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About This File

This is my first custom map, an approximately 1:1 scale of the region surrounding the city of Tampere, the third largest city in Finland and largest inland city in the Nordic countries. It lies between lake Näsijärvi in the north and Pyhäjärvi in the south. It grew as an industrial center in the 19th century, most notably owing to Finlayson, whose textile mill built beside the Tammerkoski rapids later became the largest factory in Northern Europe. Tampere naturally became a blue-collar stronghold and was the political center for the Reds during the Finnish Civil War. More recently Tampere has been known as a center for culture, sports and technology.

Map measures 13x13 large city tiles or ~2835 square km. The geographical accuracy of this map's elevation data had to be compromised, as I had to manually edit it to more closely visually resemble the region due to varying water surface heights' not being supported by the game. Yes, it really does have that many lakes.

What's New 1.0.3   View Changelog


Fixed jagged shorelines

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