Posted in Unit 2

PSFSP 1.2-1.3 Using a billhook

A billhook is used for splitting or cleaving large pieces of wood.

Using a Billhook

A billhook is used by two children. The first child holds the billhook with one hand on the handle and two fingers pinching the end of the blade. The blade is then placed on the top of the wood that needs splitting. The second child uses a piece of wood or a mallet to hit the top of the bill hook and push the blade into the wood. Communication is important here. The first person tells the second how many hits to do and how hard to do them so that they can be prepared.


When standing or walking with the billhook, the blade should be facing down and the hook facing forward. To pass it to a friend you hold the top of the tool with the blade pointing down and pass the handle to the other person. When the billhook is placed on the floor, the hook and blade should be facing inwards and the handle pointing forwards.

Here is a risk assessment for the use of a Billhook at our Forest School:

Bill Hook Risk Assessment

Maintenance and Storage

The blade can be sharpened using a sharpening stone. It can be cleaned with a cloth and oil. The tool should be stored in its sheath in a waterproof container.

Tool talkĀ 

This is my billhook

This is the handle

This is the cover

I take the cover off like this

This is the blade

This is the cutting edge

When I have finished with the billhook I put it back in the cover like this

I stand with the billhook like this

I walk with the billhook like this

I pass the billhook like this

When I use the billhook I use it two arms and a tool away from anyone else except my partner

I use the billhook for cleaving and splitting wood

I do not wear gloves when using this tool

When I am not using the billhook I put it down with the handle facing out and the blade facing in

When I have finished using the billhook I put it in the designated place or the toolbox provided


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