Casaloca Guatavita: The Upside Down House of Colombia is a Tourist Attraction

This man took the phrase “turning your world upside down” literally. Fritz Schall, an Austrian who lives in Colombia with his family, designed a house that’s made to look like it’s upside down. Everything from the facade to the interior of the house gives the feeling of being upside down with all the furniture hanging where ceilings would normally be. Needless to say, this unique house has been attracting tourists looking to find relief during the pandemic. They come flocking to the spot, built in Colombia’s Guatavita, a short distance from the capital of Bogota. 

Schall got the inspiration for the house from a trip to his native Austria in 2015. He saw a similar concept while there and only began constructing his mad idea around the time the pandemic hits. It was quite a challenge to complete with all the restrictions, but it finally was completed at the start of this year.

Images: @casalocaguatavita/IG

#upsidedown #UpsideDownHouse #CasaLocaGuatavita #Colombia #touristattraction

Take a tour inside the Casa Loca de Guatavita in this YouTube clip above.

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