Problem with point cloud

The point cloud has some random images floating above the land surface-

With textures


Zoomed in - weirdness everywhere

[Utajärvi - 26/07/2020] 393


|Average GSD:|6.19 cm|
|Area:|1,806,292.57 m²|
|Reconstructed Points:|101,975,075|

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I would say with about 4 times the present data and tighter overlap it would come out quite nice. beautiful part of the world though.


Next year when the sun is again shining we will do that.
Thanks for th the input.


Just to show you it can be done with Agisoft

I used only default values doing the work in Agisoft

Zoomed part

Certainly less random “noise” in that ortho, but it has a significantly larger GSD, as much less detail is visible, what does the Agisoft quality report say it is? I think the WebODM QR average of 6.2cm seems about right for it.

It appears to be produced from a different set of images too, as the area around the buildings is different- no car in the centre right area for example.

You are righ
t, there are two sets about 2 year apart, will run it again with the older one.

Agisoft GSD = 5.9 cm/pix

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