Storymap of Jämsä, 2012-2018

Storymap of Jämsä is a map that has, instead of regular tourist attractions, stories and memories of citizens of Jämsä, and the location where they happened. Through these stories visitors can get to know Jämsä in a more personal level and possibly find some connections to their own lives. For locals the map can open new points of view to familiar places and trigger their own memories.

Storymaps can be found in two postboxes by the two bridges at the river that flows through Jämsä center. Most of the stories are printed in the map, but some of them have only their location marked in the map, you can go along the riverbank to find the spot, and read the story in a sign on the location where the story originally happened.

The stories that are not in the printed map or the signs along the river, can be read in Storymap blog. In the postboxes along the maps there is also a notebook, where visitors can write their own comments and stories for other visitors to read. Storymap of Jämsä was originally made 2012 for Between the Bridges, the annual environmental art exhibition in Jämsä, and it has continued in the exhibition also during following summers.

Pia Männikkö: Storymap of Jämsä, 2012

Pia Männikkö: Storymap of Jämsä, 2012

Pia Männikkö: Storymap of Jämsä, 2012

Pia Männikkö: Storymap of Jämsä, 2012

Pia Männikkö: Storymap of Jämsä, 2012 Pia Männikkö: Storymap of jämsä, 2012

The story of us putting up the exhibition was in the first page of the local newspaper: Jämsän seutu 9.6.2012

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