Paul Masse long time resident of Japan came to visit NYC and N.J. this past weekend. Many people came from all over to train with Paul. Unfortunately, many people who say they are Bujinkan, were no where to be found. I find this to be strange. The idea of the Bujinkan, is to work together in order to understand Soke’s art. However, there were many people missing from this much needed seminar. Paul talked to us about three main points: 余裕, 嘘術, and 空間. Yoyuu is the idea of having slack or extra space available to use within your movement. Paul made a reference to a cup of soda. If the cup is filled to the top, then there is no yoyuu or slack in the cup. However, if you only have the cup half full, then there is yoyuu to play with. This yoyuu is a much needed concept in order to move freely with ones taijutsu. Too many of us in the Bujinkan, are stuck to the idea that we must do something, however this is not the case. The term Chu to Hampa comes up often when Soke is teaching. This is the idea of doing things half ass-ed. However, many people do not understand what this means. Many people feel that this means to do the techniques lazily or lackadaisically. But what this means is to not be stuck on one technique. This idea ties into the concept of Yoyuu.

Next Paul talked about the idea of 嘘術. Kyojutsu in this case was the idea of misdirection. Many times when you want to take someone to the left, you may bring them to the right first. Or if you want to take someone’s weapon, you may first take their eyes. This was a big eye opener for me. During our Sunday class in Cliffside, Paul taught from 2pm-4pm at our dojo. He explained one key element about Soke’s movement. He explained that everytime Soke moved, it is like a heart beat. The rythm of a heart beats with two beats in one instance. So when Soke moves, this is one, and then he moves with the two beats of the heart. So in reality he moves in three steps or in the third dimension in one instance (瞬間). This is one form or idea of moving in the third dimension (三次元の世界). On Sunday, we trained with Paul on sword work. His movement seemed as if he was moving his body in 10 different directions at once (十法).

Lastly, Paul talked about how this is all connected with the space (空間). I was very happy to train with Paul, because I saw, and most importantly felt the next thing that I need to work on for myself. A special thanks goes out to Ben cole who made this seminar possible. I would also like to thank Paul for his time. We spend many hours training, as well as many hours talking. Those of us who call ourselves Bujinkan practicioners study this art to understand Soke. We should have no agendas of our own. Many people like Estelle and Manolo Serrrano who traveled all the way from Canada (10 hour drive) understand the importance of this information. We also have Rob who traveled all the way from Nebraska for this seminar. It is funny how so many people who live in the city, as well as in N.J. were no where to be found. I hope that more people can put their differences aside, and try to detach themselves from their egos. In the past, information like this was not available. However, now there are more people who lived and trained in Japan. Many of these people also speak Japanese. The secrect to this art can be found in the language and culture. I hope more people will come to see this. Please remember Kanjin Kaname.

For More Information about Paul, and to view his blog, please visit



Chris Carbonaro

Bujinkan Shihan
