August 16, 2021
It's been a long time since the last update, and there are a lot of new fish to report! Check out the list of new arrivals below, as well as the full availability on the website.

Special thanks to the American Cichlid Association (ACA) and the Missouri Aquarium Society (MASI) for bringing me to St Louis as a speaker at the convention this year. I had an absolutely fantastic time catching up with old friends and making new ones. I still find it shocking that people are willing to sit down and listen to me monologue about fish for an hour! :)

For those who haven't heard, next year's convention will be hosted by Louisville Tropical Fish Fanciers. It will be the 50th ACA convention, and will be a truly massive convention combined with the American Livebearer Association (ALA), American Killifish Association (AKA), and North American Australian & New Guinea Fishes Association (NA ANGFA). Seeing Rusty Wessel's fish house alone is worth the trip!

Dave's Rare Aquarium Fish T-shirts are available through Pod 6 Products. They're made to order, and available in a wide selection of colors and styles.
Like us on facebook for exclusive photos, videos, and info on expected shipments and events in the fish world. 
Check out the list of new arrivals below, and make sure to visit for the complete availability list.
Dave Schumacher  

Through Friday August 20th,
juveniles are only $9.00 each!!!
(regular price $14.00 each)

Remember, this offer only applies to those who receive the email list, so you must mention that you get the mailing list to receive the discount.
New Arrivals

Lake Tanganyika

Lake Malawi Peacocks and Haps
Placidochromis electra Fort Maguire "Black Face" juveniles

Lake Malawi Mbuna

Lake Victoria Basin Cichlids

Other African Cichlids

Miscellaneous Fishes


Catfishes and Plecos

This is not a complete availability list - only new arrivals since the last newsletter. Prices and complete availability list can be found at