Cryptocoryne Pontederiifolia Spathe Emersed

I recently saw my Cryptocoryne Pontederiifolia forming what I thought to be a spathe but was unsure until I saw it open today. I keep this plant in a high humidity dome with a basic computer fan running 24/7 to circulate the air/lower humidity as the two 23 watt CFL 6700k spiral bulbs I am using can get quite warm. In terms of substrate it is kept in a mixture of sheep manure, cow manure, worm castings, natural red clay, and cheap topsoil. I run the lights from 9:00am until 9:00pm and keep it on a timer so the plants have a “schedule” to follow as opposed to turning on/off the lights whenever I’m available, believe it or not a simple timer will save you many headaches.

Enjoy the pictures





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