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Lined Sole
Genus: Achirus
Species: A. lineatus
Maximum Size: 9", but 4-6″ much more common
Aggression: Low
Temperature: 77-82 F
pH: 8-8.5
Hardness: 15-25 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.010-1.025
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
Feeding: May need live foods to...
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Lined Sole
Genus: Achirus
Species: A. lineatus
Maximum Size: 9", but 4-6″ much more common
Aggression: Low
Temperature: 77-82 F
pH: 8-8.5
Hardness: 15-25 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.010-1.025
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
Feeding: May need live foods to start… ghost shrimps and earthworms especially. Will eventually convert to frozen. Brine and mysis shrimp, earthworm pieces, small pieces of fish and shellfish. Unlikely to convert to dry foods
Notes: The Lined Sole is one of the several species of Flatfish across several families sold as the “Freshwater Flounder”. These are, however, brackish fish that will not survive for a significant amount of time in Freshwater.

The Lined Sole is a shy, retiring fish in the home aquarium. During the day, they spend most of their time hidden under the substrate. For this reason, it’s best to house them on soft sand or fine gravel. Sharp gravel or sand (like Tahitian Moon Sand) is likely to scrape these fish. Luckily, they are hardy fish and are not prone to illness or disease in the home aquarium. Other tank decor is largely immaterial. Plastic plants are likely to be uprooted and should be weighted down.

Lined Soles are predatory and should not be housed with extremely small fish like Guppies and Bumblebee Gobies. They are not aggressive fish and can be kept with reasonably sized, non-nippy fish like Scats, Monos, and Giant Sailfin Mollies. They are only active eaters at night and should be fed after the lights have gone off. They are not competitive feeders, though, and should not be housed with other nocturnal fish like Tete Sea Catfish.


Achirus Lineatus, The Aquarium Wiki

Freshwater Soles (family Soleidae and others), Neale Monks

(Image Source)

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