Zygi Wilf Becomes Most Hated Man in Minnesota After Buying Park Avenue Penthouse

Just as The Observer was writing up the news of Zygi Wilf’s brand spanking new $19 million condo, the Minnesota

zygistardustJust as The Observer was writing up the news of Zygi Wilf’s brand spanking new $19 million condo, the Minnesota Vikings owner was sending emissaries down to the capitol in St. Paul to request millions in taxpayer dollars to help fund a new stadium for the abominable team. His timing was as bad as late-career Brett Favre.

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Mr. Wilf has become quite possibly one of the most hated men in the land of 10,000 lakes, an impressive feat in a place where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average. From ice-fishing outposts on Lake Minnetonka to the holiday crowds at the Mall of America, fingers are wagging in Mr. Wilf’s direction.

Minnesotans have taken to various message boards and networking sites to express their frustration with Mr. Wilf’s latest real estate deal (he made his money building developments in 39 states). #Wilfare has become a common topic on Twitter with fans furious that Mr. Wilf would demand taxpayers foot the bill for his expensive new stadium while simultaneously indulging in multimillion dollar real estate splurges on the other side of the country.

One Minnesotan offered friendly advice for Mr. Wilf on Twitter: “Pro Tip: Don’t buy a $19 million home while begging the public for hundreds of millions in stadium subsidies.” Fair enough. Others, however, were less civil. “What was the state contribution?” some asked sarcastically of the eight figure apartment purchase. The Observer even got a call from The Star-Tribune, as the local daily is hot on the news of Mr. Wilf’s purchase—which, if it was not enough of an insult, appears to have been made all in cash. That could have paid for an entire locker room, with a goalpost or two thrown in.

Not to worry. Should the insults and threats become too intense, there is a certain four-bedroom hideaway high above Park Avenue that Mr. Wilf could escape to.

Take a tour of Zygi Wilf’s $19M palatial pad [PICTURES]>>>


Zygi Wilf Becomes Most Hated Man in Minnesota After Buying Park Avenue Penthouse