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Everything You Need to Know about Cordyline Care

Cordyline are very common decorative plants that thrive outdoors but can be easily be grown indoors as well. Some of the species of this plant group bloom fragrant flowers and berries. They bloom in early summer and then small berries will appear after the flowers. It’s more typical for flowering to occur in outdoor varieties, but flowers can appear on houseplants. Check out our cordyline collection.

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Cordyline Care

Cordyline is also known as ‘Ti’ plants. They make excellent houseplants. And with little more information and growing tips you can easily grow one by sunny, warm window. These plants require less care but must be kept warm and they need a lot of light.


Cordyline likes a lot of light. While it can deal with small amounts of shade, the ideal setting is a location that gets plenty of sunlight. Cordyline grows well in bright light. Those with green leaves might do great in direct sunlight however, those with colourful leaves should be kept away from direct sunlight and instead should be kept in a place where they will get bright, indirect light and warm place.


These plants are not very demanding in terms of soil type. They could just be grown in rich, well-drained and high-quality potting mix.The majority of cordyline varieties grow best when they are planted in alkaline or neutral soil; the ideal would pH would be between 6.6 and 8.0.


Consistency of water plays a major role in the well-being of Cordyline. The soil should always be kept moist but avoid regular watering during winter. Water whenever you see that the top surface of soil has started drying. Cordyline is sensitive to fluoride, which is found in many a homeowner’s water supply. If the tips of the leaves of your Ti plant are brown, this might be the culprit. Switching to bottled water might be the answer.

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Temperature and Humidity

Ti thrives in temperatures above 17° C and prefers a high humidity environment. Avoid putting the plant near a cold draft like a window. These are jungle plants, so if you’re experiencing leaf drop, try raising both the temperature and humidity.


These plants can be fed in the spring with slow-release pellets. You can feed the plant weekly during the growing season with a liquid 20-20-20 fertilizer at half-strength. Do not fertilize during the winter.Container-grown plants should be fed with liquid fertilizer on a monthly basis during the growing season, which usually begins in late spring and ends in late summer.

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Common Problems

  • Symptom: Leafspot and stem rot
    Cause: Erwinia Chrysanthemi. Carotovora Pv. Carotovora
  • Symptom: Brown leaf tips
    Cause: Excessive Fluoride.
  • Symptom: Root rot
    Cause: Excessive water.
  • Symptom: Poor colour
    Cause: Low light.

Thus, Cordyline is a very easy to do plant if grown in the right climate. It has many colourful and cheery varieties. These plants are very easy to go and just need the right temperature and light. Once it’s established, simple upkeep is all that is ensure this tropical plant will thrive.

Cordyline is sensitive to fluoride, which is found in many a homeowner’s water supply. If the tips of the leaves of your Ti plant are brown, this might be the culprit. Switching to bottled water might be the answer.

Cordyline care reference: TheSpruce

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