Dominican wisdom

Sabiduría popular dominicana

54 notes

The Dominican bohio (a Taino word for dwelling), in the mountains of Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. The bohio is built with wood from the surrounding area and palm branches called “yaguas”. This particular bohio is roofed with zinc sheets, also...

The Dominican bohio (a Taino word for dwelling), in the mountains of Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. The bohio is built with wood from the surrounding area and palm branches called “yaguas”. This particular bohio is roofed with zinc sheets, also common in rural dwellings.

El bohío, palabra de origen taino, describe la vivienda tradicional del campesino dominicano, construída de madera local y techo de ramas de palma también conocidas como yagua. Este bohío está techado con hojas de zinc, muy comunes en las zonas rurales del país. Foto tomada en las montañas de Jarabacoa, República Dominicana.

Filed under yagua techo de yagua bohio bohio dominicano dominican republic rural dwellings el campo mountains photography

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