The Story

These cats met each other during their childhood after they were abandoned by their parents at an empty parking lot in the big city of Tokyo. They remained together as a group so they work together to lead a good life. They are now teenagers and the eldest, Kuro-chan, took the adult role to lead the group. Gon-Chan and Pon-Chan are brothers who live at NO. 259 Nakamachi Mushashinoshi, Tokyo in a deluxe carton house. The others will sometimes stay with the brothers or travel around and explore. They sometimes are also welcomed into human houses around the neighborhood as they look for new adventures!



Kuro-chan: Kuro-chan’s real name is Kuronori. “Kuro” means black and “Nori” means seaweed so the full meaning of his name is black seaweed because of his black fur. He is the oldest out of the whole group and takes on the adult role. He is patient and cool-headed. Some of his favorite phrases are “Come now, calmly!”.

Gon-chan: Gon-chan’s real name is Gonnosuke. He is the older brother of Pon-chan and is known to be a gentle character who dislikes unrighteous acts. He also likes Mike-chan in secret.

Pon-chan: Pon-chan’s real name is Pontaro. He is the younger brother of Gon-chan and is sometimes a crybaby but is known to have a kind personality. He is very eager to become friends with anyone that comes his way. Pon-chan loves snacks and has a pet stuffed doll named Yoshizou. The name “Gon” and “Pon” are Onomatopoeias of the sound of bells in Japanese.

Yoshizhu: Pon-chan’s pet that is actually a stuffed doll.

Tora-chan: Tora-chan’s real name is Tarao. Although “Tora” in Japanese means tiger and his fur looks like that of a tiger, he is actually a very timid cat who is even too scared to confront a mouse. His closest friend is Ashi-kun, who is always willing to hunt down mice for him.

Ashi-kun: Ashi-kun’s real name is Ash. He was originally born in America, but was moved to Japan when he was still a baby kitten. Ash stands for American Short Hair due to his length of fur. He is known to be clean and very dexterous, especially when catching mice. His weakness is sometimes being homesick but keeps it to himself.

Mike-chan (pronounced as “Mi-Ket”): Mike-chan’s real name is Mikeno. “Mike” means three colors which corresponds to her tri-colored fur. She is very kind and has a very warm personality that tends to have a healing effect on any situation. Mike-chan is also known to be fancy and at times forgetful. The others in the group always give into her requests and she is the nicknamed the “idol of stray cats”.

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