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Ceylon Puffer/Green Puffer
Genus: Tetraodon
Species: T. fluviatilis

See below for care details.

Maximum Size: 7”
Aggression: High
Temperature: 75-82 F
pH: 7.5-9
Hardness: 15-30 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.005-1.010 juvenile, 1.010-1.025 adult
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Feeding: Chopped shellfish, pieces of frozen fish, frozen krill, blackworms, mysis shrimp, Pond Snails and Ramshorn Snails accepted. May accept dry foods but should not be central to diet. Hard foods are best to keep teeth from overgrowing
Notes: The Ceylon Puffer has an appearance somewhere between the Figure 8 Puffer (P. biocellatus) and Green Spotted Puffer (P. nigroviridis). It is often sold as the closely related Green Spotted Puffer but luckily, both species are very similar in terms of habitat and personality so it doesn’t make a lot of difference which is being sold.

The Ceylon Puffer is a very messy fish and requires a tank turnover of at least 6 times tank volume per hour. In very high end brackish or marine conditions, Live Rock and Skimmers can help reduce waste levels. These fish can be unpredictable in terms of tankmates. In large tanks, groups of Ceylon Puffers may coexist for a time as well as with large, hardy fish like Scats and Monos or with Green Spotted Puffers. Ceylon Puffers are very aggressive fish, in addition to being fin nippers, and can easily damage or kill tankmates. Cohabitating with other fish is a gamble and often results in one or more dead or dying fish.

It’s worth noting is that the Ceylon Puffer, as with most Puffers, is sensitive to most freshwater medications (especially those including copper). Other medications should be used when attempting to fight illnesses. Ceylon Puffers are capable of biting their owners as well, and care should be taken any time tank maintenance is being performed.


Pufferfish (family Tetraodontidae), Neale Monks

Tetraodon nigroviridis (Green Spotted Puffer), Seriously Fish

Tetraodon fluviatilis (Green Puffer), Seriously Fish

Green Spotted Puffers, Tetraodon nigroviridis Marion le Proce 1822, aka GSP’s, Jeni C. Tyrell

(Image Source)

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