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Poropanchax normani - Norman's lampeyeMagyarul / Hungarian
Poropanchax normani - Norman's lampeyePoropanchax normani - Norman's lampeyePoropanchax normani - Norman's lampeyePoropanchax normani - Norman's lampeyePoropanchax normani - Norman's lampeye
  • Scientific name: Poropanchax normani
  • Synonyms: Aplocheilichthys normani (Ahl, 1928), Micropanchax normani (Ahl, 1928), Aplocheilichthys gambiensis (Svensson, 1933), Haplochilichthys gambiensis (Svensson, 1933), Micropanchax gambiensis (Svensson, 1933), Micropanchax macrurus manni (Schultz, 1942), Aplocheilichthys manni (Schultz, 1942), Micropanchax manni (Schultz, 1942), Poropanchax manni (Schultz, 1942)
  • Common name: Norman's lampeye
  • Group: Killifish
  • Distribution: Africa; Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Chad, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Benin, Togo, Sudan
  • Size: 4 cm
  • Biotope: Inhabits the heavily vegetated margins of smaller rivers and swamps in the savannah.
  • Social behavior: A peaceful and shy shoaling fish that can be kept in a community tank. Do not keep them with larger fish or with fish that can eat them.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; in nature they feed on aquatic invertebrates, while in the aquarium they can be fed with small live and frozen foods, but they also accept good quality dried foods.
  • Breeding: Quite easy
  • Tank: Minimum 60 litres
  • Population: 6-8 fish for 60 litres
  • Decoration: The fish look best in a densely planted aquarium with some wood branches or roots and sandy bottom. Use some floating plants to diffuse the light, and subdued light will emphasize its bright eye color. Cover their aquarium well, as they are excellent jumpers.
  • Temperature: 22-26 °C
  • pH: 6.5-7.2
  • Hardness: 5.0-12.0 dGH
  • Lifespan: 3-5 years
Description: Their name refers to the horizontal crescent at the top of its eye that seems to glow. A single specimen of the Norman's lampeye is a rather drab fish, but a larger school of them in a tank with dimmed light can be spectacular, a real classic among the species of fish that Takashi Amano preferred to use for his legendary nature aquaria setups. The body of the Poropanchax normani is mainly pale green or yellow with hints of blue. This hardy fish is excellent for even beginners. They almost exclusively occupied the top level of the water column near the surface. Despite the small adult size of these fish, the tank itself should be fairly spacious, as they are active swimmers, especially during breeding.

Males are brighter colored, and generally have longer and more pointed fins, while females are more matte and have trasparent, shorter and more rounded fins. Females also have more elongated caudal peduncle.

Breeding of Poropanchax normani is relatively easy, and in a densely planted, mature aquarium some fry may begin to appear without further intervention. They will spawn even in a small aquarium with some fine leaved aquatic plant, or floating plants with long roots, or woollen spawning mops and a small air driven sponge filter. Most breeders use a pair or single male with two to three females. The eggs, which are relatively large for such a small fish will hatch in 12-14 days, and the small larvae require microscopic foods such as rotifers during the first weeks. Some aquarists like to remove the adults after spawning to ensure that there is no predation, yet others leave them in the aquarium because the adults rarely predate on their own eggs or fry. The vibrant blue color in the upper irises is even visible on fry that are just a few days old. The young can be expected to reach sexual maturity within 6 months.

Aquarium Atlas Vol.3