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Emirate of Sharjah

Emirate of Sharjah

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Emirate of Sharjah  United Arab Emirates
Print this page City population: 12324022.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Sharjah Government works on furnishing sustainable programs and services for older people, within the frame of its endeavor to face the expansion of cities and the increase in the rate of older people among the categories of the society. Several services that fulfill the need of this category have been created, such as providing health, and social services in their houses, constructing sheltering houses for hosting older people who are not able to take care of themselves, constructing centers for physiotherapy, assigning financial aids for limited-income people, granting them health insurance cards, assigning houses for them, constructing recreational clubs for them, joining them in the consultative and municipal councils, paying their debts and many other programs that the Government offer to them, and joining them in the celebrations and activities.


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