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AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
I'm a fishlore reject. My real name is not jake but i should have been born a jake. I'm pretty clueless but things mostly work most of the time but not always. I find most rules are best not followed but understood. Rules have a purpose and the purpose should be followed - esp when it comes to aquarium. I have 5 tanks 120 (hi-tech), 40 (hi-tech), 29, 29 and a 5. 4 of the tanks are fine but one is not going well - it is a bba factory even though it is low tech. Here are pictures of a couple of my tanks. I know they are a mess so please pardon. Also understand that I have no clue what I am doing and one day i'll get it right just not today.
The first tank is a 40B - it has only been setup since this summer. It was meant for my nannacara but i tossed in some cockatoo and a few orange laser cory along with kubotai rasbora (yea yea they are asian but they are pretty) and a few guppies to make sure things work out. Guppies make everything work out.


The next tank is my guppy tank. It has been setup for 18 months. It used to be densely planted but then i added a baby female betta from petco. One of the disadvantages of being in a condo is no qt tank. This little betta caused my 4 adult female betta to die; my favorite 2 kuhli and 2 other kuhli to die a few guppies died and my female bn pleco died. What lived. Well swordtails - nothing hurt swordtails - my 7 other kuhli but without my 2 favorite ones - most of the guppies and my male bn pleco (last picture). I treated the tank with furan-2. It claims it doesnt' harm plants but it zapped all the stem plants and hornworth. Lucikly i put a little bit of hornworth from another tank (tiny bit explained below) but guppies fix all problems and the hornworth and stem transplants are growing quite well - the frogbit came from the 5 gallon (not shown). furan-2 also kills frogbits and water letuce. If you want to get rid of your frogbit just toss in some furan-2.


Next is my 29 gallon white tank. It is also 18 months ago but it is a bba magnet. It has the same equipment as the one above but different substrate and no guppies so it grows bba. Also lots of diatom or rot on the surface plants. My frogbit roots are white in the 5 gallon tank (they grow from top to bottom in that tank - in this tank they turn brown). I'll blame the substrate but it is probably the lack of guppies to fix all problems. Also i know the substrate is not level. It was level when i put it in and i've leveled it a few times but well my fishes don't like it level. You will also notice that above in the black tank. In the black tank for 4 weeks in a row the male bn dug the right corner down to the glass then i threw in a cave behind the driftwood were no one can see it and he stopped - well mostly stop - every now and then he still does a bit of re-arrangement just to annoy me. Well the bn didn't do it in the white tank (this paragraph is about the white tank); not not the pleco - instead the kuhli all ganged up and kept digging down to the glass on the right side. I put a small stone there to discourage them but it doesn't work. They also dug out under the drift wood behind the coconut shell and after all that digging they mostly hang out under the sponge filter in the back corner. Why not the coconut shell. Well there is an L333 in there (i'll add a picture of him in a sec) so they aren't allowed in there. I have 6 pleco in this tank - can you find them all ?


Last is my 120. It is 20 months old. I had 3 angels but they bred so now i have 11. I also have clown loaches (5) zebra loaches (5) and yoyo loaches (6). I had 9 yoyo loaches but they jumped. Guess I didn't treat them well because well they couldn't tolerate things. Oh and 27 cardinals 9 pangio meyersi and some other stuff. I can't find any of it in that weed but i know i have other stuff.


This is my male bn that is now by itself since the betta killed the female. This on is in the 29; but i also have one in the 120 (with a female) and 2 more in the 40B. I had ordered 4 but they sent me 6 (they were tiny when i got them) and one was killed by a nasty female betta so now I only have 5. The one in the 120 are least shy the one in the 29 only comes out when i put in zuc. The ones in the 40B well they went 6 months without being seen which left a lot of zuc for the ottos. People say otto are suppose to die so i got 10 for the 40B (over time 3 sets expecting them to die). None of them died so now i ahve 10 in the 40B. I also have a few in the 120 - i was actually qt'ing the ones in the 40B for the 120 but then i was too lazy to catch them even though they refuse to move when i do a water change so i left them all in the 40B and the school in the 120 is well i dont' know. I have at least 5 in there because i saw 5 the other day but who knows how many are in there - probably just 5 - for the longest time i thoguht it was only 3 because for 9 months i only saw 3 then i saw 5.
Ok last picture my lonely bn in the 29:
Oops now i have to add the l333 since i edited the above text - here he is (or is it a she?):

Most of the hornworth in the white 29 is worthless because of that brown muck growing on it but i was able to cut out a 1 inch piece to toss in the black 29 after the furan-2 wiped out the plants and that 1 inch piece in 6 or 8 weeks has grown in to a nice 3 foot piece with lots of branches.

Well I hope this description tells you who i am and now you understand why i should have been a jake.
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Fish Wrangler
Oct 16, 2008
Wonderful Windy Wyoming
Real Name
Welcome, Jake. Nice tanks. I wouldn't worry about the way they look. I've always liked planted tanks that weren't all nice and neat and trimmed. It looks more natural. The Dutch style tanks and the different types of landscaping styles that Takashi Amano made really prominent in the hobby (how long has that been now? 20 years? 30?) are works of art, don't get me wrong. I just like a natural-looking tank better. Then again, up until about three years ago I was so anal about recreating biotopes that I'd research every plant and animal to the subspecies if I could and go out of my way to find them. And I'd try to get rocks and driftwood that were a perfect match at least in appearance. I got ramshorns in one of my Rift Valley tanks once and about had a heart attack, lol.



Eheim User
Feb 9, 2005
Medina, Ohio
Real Name
Welcome Jake! and nice looking tanks.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Welcome to the site.

I tend to agree with Wyite re planted tanks. Mine are pretty much all jungles.

However, I would make the following observations which might be helpful. Firstly, your albino bn is a male and he needs a cave. That is what he is doing with the substrate, trying to adapt things. The cave should be reltively small as they like a tight fit. I cannot tell the sex of the recently purchased plec from the pic. But, male plecos are territorial and they claim caves and will fight to retain them. Male plecos may also rearaange the substrate right outside the cave entrance. L333 are omnivores which prefer meaty foods and the bn prefers algae and veggies, but they are an "aufwuchs" feeder. (Adopted German term meaning 'surface growth' used to describe the aggregate of plants, animals and detritus adhering to solid surfaces such as rocks or vegetation in aquatic environments.) This would prinarily be algae and biofilm.

Kuhlis dig and like to spend some time buried. You can find some good info about them here Pangio semicincta Bear in mind Khuli is a generic name and is used to describe a number of similar loaches. Here is good another good site for info on them and other similar Pangios Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) and here is the site's list of all members of the Genus. the have good info and pics.

Pangio alternans Borneo Kuhli Loach
Pangio anguillaris Eel Loach, Eel Kuhli/Coolie
Pangio cf. anguillaris Brown Eel Kuhli Loach
Pangio cuneovirgataPangio robignosa, Acanthopthalmus cuneovirgataKhuli Loach
Pangio doriae Eucirrhichthys doriaeGolden Eel Loach, Golden Eel Kuhli/Coolie, Pink Kuhli
Pangio filinaris Kuhli Loach
Pangio kuhlii Acanthophthalmus kuhlii, Cobitis kuhliiKuhli Loach, Coolie Loach, Leopard Eel, Prickly Eye
Pangio malayana Acanthophthalmus kuhlii malayanusKuhli Loach
Pangio myersi Acanthophthalmus mysersiGiant Kuhli, Myer's loach, Myer's Kuhli
Pangio oblonga Pangio javanicus, Acanthophthalmus javanicusBlack Kuhli, Chocolate Kuhli, Cinnamon Loach, Java Loach
Pangio pangiaCobitis pangia, Cobitis cinnamomea, Acanthophthalmus pangia, Canthophrys rubiginosus, Pangia cinnamomeaCinnamon Loach, Cinnamon Kuhli Loach
Pangio piperata Brown Kuhli Loach
Pangio semicinctaAcanthophthalmus semicinctus, Pangio semicinctusHalf Banded Kuhli Loach
Pangio shelfordiAcanthophthalmus shelfordi, Acanthophthalmus muraeniformisBorneo Loach, Shelford's Loach, Spotted Eel Loach, Spotted
Kuhli Loach
Pangio unknown01 Panda Kuhli


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
Hi - yes thank you. The bn in the black 29 is a male and it is buried in the text but i did give him a nice cave and it is behind the driftwood where it cannot be seen. My kuhli in the white 29 are 3 shelfordi and 4 semicincta. I think i have 2 kuhlii in the 29 black (2 of them died from the betta) and the other 6 are semicincta. I am aware the L333 is primarily a meat eater and i tend to drop various types of shrimp pellets in front of his cave. He will usually grab one and take it inside to eat. I had two of them and gave one away because I did not want them to compete with the sterbai. I've had him for around a year now give or take a couple of months. When cleaning if i need to move the coconut shell he will stick to the top and not budge. I've had the lemons for about 8 months now - so quite some time - they were tiny when i purchased them. In the 120 the clown loach used to stay in the cave near the front of the tank but the bn took it and the clown didn't seem to mind giving it up - not to mention it was a tight fit. Oddly my 5 clown loaches tend to not stay together when sleeping. I have a solo one in the coconut shell and 2 used to stay in the front cave before the pleco took it and who knows where the other two are located. There is a large multi-branch cave in the back of the 120 - it is quite buried by the plants so i have no clue what is in it if anything.
In the white 29 i have 3 L204 1 L333 and 2 super red. I suspect the 2 super red are females and are not going to get that large. The L204 are still pretty young when they get larger i will move them with the other 4 in the 120. One day i might get them a wavemaker in hope it encourages them to breed but that will not be anytime soon.
I'm not a fan of pangio semicincta (which is the most common); but now that I have located a store that will sell by type i restrict my self to shelfordi and meyersi. They call it a 'giant kuhli' but it isn't really that giant - just a bit chubby ;)


Fish Wrangler
Oct 16, 2008
Wonderful Windy Wyoming
Real Name
Jakes are jake. That is what a Jake is..... what more can i say on this topic ?
Jake from State Farm at 3:00 in the morning?



AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
3 in the morning is a good time. But well we dont' farm (I never watch tv so i'm sure there is a commercial somewhere that would explain this but i'm cringing and refuse to look for it). Still 3am is a great time to be posting. When I worked i would get up before my coworkers on the west coast went to sleep - made a great time for over-lapping work esp with the guy on the west coast who had hours from 1pm to 1am his time ;)
UPDATE: I have at least 8 ottos in the 120. Hum. Weird but 8 of them were clustered together today.

Jake from State Farm at 3:00 in the morning?

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