose hair tarantula mostly stays on the surface, they still burrow for them to hide and for them to feel safe. If they do not feel safe they sometimes get stress and worst case scenario, sometimes they die from stress. So I recommend you to put deep substrate (I use a mixture of coco peat/fiber and peat moss, but plain coco peat/fiber is alright) that is 50-75% of the height of the enclosure, because rose hair tarantulas are not good climbers and if they fall, they may damage their abdomen. I also suggest to put a cork bark hide so that they may start a burrow where you want them to burrow, but some tarantulas just ignore the cork bark and create their own burrow. For the water dish, I use a small reptile water dish that you can bu in your local pet stores. If the water dish you bought is too deep, just add pebbles or small rocks (as shown on the picture) so that the tarantula won’t drown. For the size of the enclosure, I use a 12 in length x 12 in width x 8 in height enclosure (terrestrial enclosure). Do make the enclosure too big because it make the tarantula feel insecure and might get stressed, nor make the enclosure too small because they will not have enough space. You can add decorations like plants, fake plants, leaves, moss, rocks, pebbles, etc. to add a natural touch to your enclosure.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. jkmkwl says:

    I don’t like spiders but I find this interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I’m really glad that you enjoyed this even though you hate spiders 😀


  2. jingooooo says:

    nice spiders ;>

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Have a nice day!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. daddyn0tail says:


        Liked by 1 person

  3. If you want, I can sell you tarantulas for a low price. But you can also buy tarantulas and scorpions on your local pet stores. You can even buy them in social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), people create groups in social media to sell and buy arachnids.


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