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Target Pufferfish
Genus: Pao (formerly Tetraodon)
Species: P. leiurus

See below for care details.

Maximum Size: 6”
Aggression: High
Temperature: 73-82 F
pH: 7-7.5
Hardness: 10-20 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.003
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Feeding: Chopped shellfish, pieces of frozen fish, frozen krill, blackworms, Mysis shrimp, Pond Snails and Ramshorn snails accepted. May accept dry foods but should not be central to diet. Hard foods are best to keep teeth from overgrowing.
Notes: The Target Puffer is a freshwater pufferfish that is often found in brackish waters in the wild and will readily acclimate well to low-end brackish conditions in the home aquarium. These are large, messy fish and require large tanks and filtration of about 8-10 times the tank turnover per hour.  

Target Puffers are extremely aggressive and many specimens simply will not cohabitate with other fish. Much faster, more aware tankmates are the best choice, but within the confines of the aquarium any tankmates are too likely to be attacked or eaten. The Target Puffer will likely consume any/all invertebrates in the tank. These fish prefer densely planted tanks but may also bite at the leaves of live plants.

Target Puffers do hunt and eat snails, but specific species are likely preferred. Pond snails (Physa sp.) are easiest, and Ramshorn Snails may be accepted. Malaysian Trumpet Snails may be too hard to eat and should be avoided. Also worth noting is that the Target Puffer, as with most puffers, is sensitive to most freshwater medications (especially those including copper).


Target Puffer (Tetraodon leiurus), Tropical Fish Keeping

Pufferfish (Family Tetraodontidae), Neale Monks

Tetraodon leiurus, The Aquarium Wiki

(Image Source)

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