I can't believe I made a käärijä blog

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Hello long time no see!

I just happened to impulsively grab a ticket to the böle gig (the all-ages one) this morning since there were still a few left

as someone who’s usually not a gig person It’s technically my first käärijä gig. I’ll just be chilling in the back most likely after they’ve opened the doors

but I’d love to meet ppl regardless if we’ve ever talked or not! if you are there please say hi if you happen to spot me

I’m gonna be wearing green shorts and this ugly monkey beanie 🐵

Keep reading


Happy new year!

The Käärijä fandom might seriously be the most pleasant fandom I’ve been in even tho I mostly quietly spam my art.
Käärijä is the first ever real celebrity I’ve been a fan of to this extent and it’s still so bizarre to me. He really made 2023 special.

Shout out to all those who write nice things in the tags you truly carry this community and it makes me feel like I’m part of something 💕
I hope I can connect with y'all even more in 2024!
