Artist’s inspiration – Friedensreich Hundertwasser

We all have favourite artists who make our hearts flutter. An artist who it’s safe to say makes my heart sing is Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

One of my earliest memories was walking around his house in Austria when I was a child and being so captivated by the colours he uses in his paintings.

It’s strange because I haven’t really studied him or read many of his art books but I have always felt a very stage connection to this artist.

Outside my room as a child for years was a picture of a Hundertwasser painting, it’s strange how the things around you in one’s early life can have a massive impact on you as an adult. I have obviously been subconsciously inspired by Hundertwasser and have drawn out elements of his work and incorporated this work into my own style.

Being inspired by an artist is the most wonderful thing. It causes you to challenge your particular way of doing things and experiment with pushing one’s boundaries a bit further and trying things you would not have done before. That for me is true inspiration, resulting in your creative energy increasing and the desire to create becoming stronger.

Looking at this artist’s work has always made me happy. It fires up my creative energy and inspires me to go away and create a massive wonderfully colourful canvas. When looking at his work I feel uplifted. I feel like my sense of joy has been elevated. I notice myself smiling as I am connected to a place inside me that is shining and light.

When one listens to a piece of beautiful music one’s mood is lifted as one’s vibration increases. I think this is much the same with art. When looking at and absorbing art, ones mood changes. The piece of art provokes thought which before so was dormant inside our mind. This alters our vibration which make us feel happier and more alive.

I thought I would share with you some of my favourite Hundertwasser pieces below. If you would like to check out my portfolio to see works inspired by Hundertwasser click here





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