Author Archives: Paul_

Pila ampullacea

10. August 2023

Since November 8, 2012, a ban on apple snails of the genus Pomacea has been in effect in the EU, because one of the species has been found to be a pest in rice plantations in Portugal. Since then, apple snails may not be passed on (not even given away!) even if they are offspring from the EU. Before this trade and import ban, apple snails – almost exclusively the species Pomacea diffusa – were popular pets, which were bred in many color varieties. All species of the genus Pomacea originate from South America, but since the 1970s they have been bred for food in many tropical regions of the world, especially in Asia. Animals that escaped from breeding farms or were deliberately released have long since gotten out of control and are considered an invasive pest in many places.

The vacuum created in the hobby has been filled for some years by the Asian apple snail Pila ampullacea. It too is a popular food animal in Southeast Asia, but is apparently increasingly being displaced by introduced South American Pomacea. As an importer, you have to be careful not to accidentally get the much more common Pomacea from Asia, or you will be in trouble with the authorities. The simplest distinguishing feature of the two genera is the condition of the lid (= operculum). In all South American species (Pomacea) the operculum is horny and easily bendable, comparable to a fingernail, while in the Pila species (there are also several species) it is hard and calcareous and cannot be bent. Since this can only be determined with difficulties on living animals, at least we limit ourselves since 2012 to the import of large specimens from 6 cm shell diameter, which can be easily identified.

Nobody would think of keeping large apple snails in a planted aquarium. In any case, attacks of snails on living plants are always possible. However, it has been shown that Pila ampullacea in particular is very fond of frozen food (for ornamental fish), i.e. meaty food, and usually does little damage to plants. It is very important for the care that fishy co-inhabitants do not constantly pluck the long antennae of the animals. Since Pila ampullacea likes to burrow into the ground, a sufficiently high substrate should be provided. Like all apple snails, Pila are also separately sexual, so there are males and females. Sex differences are not known. The spawn is laid outside the water and includes 20-50 eggs.

Usually the soft body of Pila ampullacea is deep black in color. From time to time, however, yellow-green, mackerel or white-patched animals can be found. Because these very rare deviant colored animals of course attract our attention, we have many pictures of them. But this should not hide the fact that 99% of the Pila ampullacea are pure black.

All apple snails are lung breathers and must come to the water surface to breathe. Therefore, your aquarium must not be filled to just to the top, or the animals will drown!

For our customers: Pila ampullacea in size 6-8 cm have code number 486023 on our stock list. Please note that we supply only wholesale.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer


5. August 2016


The very first species of cichlid that was ever kept in private aquaria was the Chanchito. At that time – in the year 1894 – the species was classified as Heros facetum. Later it was transferred to Cichlasoma, nowadays it is placed in the comparatively new genus Australoheros. Initially it was thought that there would be only one, but very variable species, of Chanchito. The current opinion is that all these varieties represent different species. Many of them remain still undescribed, so determination of Chanchitos can be pretty difficult. Currently about 30 different species are accepted.


We have obtained the pretty Australoheros scitulus from a German breeder. This Chanchito orginates from Uruguay and is very insensitve against low water temperatures. The brigt red eyes and the yellow breast make that species very attractive.



A second species – also from a German breeder – is rather close to what was thought to be the „classical“ Chanchito. That fish has very nice orange fins and many blue spots over the body.



For our customers: A. scitulus have code 633472 and A. facetus (which is listet for technical reasons still as Cichlasoma facetum on our stocklist) 645501 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusvely supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Biotodoma wavrini BRAZIL

5. August 2016


There are two accepted species of Biotodoma: B. cupido and B. wavrini. Both differ basically by the position of the lateral blotch, which is positioned above the upper branch of the lateral line in B. cupido and below the upper branch of the lateral line in B. wavrini.



Biotodoma cupido is widely distrubuted in South America and many differently colored populations are known – maybe at least some of them even represent different species. In contrast to that B. wavrini looks very uniformly. That species is distributed in the Orinoco and Rio Negro systems. Most often we obtain B. wavrini from Colombia, but this time the fish originate from Brazil. It is known scientifically that B. wavrini occurs in Brazil; there is even a quite isolated population reported from the Rio Preto da Eva. However, there are no externally observable differences to their Colombian relatives.





Biotodoma wavrini usually attains a maximum size of 8-12 cm and is thus almost a dwarf cichlid. The photographed specimens have a total length (including the caudal fin) of about 8 cm.

For our customers: the fish have code 634224 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

A new algae-eater from Burma: Garra vittatula

3. August 2016


We abtained for the first time ever this species of Garra. In this genus it is currently impossible to guarantee the exact determination of the species, for a hughe number of species is described and most of them look extremely similar to each other. Our fish at least are very close to G. vittatula.


All species of Garra are good algae eaters and are usually kept rather for that purpose than due to the coloration. However, well established G. vittatula look quite attractive, maybe because they often show a reddish caudal fin. There is one very obvious behaviour in G. vittatula: it is extremely social. The specimens regulary search for conspecifics. So this species should be kept in small schools composed of at least 5 specimens. Maximum size reported for Garra vittatula in scientific literature is about 6-8 cm, so our specimens are probably fully grown already.




For our customers: the fish have code 416433 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Shell dwelling cichlids from Lake Malawi: Maylandia cf. elegans LIKOMA

3. August 2016


A good number of shell dwelling cichlids – this means that the fish use empty shells of freshwater snails for hiding and breeding – is known from Lake Tanganyka. Here mosty species related to Lamprologus have chosen that way oft life. This is not astonishing, for all these cichlids are cave-brooders. So empty shells of freshwater snails are a highly appreciated addition of breeding sites, which are always rare and fiercly contested in the wild.


However, things are completely different in Lake Malawi. The cichlids living there belong to the Haplochromis relationship and are agamous (this means that they never form stable pairs) maternal mouthbrooders. Consequently there is no species of cichlid known from Lake Malawi that uses empty shell for breeding purposes.


Nevertheless shell dwelling cichlids are known from Lake Malawi. They belong to a small complex of closely related species that are not easy to distinguish from each other. We have one of them, Maylandia cf. elegans LIKOMA, currently in stock. Another name for that species in the hobby is Maylandia s. „Livingstonii Likoma“. This is a clear hint to the close relationship between these two species. And of course all species of Maylandia are occassionally placed in Metriaclima; both generic names are synonymous to each other.


The shell dwelling cichlids from Lake Malawi use the empty shells exclusively as hiding places. In the natural habitat of the fish – mostly sandy areas – hiding places are scarce. If Maylandia cf. elegans LIKOMA is kept like „normal“ Mbuna cichlids in an aquarium with stones and other hoding places, they will not use empty snail shells. But in the wild they do not have an opportunity. So the adaption to a new resource enables Maylandia cf. elegans LIKOMA and its close relatives the improvement of a habitat that would offer no chance to survive for Mbuna cichlids otherwise. We can observe here a case of the process called „evolution“ by scientists happening right before our eyes. Isn´t that fascinating?



For our customers: the fish have code 568352 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Nannostomus eques and N. unifasciatus: two odd birds

29. July 2016


Among the pencil fishes, two species are very conspicuous due to their oblique swimming style: Nannostomus eques and N. unifasciatus. The two species often appear intermixed in the wild. As a result they are often found as bycatch in importations of the other species.





These „hockeysticks“ are very nice fishes. Like all other pecilfishes they should be kept only in community of comparatively gentle species. Due to the very small mouth of Nannostomus the keepers has to pay some atttention on the feeding. In fact, both Nannostomus won´t refuse any type of usual fishfood, but the particles have to be rather small. Successful breeders of these fishes favour freshly hatched Artemia nauplii for these species – for the adults! So, if possible, one should offer that type of food at least twice a week.




Males and females can be distinguished in all species of pencilfish best by the anal fin. That fin has a different shape in malles of all species and often also a different colour.

For our customers: the fish have code 271803 (N. eques) and 274206 (N. unifasciatus) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Hemiloricaria bycatches

25. July 2016


The past days were dominated by whiptail catfish. Along with our first importation of Pseudoloricaria sp. (see came as bycatch not less than four different species of Hemiloricaria! This is extremely unusual, for all these species have a very similar way of life and so they stand in direct competetion to each other. The four species are Hemiloricaria fallax, H. teffeana, H. castroi, and H. sp. Barcelos.














May this be as it is: we also obtained – from the very same area – even a fifth species, namely Hemilorcaria sp. Weißdorn, also known under the name H. sp. Amazonia. Raphael Covain, a French scientist that works a lot with Rineloricaria, informed us – based on his research on the genus – that the latter species is identical with Rineloricaria platyura.


The generic names Hemiloricaria and Rineloricaria have both been established in 1862 by P. Bleeker. The validity of Hemiloricaria is reason for a debate among scientists. There are two basic opinions, the one is that both genera are valid, the other (i.a. the one of Covain) that Hemiloricaria is a synonym od Rineloricaria.



We are not specialized in this group of fish and simply follow the opinion that is most commonly shared in the German speaking area. This is that Hemiloricaria is a valid genus. In any case we thank Raphael Covain sincerely for his help. Many thanks also to Ingo Seidel who helped us to identify the bycatches of Pseudoloricaria.

For our customers: we currently have the following species that were mentioned above in stock: H. sp. Weißdorn/H. platyura (code 288965), H. fallax (code 287804) and one specimen of H. cf. castroi (code 287655). Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Hemigrammus sp. Llanos

25. July 2016


Again we were able to import a species of tetra new to science from Peru or at least we are not able to assign the fish to any described species of the region. They wre sent under the name Hemigrammus sp. „Llanos“ (another fantasy-name for that species in the trade is Hemigrammus „Carlitos“). Sadly we have no further information about the animals. We suppose they might have been collceted in the Madre de Dios region, but this is only a guess.


The pretty fish have many similarities with Hemigrammus bellottii from the Rio Negro region in Brazil; the most obvious difference are the nice orange fins.


We obtained such fish also in 2014 as bycatch with the atthat time still undecribed Hemigrammus ribrostriatus from Venezuela. We find H. rubrostriatus also among the H. sp. „Llanos“. So it seems that both species usually occur together.



For our customers: the fish have code 257543 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusiovely supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Apistogramma borellii WILD

22. July 2016


We received beautiful, wild collected specimens of this dwarf cichlid from Paraguay. The species belongs to the members of the genus Apistogramma that are kept and bred in aquaria for decades already. The splendid males become almost double as large as the females. The peaceful and pretty species can be kept during the summer months in garden ponds or other tanks placed in the garden or on the balcony.





For our customers: the animals have code 615703 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Sphaerichthys vaillanti

20. July 2016


Finally we can offer again the most beautiful species of Chocolate Gourami: Sphaerichtys vaillanti. The species originates from the Kapuas basin in the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. S. vaillanti is not only the most beautiful, but also the hardiest species of all Chocolate Gouramis. However, it is nevertheless by no means an easy to keep fish. One will have only success with this fish when the natural habitat – very soft, acidic blackwater and lots of dead leafes on the bottom – is imitated and preferably life food is given. Most hobbyists underestimate the intraspecific aggession shown in all species of Chocolate Gouramis. Most problems with diseases in Sphaerichthys result from distress based on mobbing.




The males in Sphaerichthys vaillanti are much duller in respect of coloration than the tigered females. The males have also the job to care for the spawn – they are mouthbrooders. In neutral mood the males look much alike the Crossband Chocolate Gourami (Spaerichtys selatanensis), but S. vaillanti can always be recognized by the sharp head.







For our customers: the fish have code 455843 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Corydoras weitzmani WILD

19. July 2016


We received a shipment of beautiful, fully grown wild collected Corydoras weitzmani from Peru. The species is extremely rare in the trade. Our fish have a perfect condition!


There were strong doubts not long ago that the species might not exist at all or that it has been extinct. This was due to the fact that the scientific description of the species in 1971 gave “Cuzco in Peru” as type locality. Several expeditions searched in the region for this unique cory, but all failed. Now we know that the information on the collecting site given to the scientist who described the species was wrong. Corydoras weitzmani originates from the Madre de Dios region where it was rediscovered in 2004 by ornamental fish collectors.


Keeping the beautiful species is pretty easy. Corydoras weitzmani is a social species that should be always kept in groups. Former speculations said that the fish probably has to be kept at low temperatures, for Cuzco in the Andes lies at an altitude of 3.400 m. However, this is completely wrong. In fact neither the water chemistry nor the water temperature are of greater importance for the successful keeping of the fish, which is a perfect tankmate for a community tank.


For our customers: the fish have code 248905 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient greek, means „with helmet and spear“. This refers to the strong armor and fin spines. weitzmani: dedication name for the ichthyologist Stanley H. Weitzman

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Dwarf Tetras from Peru 3: Cyanogaster cf. noctivaga

19. July 2016


We were able to import a new species of dwarf tetra in january 2011 from Peru. The tiny fish were only 1-2 cm long and we were neither able to assign them to an existing genus nor to an existing species. Thus we gave them the provisional name Characidae gen. sp., Dwarf Glass Tetra (code 215503). Our idea that the fish are completely new to science has proofed to be true: the scientists George Mattox, Ralf Britz, Monica Toledo-Piza, and Manoelo F. Marinho described recently (March 2013) this or a very similar species under the name of Cynaogoster noctivaga, new genus and new species. The scientific generic name means “blue belly” due to the coloration and the specific name “noctivaga” means “night wanderer”, because all specimens were collected during nighttime (between 20.00 and 24.00).


There is no doubt that the fish we imported from Peru belongs to the same genus, eg Cyanogaster. However, the species noctivaga has been described from the Rio Negro area in Brazil. Only a very close look on preserved specimens will allow a decision wether both populations belong to the same species or not.


Finally we were able to import the Peruvian fish again. Maybe now it will be possible to clear the open questions on the identity of the most intersting fish.

For our customers: the fsih have code 215503 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Dwarf Tetras from Peru 2: Tyttocharax cochui

19. July 2016


The lively species of the genus Tyttocharax belong to the smallest species of tetra at all. They hardly ever become larger than 2 cm. We can offer currently Tyttocharax cochui from Peru. Occassionally we obtained from the same exporter also the closely related species T. madeirae. At the first glimpse both species look very similar and have been often confused in the past. Another reason for this is the fact that T. madeirae has not been recognized in scientific collections from Peru so far.





Both dwarf tetra species can be distinguished best by the coloration of the dorsal and the anal fins. Both fins are hylaine in T. cochui and have dark markings in T. madeirae.




There is a third species of Tyttocharax known from Peru, the very deep bodied T. tambopatensis. But sadly we have not obtained that fish for a while now anymore.



Males in all Tyttocharax become larger than the females and are very deep bodied at age. Keeping these tiny fish is not much demanding. Any usual fishfood is readily taken as long as it fits the mouth. The dwarf fish are very peaceful against tankmates, may they belong to their own or to other species. Plants are not harmed.

For our customers: Tyttocharax cochui has code 298952 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Tyttocharax: ancient Greek, means “tiny Charax”; Charax is another genus of tetra. cochui: dedication name. madeirae: after the Rio Madeira in Brazil. tambopatensis: after the collecting site, the Rio Tambopata.

Suggestion of common names: T. cochui: Whiteband Frippery Tetra; T. madeirae: Madeira Frippery Tetra; T. tambopatensis: Tambopata Frippery Tetra

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Dwarf Tetras from Peru 1: Trochilocharax ornatus

19. July 2016


This tetra is again a species new to science, and was firstly imported by our company in April 2003, from Peru. Recently we were able to import it again. It has provisionally been designated as “Heterocharax sp. – Orange-tailed glass tetra”, or “crystal rainbow tetra”. Sometimes is was also named “Tyttocharax sp.”.


Now the species has been described scientifically by A. Zarske who also erected a new genus for the fish. The paper can be downloaded for free under


Depending on the lighting, these barely 2 cm long jewels are shimmering blue or transparent. This dwarf tetra is extremely lively and has so far proved very amenable to aquarium life.


Males and females can easily be distinguished from each other, for the males have a prolonged dorsal fin and colourful ventrals.


For our customers: the Fish has code 258333 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Heterocharax: means “different Charax”. Charax is another genus of tetra. Trochilocharax: derived from the scientific family name for hummingbirds, Trochilidae, which is formed from the ancient Greek word “trochilos”, used by Aristotle for a small bird. Charax is another genus of tetra. ornatus: Latin, means “decorated”. Tyttocharax: ancient Greek, means “tiny charax”. Charax is another genus of tetra.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Corydoras cf. semiaquilus Alto Blanco

19. July 2016


The number of Corydoras species can hardly be overlooked anymore. There are 218 species described scientifically, 159 C-numbers, and 122 CW-numbers currently known. However, some very distinct forms can be easily separated from this mass and for sure a new genus must be erected for these once a revision of the complete genus is made. These species are particulary sharp-headed and large-growing. The following three species have been described scientifically so far: Corydoras coriatae, C. fowleri, and C. semiaquilus. It is very interesting that obviously every small brook contains a colour morph on its own. This is the reason why – for example – it is often doubted that C. coriatae really represents a valid species.



Now a new – and really expensive – variety of this type of Corydoras was offered to us from Peru. There were only three specimens available, all were shipped successful to our facility. We are very thankful that the exporter even gave us a comparatively exact informatin on the catching site: the community España at the upper Rio Blanco. We do not know where this place could be situated, but, as King Eduard III, the founder of the (most noble) Order of the Garter, said in 1348: „Evil to him who evil thinks“.


From a scientific point of view the new Corydoras resembles most in C. semiaquilus. Let us hope that among the three specimens of this very interesting new form is a pair and breeding efforts are successful.




For our customers: the animals have code 244573 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only three specimens available!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Post scriptum

Tom Christoffersen has kindly helped us regarding the locality mentioned by our supplier. The Rio Blanco is a tributary of the Rio Tapiche, the town España is not too far from the Peruvian/Brazilian border. Many thanks, Tom; please visit his site with an amazing report on an expedition to the Rio Tapiche:

Chalceus erythrurus

19. July 2016


We received bred specimens of this beautiful large tetra – the real one, with bright yellow ventral fins. Currently the fish are 7-9 cm long.


The members of the genus Chalceus can be best compared with our native species of trout. Like these Chalceus prefer to feed on insects etc. that fall on the water surface. And the up to 20-25 cm long tetras have the most delicious flesh, even more delicious than that of trout – at least if what is written is the truth, because we do not eat our fish usually, so we have not tried…


From an aquarists point of view the following points are important. The fish need really spacious tanks to grow to a good size. They love a strong current. Here they stand – preferably under a piece of driftwood or so – near the water surface and wait for prey. One should keep them in groups, best are 10 specimens or more, because otherwise the fish can be quarrelsome against conspecifics.


Against other tankmates Chalceus are absolutely peaceful. Plants are ignored. One should keep in mind that Chalceus are excellent jumpers. So the tank must be always perfectly covered.

For our customers: the animals have code 215003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Surprise, surprise! A silver dollar from Peru

19. July 2016


Very small specimens of the different species of silver dollar and piranha are hardly to tell apart. They all have a very similar coloration and look always different compared with the adult fish.


We obtained small, only 1-2 cm long silver dollars from Peru under the name of Myleus schomburgkii. This may be or not be, who nows? Currently the fish display only a nice, golden green coloration with some cloudy dark spots. We are very curious what will become of the fish!


For our customers: the animals have code 270500 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Apistogramma sp. Nanay

18. July 2016


When we unpacked these large, fully grown Apistigramma from Peru we thought initially: wow, that kind of Apistogramma was never here before! The species-specific features of the fish are: stripes on the underside of the belly, an orange colored spot on the basis of the pecoral fin, a more or less clearly recognizeable orange zone over the belly, and elongated tips of the caudal fin in fully developed males.


The research made clear: no, the fish has been here already, and even several times. The species belongs in the closer relationship of Apistogramma moae. The names applied on it were Apistogramma sp. „Baby face yellow tail“, A. sp. „Frank“, and A. sp. „Nanay“. We adopted the latter name for our recent imports, because bred specimens were sold under that cheironym. In captive bred fish the orange zone over the belly becomes even more splendid than in wild collected ones.



We are very glad that we have this rare guest once more in our fishhouse. They are splendid animals!


For our customers: the fish have code 628684 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Hemigrammus rubrostriatus

18. July 2016


Recently we obtained two specimens of a small tetra as a sample from Peru. The supplier asked us for the determination of the species. The animals looked somewhat familiar to us. Didn´t we get such fish not from Colombia formerly? A short e-mail correspondence with the tetra expert Martin Hoffmann solved the riddle: this species has been described scientifically only one year ago by Axel Zarske as Hemigrammus rubrostriatus on the basis of specimens imported by us indeed from Colombia.



There are some other, similar looking species, like Hemigrammus erythrozonus (Glowlight tetra) or the several species of Flag tetra (Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus, H. amapaensis, H. agulha, H. eschwartzae). However, Hemigrammus rubrostriatus can be distinguished from all of them even in fright coloration by a shining spot on the basis of the tail, which is lacking in all other species mentioned above. Such a spot is known in Hemigrammus for example by the Head-and-Tail-Light tetras (Hemigrammus ocellifer and H. falsus).


We hope that we will be able to import a larger number of specimens of the attractive new species now. If we are successful it will for sure be no real problem to breed the fish and make it accessible at least to all the aquarists that have a special interest in tetras.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Poecilia mexicana CAMPECHE

18. July 2016


The wild mollys from Central America were always and will stay an enigma for generations of scientists. In each brook the fish look somewhat different. And as if that would not be eough, they also have within every population different shaped males: small and slender early ripe male, large and deep bodies late ripe males and males that are somewhere in between. So it isn´t sure at all, if the splendid fish we can offer now for the first time – they were bred in Southeast Asia – really belong to the species P. mexicana or to P. sphenops or to P. limantouri. However, from a practical point of view these questions are rather irrelevant.





It is very important to supply always the additional term „Campeche“ – this is the locality where the initial stock has been collected – for otherwise unwanted crosses cannot be excluded.



These wild type mollys are a real challenge for hobby breeders. In contrast to Black Mollys, Silver Mollys and so on the young fish grow extremely slowly. But the adult fish reward the keeper with their lively behaviour and the brillant colours. By the way: the ability to change the coloration is breathtaking. Within seconds the males change from the silvery neutral pattern to the blue-black display-pattern. If the fish are disturebed they can become pale at a glimpse. But the good news is: after only a few days of settling the fish only hardly can become disturbed….

For our customers: the animals have code 280558 on our stocklist. Please note that we xclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pelvicachromis taeniatus NIGERIA RED

18. July 2016


Dwarf cichlids from western Africa are bit out of fashion currently. Nobody knows a real good reason why, as usual in fashion. However, anyone who sees the gorgeous Pelvicachromis taeniatus “Nigeria Red” we can offer right now as German bred ones, will become crazy for a new fashion immediately and place a tank with these beauties in the fishhouse.





For our customers: the fish have code 562304 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.



Lexicon: Pelvicachromis: Latin, means about “Chromis with a specially coloured pelvis”; Chromis is an old catch-all name for perches. taeniatus: Latin, means “striped”.

Common name: makes no sense, the fish is commonly known by enthusiasts as the “taeniatus Nigeria red”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Prionobrama filigera

18. July 2016


The Red Tailed Glass Tetra (Prionobrama filigera) was already known to our grandfathers in the hobby. It was imported as early as 1931. Initially the species came from South America. Here it is far spread over the Amazon basin in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. However, hardly ever a wild collected specimen can be found in the trade. The photographed speciemens for example were bred in Hongkong.




Depending on the light in the tank the body of the up to 6 cm long animal is transparent like glass or shines in all pastel colours of the rainbow. One of the most attractive features of the fish is the behaviour, for it often swims in a dense school through the tank. The fish is very easy to maintain, completely peaceful and has no special demands regarding the water chemestry.





For our customers: the fish has code 283103 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Astronotus ocellatus Oscar Lemon

18. July 2016


If one likes artifical sports or not is a matter of taste. But these sports are in any case interesting, because they show the genetic potential of a species. So finally men-made sports give hints even for the scientists working exlusively in the field how to distinguish local populations from different species.




The Lemon Oscar is a sport that is in part an albino – it hs red eyes – but in which the yellow pigment in the body is still extant. Only very few specimens are yellow all over the body, most of the fish are rather wild colored. The initially dark brown parties of the wild fish look, however, only very faint ashgrey and the initially red parties yellow.



Most interesting is the fact that the ventral fins in this sport are extremely prolonged, a feature not observed in other oscars so far.

For our customers: the fish have code 633264 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

New Guppy: Coral Tail

18. July 2016


For the first time ever we have this new type of roundtailed Guppy in stock. It is bred in Sri Lanka. The basic body colour is silver-blue. In ideal specimens the tailfin is divided in three partes. The upper and lower part is black, the centre bright red.





For our customers: the fish have code 418363 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Apteronotus albifrons WHITE

12. July 2016


The Black Ghost (Apteronotus albifrons) is a most beautiful and elegant knifefish from South America. The species has a very wide distribution, wild collected specimens most often come from the Orinoco (Colombia and Venezuela). However, the up to 50 cm long species is also bred since many years in Indonesia on a regular basis.


The mode of swimming this species performes is uncomparable. There is no thinkable manouvre that cannot be figured by the species, may it be straight on, backwards, head up or head down, upside down or upside up.


First we obtained in 2008 a white sport of the Black Ghost from Indonesia. Now we were able once more to import these interesting animals. They don´t differ at all from the wild type fish in respect of elegance and swaggering (these fish fight for their position in the hierarchy with mouths wide open; in this position they try to push away the contrahent), but they appear even more than their black ancestors in a ghosty way…


For our customers: the fish have code 207551 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Hyphessobrycon dorsalis (formerly determined as H. minor)

12. July 2016


The scientific description of a new species bases usually on dead specimens that are stored in a museum. Very often it is unknown how the living organism looks. Especially in small species of freshwater fish – the animals most often kept in aquaria – this method very often leads to mis-identifications, for the preserved specimens do look quite different and are defined on the basis of characters that are unobservable in living specimens.


So it is quite normal that permanently new species are discovered on the basis of imported, live specimens – thanks to the aquarium hobby!



All the things said above are true for the small species of tetra we were able to import once more from Brazil. The research in literature led to the idenfication „Hyphessobrycon minor“, a species that has been decribed in 1909 by Marion Lee Durbin on the basis of material collected in Guyana.

It was only in 2014 that the ichthyologist Axel Zarske discovered (by the way: on the basis of specimens imported by us) that this species was not H. minor but a species new to science. He named it Hyphessobrycon dorsalis.

Hyphessobrycon dorsalis belongs to the so called Rosy Tetra group. It becomes about 3 cm long. The species is of a translucent appearance and a bit mousy, but aquarists specialized in tetras will nevertheless be glad that the species is available again.


For our customers: the animals have code 261363 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pantodon buchholzi

12. July 2016


If there would be a Top Ten ranking on the most extraordinary species of freshwater fish of the world, this species would appear for sure: the African Butterfly fish, Pantodon buchholzi. We have this strange animal – it becomes about 10 cm long – always in stock. Our specimens originate from Nigeria.



Pantodon can really fly, he is a glider. There is a legend that says Pantodon was not discovered by an ichthyologist, but by a collector of butterflies. This collector caught Pantodon during a flight and thought initially the fish would be a moth. The Butterfly fish is a stricly surface-dwelling species. In the wild, it lives in quite shallow water of swamps. The ventral fins are modified to sensitiv organs that help the fish to orient. Pantodon can survive in almost oxygen free water due to a special organ that allows the fish to breath air that is swallowed from the water surface. Males can be easily recognized by the modified anal fin. Butterfly fishes often spawn in aquaria, but the offspring is difficult to rear, because the larvae feed exclusively from the water surface – like their parents do.



Butterfly fishes are peaceful agains other fish, but they tend to be a bit anxious. So it is recommended to keep them only with very calm and peaceful fish. Against conspecifics Butterfly fishes can be quarrelsome, but this behaviour is usual only evanescent.


For our customers: the Butterfly fish has code 155004 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Ompok pinnatus

12. July 2016


For the first time ever we obtained this absolutely unusual glass catfish from Thailand. At the first glimpse the enormous long barbels take the attention of the observer. This catfish has been described only in 2003 as Ompok pinnatus. If one compares O. pinnatus with the other species of Ompok we imported recently (see and, O. pinnatus looks vey different and reminds one rather in a typical glass catfish (Kryptopterus). O. pinnatus also behave like a Kryptopterus. And the good news for hobbyists: O. pinnatus stays small, maximum length reported is about 8-9 cm. This catfish is very peaceful, but very small fish will be be taken for food.





All in all Ompok pinnatus is a very interesting addition for the aquarium hobby. Males and females can be distinguished by the pectoral fin spines. In males these spines are serrated, smooth in young fish and females. Due to the enormous beard these glass cats wear (only the Indonesian sister taxon Ompok eugeneiatus has comparatively long barbels) we suggest „walrus glass catfish“ as a common name for the species.


For our customers: the animals have code 439823 on or stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Hyphessobrycon copelandi

12. July 2016


This tetra is the most gracile of the so called „rosy tetras“. The rosy tetras are a specious clade of tetras that share the following characters: a comparatively deep body, a humeral spot (the spot on the shoulder), long fins in males and in females an obvious white-black-white marking in the dorsal fin. The phantom tetras, rosy tetras, bleeding hearts and so on belong to that group.





Hyphessobrycon copelandi is a sought for species of fish. One can concluse this from the fact that the species has a quite well known common name in German: Federsalmler, which means „Feather tetra“. Nevertheless it is extremely rare in the trade. Most often enthusiasts had to pick up single specimens out of importations of cardinal tetras.



Now we were able to import a good number of fully grown (about 4 cm long) specimens from Brazil. Who knows, maybe a breeder decides now to build up a aquarium population of the pretty fish?


For our customers: the animals have code 259904 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Brevibora dorsiocellata

12. July 2016


The Eyespot Rasbora, Brevibora dorsiocellata, is a well known, classical aquarium fish. Sadly the species became almost forgotten in the 1980ies. It was Mr. Takashi Amano from Japan who was responsible for the comeback of the species. Amano often used a large school of B. dorsiocellata for his stylish tanks – a real eyecatcher!



The genus Brevibora has been separated in 2010 from Rasbora. Currently four species are known, but sadly in recent new descriptions serious mistakes have been made, so the names will change in near future again. For that reason we use the name that is best known in the hobby – Brevibora dorsiocellata.



Eyespot Rasboras are peaceful and undemanding fishes that can be kept even by beginners in the hobby. There is only one point that should be mentioned: the fish look best (most probably because they feel safe) when kept in larger schools, starting with 10 specimens – the more the better.

For our customers: the fish have code 451802 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Xiphophorus pygmaeus

12. July 2016


Males of the Pygmy Swordtail (Xiphophorus pygmaeus) become only about 3.5 cm long. So they bear an objectively correct name. The females become a bit larger, but even the dames are very small fshes, compared with the commonly known Swordtail, Xiphophorus hellerii. A very nice, yellow sport of the Pygmy Swordtail exists. It is also known from the wild. We can offer these rare fish currently, they are German bred ones.


Keeping and breeding of the Pygmy Swordtail differs a lot from the common Swordtails and Platies. The latter live in the wild preferably in shallow waters, often stagnat pools etc. The dwarfs, on the opposite, prefer the strongest current of the river. Only during dry seasons the Pygmy Swordtail can be found by chance along with the other members of the genus. This means that X. pygmaeus should not be kept in small tanks, desipte the small size of the body, but in spacious tanks with a good filtration and a strong current. Even more important is the regular water change, for Pygmy Swortails react very sensitve on bacteria and waste in their tankwater.





For our customers: the fish have code 476602 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Puntigrus partipentazona

12. July 2016


The tiger barbs were placed until recently in the catch-all genera Barbus, Puntius, or Systomus. The long time overdue splitting of the Asian small barbs led to a placement of the deep-bodied tiger barbs in a genus on their own, Puntigrus. The type species of the genus is P. partipentazona.


We were able to import this pretty species of tiger barb once more wild collected from Vietnam. P. partipentazona can be differenciated on the first glimpse from its congeners (P. anchisporus, P. navjotsodhii, P. pulcher, and P. tetrazona) by the dark spot on the basis of the dorsal fin.


Keeping all tiger barbs is easy. No principal differences in their demands exist, and they all attain the same size (5-6 cm). It is very important to keep them in schools as large as possible. If a tiger barb gets bored, it will become a plague for all other tankmates and start nibbling on the fins of other fish. As a rule one should never keep tiger barbs along with fish that ave extraordinary long fins.

For our customers: the fish have code 370602 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusiovely supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Xyliphius cf. lepturus

23. June 2016


For the first time ever we could import this extremely odd species of banjo catfish. The eyes are reduced to very small, black spots. This is a hint either to a strictly nocturnal way of life or that the fish live burried. We obtained our specimens from Venezuela. Most probably they belong to the species X. lepturus, but we cannot be sure about that.



The genus Xyliphius has been established in 1912 by Carl Eigenmann for the species X, magdalenae from Colombia. Sadly Eigenmann used two different kinds of typing for the new genus simultaneously, namely Xiliphius and Xyliphius. This led to some confusion among later workers. Currently the typing Xyliphius is the accepted one.



There are 7 described species in the genus. They are represented in the museum collections of the world by only quite few specimens. The maximum length reported for members of the genus is between 8 and 15 cm. This means that our 5 specimens should be adult, as they have already a length of 8-10 cm. Now, for the first time in history, the behaviour of these unusual creatures can be studied.



For our customers: the animals have code 203464 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Oreochromis niloticus

21. June 2016


There is most probably no other species of fish that is so much loved on the one hand and so much hated on the other: the Nile Mouthbrooder, often called simply „Tilapia“. As a food fish this omnivorous species – plant matter forms a large part of the diet – can be cultured even in the poorest countries of the tropics. Here the Tilapia changes worthless stuff in precious fish protein. But specimens that escaped in the wild or that were released became worldwide the most serious alien pest species of freshwater fish at all.





Oreochromis niloticus is only very rarely kept in private aquaria. The fish can grow to a maximum size of about 50 cm, but is mature already at a size of 6-8 cm. It is a maternal mouthbrooder. Currently we can offer nice, 6-8 cm long specimens that were bred by European aquarists.


For our customers: the fish have code 555503 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pseudanos winterbottomi and Anostomus ternetzi

21. June 2016



We received this nice headstander in the past years only very occasionally in single specimens as bycatch from Venezuela. Most often the specimens were intermixed in shipments of Anostomus ternetzi or Pseudanos trimaculatus. Finally we were able to import directly a number of the beautiful species. We have two sizes in stock, young ones (4-6 cm), and almost fully grown ones. As we keep the small ones altogether, we made the experience that they are quite peaceful against each other. Even fin damages do not appear. However, at least 10 specimens must be kept together, otherwise they start immediately to fight. The large ones are kept singly in our fishhouse. The youngsters also like to swim in mixed schools along with Anostomus ternetzi.



The golden striped headstander, Anostomus tenetzi, has a very wide distribution in South America. It is recorded from Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. The specimens on which the original descritption based, originated from Venezuela, and we were able to import them from there once more.



This beautiful fish is among the most peaceful species of headstander at all. It stay smaller than Anostomus anostomus. The latter can become more than 16 cm long, while A. ternetzi attains a maximum length of about 12 cm only.


In very young specimens of A. ternetzi the broad band along the body has wavy edges; it looks as if it would be composed of many, merged spots. Later these edges become straight in many specimens, but in others it stays wavy. Possibly this is a secondary sexual character. It is known from many species of fish that the female´s pattern is more similar to the juvenile pattern than in males.

Pseudanos winterbottomi and Anostomus ternetzi obviously live together in their natural habitat.


Pseudanos winterbottomi can reach a length of about 15 cm; so it belongs to the group of medium-sized headstanders. The experiences we made with the formerly imported single specimens showed that this species can be kept like all other headstanders: they love well planted, large aquaria with a lot of hiding places.

The chemical composition of the water is of no meaning. One should keep these fish at temperatures between 26 and 28°C. The best company are other headstanders, like the already mentioned species, but P. winterbottomi can also be kept with other, peaceful tetras, cichlids and catfish. One should keep in mind that headstanders need some vegetables in their food, otherwise they will destroy waterplants. The species accepts readily any usual food for ornamental fishes.


For our customers: P. winterbottomi has code 283742 (4-6 cm) and 283744 (8-10cm) on our stocklist. Anostomus ternetzi has code 206001 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Pseudanos: means “false Anostomus”. winterbottomi: dedication name for Richard Winterbottom, curator emeritus for ichthyology at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada. Anostomus: means “the one with the upturned mouth”. ternetzi: dedication name for Carl Ternetz (1870-1928). Pseudanos: means “false Anostomus”. winterbottomi: dedication name for Richard Winterbottom, curator emeritus for ichthyology at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada.

Suggestion of a common name for P. winterbottomi: Striped Bambi Headstander

Common name for Anostomus ternetzi: Golden Striped Headstander

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pseudoloricaria sp.

21. June 2016


Yesterday we introduced to you a brandnew „Hemiloricaria“ and mentioned that the determination of the species is very doubtful. Now we were able to take pictures of the ventral side of the animals and the enigma was solved: these fish are no Hemiloricaria at all, but members of the genus Pseudoloricaria! In Pseudoloricaria the lower lip has a different shape compared with Hemiloricaria, and the bony plates on the belly are also different arranged. Pseudoloricaria belong to the mouthbrooding whiptail cats (Hemiloricaria are cave brooders). The eggs of Pseudoloricaria are spawned on a dead leaf. The male attaches this leaf with the eggs on its lower lip and carries this along until the young fish hatch.



Currently there are two species of Pseudoloricaria known, one scientifically described (P. laeviuscula) and one still undescribed. The latter is presented in WelsAtlas Vol. 1 and named there provisionally Pseudoloricaria sp. „Rio Negro“. However, now we know that the fish has a much wider distribution in Amazonia than only the Rio Negro. Ingo Seidel is pretty sure that our recent importations belong to the still undescribed species. We take the opportunity to thank Ingo and all the others very sincerely for discussing the identity of our new fish on facebook and instagramm.


Although our fish are already sexually differentiated – they are about 12-14 cm long – they will most probably grow for more than double of that, because both species Pseudoloricaria proofed to grow as large as 30 cm or even more.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Moenkhausia phaeonota

21. June 2016


This small (about 4 cm) species of tetra originates from the Mato Grosso region in Brazil. It is the only species of Moenkhausia with such a colour pattern. So already in the original scientific description (1979) the author mentioned that this generic placement can be only provisionally. This makeshift stands until today… Sadly this charming tetra is only very rarely available. If one observes the life fish the behaviour reminds one in that of croaking tetras (Stevardiinae). We are able to offer this rare tetra currently.


For our customers: the fish have code 269003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Papuligobius uniporus

15. June 2016


For the first time ever we were able to import this interesting freshwater-goby from Vietnam. The species and the genus have been described only in 2003. Papuligobius uniporus attains a maximum length of about 7.5 cm. There exists only one other species in the genus, namely P. ocellatus, which has been described already in 1937, but which obviously never appeared in the aquarium hobby. The easiest way to distinguish the two species is the coloration of the caudal fin, which is striped in P. ocellatus, and the coloration of the basis of the pectoral fin. Here P. uniporus has three eye-spots, P. ocellatus only one.







Against conspecifics P. uniporus can be a bit quarrelsome. The species has the ability to change the coloration drastically. Most often they look almost deep black, but they can also show a light stripe or a marbled pattern.





These gobies have no special demands regarding water chemistry. They feed readily on any type of frozen of life food that fits the mouth.

For our customers: the fish have code 441076 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pseudomugil sp. paskai Red-Neon has been described scientifically

15. June 2016


Pseudomugil sp. “paskai Red-Neon” has been imported for the first time in 2012 and is for sure one of the most spectacular discoveries of aquarium fish in the millenium. Since the first importation the fish has been well established in the hobby and proofed as a beautiful, peaceful, and hardy ornamental fish.


However, there was a scientific name missing. Preserved specimens – they lack usually all colours – look very similar to Pseudomugil paskai, but this fish has totally different and much duller colours in life.


Now the species has been described scientfically in a proper way and here is the correct and valid name: Pseudomugil luminatus.

For our customers: the fish have code 446452 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Allen, G. R., Unmack, P. J. & R. K. Hadiaty (2016): Pseudomugil luminatus, a new species of Blue-eye (Teleostei: Pseudomugilidae) from southern New Guinea, with notes on P. gertrudae. Fishes of Sahul 30 (1): 950-961

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

The latest golden nugget: Nematobrycon palmeri

15. June 2016


The emperor tetra, Nematobrycon palmeri, is kept and bred for a long time already in aquaria. The animals in the trade are almost exclusively bred ones. So it was only a question of time when the first sports would arrive. A very nice sport of the emperor tetra is the xanthoristic, golden mutant. The genetic reasons for that coloration are the same as in the goldfish, namely the lack of dark pigments on the body. Nevertheless the fish are no albinos. Despite the colours these golden emperors do not differ from their wild coloured cousins in respect of the demands in the aquarium.




For our customers: the fish have code 272652 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Channa panaw

3. May 2016


It was only in 1998 that this comparatively small species of snakehead was described as a separate species on its own. Before this the fish were thought to represent a geographical variety of the very far spread species Channa punctata. Channa panaw has a pretty far distribution in Burma, where it inhabits the area around the large rivers Sittang and Irrawaddy.





Channa panaw attains a maximum length of less than 20 cm and is one of the smaller species of snakehead. Despite the fish is not very colourful (although the golden shine on the body is quite attractive) it is one of the species that can be recommended for aquaria as it is comparatively peaceful. The photographed pair lived four days in the small phototank together without doing the slightest harm to each other. This is unthinkable for most other snakeheads, they would seriously hurt or even kill each other under these conditions. The females seem to be a bit bigger in Channa panaw, less colourful and the white seam in the anal fin is missing. However, the species has been kept in aquaria by far to seldom to give proofed informations regarding the external sexual differences.



For our customers: the fish have code 409215 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Chaetostoma L455 Tiger

2. May 2016


After quite a long time we were able again to import the pretty Chaetostoma sp. L455 Tiger from Peru. Generally speaking, species belonging to Chaetostoma do not attract by nice coloration, but this species is really an exception from the rule. This is true at least for the males, the females do not have the nice pattern of the males.


The pictures show a pair of our current import. For more pictures and informations, please see here: and here:



For our customers: the fish have code 26480 -L455-4 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Piaractus brachypomus ALBINO

28. April 2016


Almost exactly four years ago we were able to import a pair of albinotic Pacus from Colombia (see At the time the import was quite spectacular. However, nowadays the fish are offered from southeast Asia already. These animals are by far more handy, because they are only 4-6 cm long, compared with the 16-20 cm long pair from Colombia. Nevertheless the youngsters are as fascinating as the large ones in respect of coloration. But one should always keep in mind that they will grow up to a length of about 60 cm!




For our customers: the fish have code 218492 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Cephalosilurus apurensis

26. April 2016


A face that can be loved only by a mother? Far from that! Among the fans of large, predatory catfish Cephalosilurus apurensis is a much sought after species! The fish attains a maximum length of about 30 cm and appears endemic in Venezuela (this means the distribution is restricted to that country). We were able once again to import a few specimens of this rarity. Our fish are 20-25 cm lang and almost fully grown. Further pictures of younger specimens can be found here:




For our customers: the fish have code 214636 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very small numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Coreoperca cf. liui

26. April 2016


For the first time ever we obtained this interesting freshwater perch from southern China. The genera Coreoperca and Siniperca contain altogether 14 species. They are thought to be close relatives of the groupers (Serranidae), but are placed in a family on their own, the Sinipercidae.



The fish were shipped under the name of Coreoperca kawamebari; however, this species occurs only in Japan and Korea and has a pattern of vertical bands. Three species are known to occur in China, namely C. loona (Wu, 1939); C. liui Cao & Liang, 2013, and C. whiteheadi Boulenger, 1900. Of these, our specimens are closest to C. liui. That species of Chinese perch attains a maximum length of about 11 cm.



In contrast to the groupers the Chinese perches are absolutely peaceful against conspecifics, they even seem to prefer to swim along with partners. Of course these fish are small predators that like living fish for food. In respect of the external appearance the Chinese perches remind one strongly in nandids (Nandus nandus), but the behaviour is completely different. Nandids are shy and always try to cover, whereas the Chinese perches are very lively and curious and swim in the open water.



For our customers: the fish have code 412403 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Panaqolus albivermis, L204

26. April 2016


Currently we have all sizes of L204 in stock, among them fully grown specimens. They show impressively how different the individual pattern in loricariids can be. We have specimens with small spots, species-specificly banded animals and all thinkable intergrades. The photos were made from four fully grown specimens in our fishhouse, size-class 11-14 cm. Pictures of juveniles can be found here:










For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L 204-6 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Osphronemus laticlavius

20. April 2016



We received the very rare red finned giant gourami in two sizes, 5-7 cm (code 440923 on our stocklist) and 12-15 cm (code 440925). The species attains a similar size as the common giant gourami, eg 60 cm. O. laticlavius originates from Borneo. Fertile males develop a very prominent head structure and deep red fins that form a beautiful contrast to the black body. The pictures of the adult fish show how breathtaking beautiful this large fish can be – sadly we cannot offer that size.



Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

First import of Rhadinoloricaria macromystax

20. April 2016


Even keepers specialized in whiptail catfish will hardly know this fish. Until now only preserved specimens or pictures of animals photographed in the field were known. Now we were able for the first time ever to import some specimens alive from Venezuela. The species has been described in 1869 from Peru.



These fish are extremely sensitive. Our supplier reports that he has big difficulties during the acclimatization of the fish. The reasons for these difficulties are unknown. The way the fish hold their pectoral and ventral fins (like spoilers) may be a hint that these whiptail cats are adopted to strong current (a so-called rheophilic species).


The species is said to attain a length of about 15 cm. This means that our specimens are fully grown or at least sexually mature. If they represent the “real” Rh. macromystax or a close, still undescribed relative, cannot be decided by us. The genus is only insufficient researched.


For our customers: the animals have code 287255 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only very few specimens available!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

A cryptic species of Dicrossus?

19. April 2016


Dicrossus filamentosus, the checkerboard cichlid, is a permanent guest in our fishhouse. The beautiful dwarf cichlids make gorgeous aquarium inhabitants.







Last week we obtained a shipment of large specimens from Manaus, almost exclusively males. We decided to photograph them due to their brilliant coloration.


During selecting the models for the photo aquarium two unusual facts became obvious. First: one of the males was extraordinary deep bodied. And twice: there was no female in the shipment that showed the typical red ventral fins of sexually active females.


Instead the selected female showed two features that were also found in the unusual deep bodied male: the black marks along the side were almost quadratic (instead of rectangular) and there was a small black spot on the basis of the ventral fins (lacking in “normal” checkerboards).






Of course this can be pure chance. But it is also possible that the unusual checkerboards represent a hidden, so-called cryptic, different species. Since genetic analyses (DNA-analyses) have become so cheap, it has been found that cryptic species, which can be hardly told apart from well known species by external features, but which are totally different from a genetic point of view, are comparatively common.

For our customers: the Dicrossus filamentosus we currently have in stock have code 668002 (sm) and 668005 (lg-xlg) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Filopaludina (Siamopaludina) martensi cambodjensis

19. April 2016


For the first time ever we were able to import this pretty snail from Thailand. It is a typical viviparid snail that shares all the characters of the family: these animal breath via gills, not via lungs, and thus use the dissolved oxygen in the water for breathing, like fish do; there are males and females, the males can be recognize by the fact that one of the antennas is modified in shape; these snails are livebearers; and they are no algae-eaters in the strict sense, but feed on Aufwuchs and detritus. Food tablets (produced for ornamental fish) are a reliable food for them in the aquarium. Filopaludina (Siamopaludina) martensi cambodjensis attains a length of about 4 cm.






For our customers: the animals have code 483655 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Another new Panda-Corydoras

19. April 2016

The “New Panda” from Colombia/Venezuela is a much sought for species by Corydoras enthusiats since the first importation in 2010 (see There have been given two CW numbers for the species (different species?), namely CW49 and CW51. Please see for discussion and additional pictures of both forms Now we were able to import again this beautiful species and this time – again – many of them look different: they have an enormous large black saddle spot compared with the varieties known already. So are these Corys another local variety or do these fish simply differ a bit in respect of coloration from year to year? Nobody knows… But one thing is for sure: the are real beauties! For our customers: the fish have code 240183 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Apistogramma macmasteri Tame

14. April 2016




It was back in 1996 when Uwe Werner presented in the Aqualog South American Cichlids II a dwarf cichlid under this name. The city and municipality of Tame are located in Colombia in the Arauca Department at the Rio Arauca. Here the unusual Apistogramma macmasteri have been collected. Sadly it became soon after lost for the hobby….





Now we were able to manage an import of a few wild collected specimens of that variety. The fish are large, almost fully grown. Hopefully it is possible now to establish a stable aquarium population with these really nice animals.




For our customers: the fish have code 624624 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only very few specimens available!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Amaralia hypsiura

13. April 2016




Banjo catfishes are subjects for lovers of calm fishes. One could also ay: for lovers of phlegmatic fishes. These creatures will not swim even an inch if it is not absolutely necessary. On the other hand they are really odd looking creatures. The strangest looking of this assemblage of strange-looking animals is without any doubt Amaralia hypsiura. This species attains a length of about 12 cm and has a very wide distribution in South America. It can be easily recognized by the much reduced dorsal fin. Until a few weeks ago only one species was recognized in Amaralia, namely A. hypsiura, but recently a second species, A. oviraptor, has been described from the Paraná-Paraguay-system. It looks almost identical to A. hypsiura.


Our specimens originate from Venezuela. While researching the new species it was found that all Amaralia feed almost exclusively on eggs and freshly hatched young fish with a large yolk sac of other fish species, most often obviously on loricariids.


When Amaralia are disturbed they press the tail on the side of the body, thus imitating seeds of beans (for example Mucuna sp.).




Sadly Amaralia are only very rarely offered by the exporters, despite the wide distribution and the fact that they are far from being rare in the wild. So we are quite proud that we could manage once more a successful import. Our four specimens are fully grown: one male and three females.


For our customers: the fish have code 203455 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only four specimens available!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Corydoras sp. C3

13. April 2016


Shipments declared as “Corydoras deckeri” from Colombia are always subject of surprise. There is no scientifically described species C. deckeri, this name is pure fantasy. So sometimes Corydoras axelrodi, sometimes C. loxozonus, and sometimes the scientifically undescribed C. sp. C3 are shipped under that flag.


This time we received the pretty C3. However, all three species mentioned express a great number of varieties. It seems thus quite likely that the three do not represent different species, but rather a species flock that merely hybridize with each other and cannot be classified in the theoretical concept that we call “species”.


C3 has basically the same pattern as C. loxozonus, but the broad horizontal band is located in the middle of the body, as it is in C. axelrodi; in C. loxozonus this band runs along the back.




But there do exist specimens of C3 that look totally different. One would not hesitate to declare them as different species, were there not all thinkable intergrades. We could spot only one real bycatch in our shipment, a species with a sharp snout (blunt in C3), many horizontal stripes and a striped caudal fin. This fish has been given the code number CW113 recently by Ian Fuller.


For our customers: the fish have code 223603 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

American Gold Minnows from Florida arrived

1. April 2016


Finally we can offer again the pretty golden sport of the Fathead minnow Pimephales promelas. This fish is the ideal inhabitant of small garden ponds. For more informations on the species see–gold_de_1339.html


For our customers: the animals have code 870002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.


Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Polypterus endlicherii bred

23. March 2016

This large species – sexual maturity is reached at about 40 cm length, but the species can grow as big as 70 cm – originates from Africa. Her it has a fairly wide distribution, from the Nile to the Niger. But it is difficult to catch, so the fish were rather high in prize. Now we can offer bred specimens from Indonesia on a regular basis, which are considerably more favourable.

For our customers: the fish have code 163312 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Polypterus: from ancient Greek, means “with many fins”. endlicherii: dedication name for Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher (1804 – 1849).

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Xenophallus umbratilis

22. March 2016

this very attractive livebearer can be offered only very rarely. The
species is also known as the “Golden Teddy” among hobbyists. Males
become about 4 cm, females up to 6 cm long. Initially the species is
native in Costa Rica, but the fish we have in stock now are German bred

our customers: the fish have code 475802 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in small
numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Amia calva

21. March 2016

– we tried many years without any success – we managed to import a good
number of this “living fossil” from the USA. Once there was a time when
relatives of this species lived allmost all over the World, even in
Europe several species existed. These creatures were already existent
when the dinosaurs walked around. However, nowadays only one species is
left, namely Amia calva, which is native in the eastern USA.

bowfin – this is the common name of the species – can reach a maximum
size of about one meter, but usually grows not larger than 50 cm. Males
stay smaller in general than females. Bowfins are predators that feed on
fish, crayfish and so on. Amia calva has very sharp teeth and uses them
in case it feels in trouble. So one should be aware of that fact.

bowfin is a coldwater fish, but due to its lung breathing the fish can
survive even in warm and muddy water. Even temperatures over 30°C are
tolerated. The fish take an intensive broodcare. Males build a kind of
nest of plant material in which the adhesive eggs are spawned. The
hatchlings are also guarded for a while by the male.

For our customers: the fish have code 364002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Amia: a name
for a fish in ancient Greece, but nowadays nobody knows anymore, what
species was meant. calva: Latin, means “smooth”. Common name: Bowfin

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Amia calva

21. March 2016

Four specimens – gorgeous animals, which are 15 – 20 cm long – of this “living fossil” reached us recently. Once there was a time when relatives of this species lived allmost all over the World, even in Europe several species existed. These creatures were already existent when the dinosaurs walked around. However, nowadays only one species is left, namely Amia calva, which is native in the eastern USA.

The bowfin – this is the common name of the species – can reach a maximum size of about one meter, but usually grows not larger than 50 cm. Males stay smaller in general than females. Bowfins are predators that feed on fish, crayfish and so on. Amia calva has very sharp teeth and uses them in case it feels in trouble. So one should be aware of that fact.

The bowfin is a coldwater fish, but due to its lung breathing the fish can survive even in warm and muddy water. Even temperatures over 30°C are tolerated. The fish take an intensive broodcare. Males build a kind of nest of plant material in which the adhesive eggs are spawned. The hatchlings are also guarded for a while by the male.

For our customers: the fish have code 364006 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Amia: a name for a fish in ancient Greece, but nowadays nobody knows anymore, what species was meant. calva: Latin, means “smooth”.

Common name: Bowfin

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft USA
Verfügbare Größe in cm 15-20

Zenarchopterus dunckeri

21. March 2016

There are 20 valid species in the genus Zenarchopterus, all of them occuring along the Pacific coast of tropical Asia. The maximum length of Zenarchopterus is around 15 cm, only a few species are recorded to reach a greater length, most of them stay smaller. The species are very similar to each other and the only safe way for a positive identification of the species is via the external visible sexual organ of the males. In males, the posterior part of the anal fin is modified to a mating organ called andropodium. Only in one species, Z. quadrimaculatus, a melanophore pattern exists, all other species are silvery.

Recently we were able to import Zenarchopterus from Taiwan. According to Taiwanese literature, the only existing species of Zenarchopterus in Taiwan is Z. dunckeri. As we have no adult male in the import (the specimens are around 8 cm long) we were not able to verfy this identification, but have simply adopted the name.

Zenarchopterus are fascinating aquarium inhabitants that are swimming always close to the water surface. In the wild they feed mainly on land-insects that fall in the water, but in the aquarium they also feed happily on flake food. Against any tankmates these fish are very peaceful, but they tend to panic and thus should not be combined with “nasty” species. Most probably all species of Zenarchopterus are egg layers, but there is so far no detailed breeding report available. Zenarchopterus are typical estuarine fishes and thus prefer brackish water, although some species (among them Z. dunckeri) can be found far upstreams and others also enter happily the open sea. It is best to keep them in a salinity of 5-15 grams salt per litre.

For our customers: the fish have code 479304 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Zenarchopterus: ancient Greek, means “the one with a life-giving fin”, referring to the andropodium found in male fish. dunckeri: dedication name for Georg Duncker, ichthyologist in the Zoologisches Museum Hamburg, who discovered (among other species) the harlequin barb, Trigonostigma heteromorpha. quadrimaculatus: Latin, means “with four spots”.

Suggestion of a common name: Duncker´s river gar

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Taiwan
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8

Melanotaenia pygmaea

9. March 2016

For the first time ever we obtained this charming rainbowfish from a breeder. The specific name “pygmaea” refers to a small body size. In fact our fish are full in coloration. They are currently about 4 cm long (total length). According to literature the maximum lengthin males is about 7 cm, whereas females always stay smaller and hardly ever reach 5 cm.

Melanotaenia pygmaea is known from a very small area only. The species lives endemic – this means only there – in tributaries of the Prince Regent River in the Kimberly region of the state Western Australia. The aquarium strains most probably go back to collections made in 1992 and 1994. The species has been discovered in 1974 and formally described in 1978.

For our customers: the fish have code 428634 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred

Phenacogrammus aurantiacus II

29. February 2016

Last week we presented to you our freshly imported Golden Congo Tetras (Phenacogrammus aurantiacus). The slight fin damages of the fish are as good as cured completely now. Many of our customers now ask for “safely” sexed specimens. All we can say to that is: of course large, dominant males are easy to recognize. But all other fish must wear a big question mark. In all Congo tetras exists a clear sexual dimorphism in respect of the anal fin structure, dominant males have moreover a long extended dorsal fin in P. aurantiacus. Males also become bigger than females. But non-dominant males and large, dominant females can be hardly told apart from each other. And also “absolutly safe” females can proof later as young, unripe males. It is simply impossible for us (without killing and dissecting) to be 100% sure about the females.

For our customers: the fish have code 158254 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft DR Congo
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-7

Satanoperca rhynchitis

24. February 2016

received beautiful German bred specimens of this rare eartheater. Until
the species has been described in 2012 under the name of Satanoperca
rhynchitis it was known in the hobby as Satanoperca sp. “Red Lips”. The
fish develop the pretty red lips only when adult, so we add a picture of
an adult specimen to this news. And as a special goodie we can preset
here a picture that shows the species in its natural habitat in French

For our customers: the fish have code 687633 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Frank Schäfer, Dieter Bork

Heros sp. Curare

23. February 2016

For the first time ever we were able to import this splendid species of Heros. Reportedly the animals have been collected in the Rio Curare (name). However, we haven´t eard of a Rio Curare so far. We think the fish have been collected in the Rio Ventuari.

The fish are extremely colorful; all other features make it very likely that this is the “real” Heros severus. In fact almost all Heros spread in the hobby under that name belong to other species.

Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Thomas Brueck

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela

Teleocichla centrarchus

17. February 2016

Teleocichla centrachus from Rio Xingu probably is the most imported Teleocichla. In addition, it is the type species of this kind. As the males have a maximum length of approx. 10cm, you can certainly still call them dwarf cichlids. The females, being mostly only 8cm maximum, are a little smaller and rather soon show a pink belly by which they show their readiness to spawn to the male. Really the care and even the breeding of T. centrachus is not too difficult, as long as you pay attention to the correct nutrition. Because they greedily eat hunks like Krill, Mysis or Red Blood Worms, but they stuff that much into themselves that they will die from it sooner or later. It is better to feed them with small living or frozen food like Artemia (frozen or newly hatched), Daphnias, Cylops or Lobstereggs. The breeding is not difficult, as long as you offer these fish a flat and tight cave to deposit their eggs and if you take care of them in soft or middle hard water. Since they are peaceful to other species and do not destroy plants either, you can thouroughly keep them in a community-tanks, provided that the right nutrition can be guaranteed.(Photo & Text von T. Weidner)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Xingu

Leporinus brunneus Ventuari

16. February 2016

Once more we were able to import this beautiful, large tetra from Venezuela. The fish can reach a maximum size of 25-30 cm. It can be found in the basins of Orinoco river and the rio Negro. The coloration of the fish is quite variable, depending on the origin. The orange spot under the eye on the operculum is nevertheless quite characteristic for the species. Depending on the origin the lateral stripe might be solid or formed by spots. The intensity of the red coloration of the finnage and the throat also depends on the origin of the fish.

Our specimens have a length of 12-18 cm and so they are almost fully grown or at least sexually mature. They come from the Rio Ventuari, where a population with a very high degree of red colours appears.

For our customers: the fish have code 265745 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Leporinus: Leporinus: Latin, means “hare-nose”. brunneus: Latin, means “dark, dusky”

Suggestion of a common name: robin hare snout

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela
Verfügbare Größe in cm 12-18

Channa sp. Fire & Ice

16. February 2016

Once more we can offer this small and colourful snakehead. The species attains a maximum length of only 12-15 cm. The fish belongs to an so far scientifically undescribed species which is found in the region of the Burmese-Thai border.

The beautiful species belongs to the closer relationship of Channa gachua. Like this species, it is a mouthbrooder. C. sp. Fire & Ice has been bred successfully in aquaria already. Despite the small size this is by far one of the most aggressive species of Channa. For this reason it is best kept alone. A comparatively small tank is fulfilling all needs of a single specimen. Only for breeding purposes the pairs should be kept together. This reflects the natural way of life of these fish, which are always found alone outside breeding season. Channa sp. Fire & Ice can be easily told apart from other, similar Channa species by the unique pattern of the face. The fish are fed best with insects as basic food, for example crickets, which are taken also readily when frozen.

For our customers: the fish have code 409363 on our stocklist. Please Note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Burma
Verfügbare Größe in cm 12-15

Trichopsis pumila

8. February 2016

The Sparkling Gourami (Trichopsis pumila) is one of the smallest species of anabantoid at all – and one of the prettiest! The charming and totally peaceful species attains a maximum length of only 3-4 cm and is perfectly suitable for an community tank with other tiny, peaceful species of fish. The tank should be well planted. The water temperature can be between 22 and 26°C. Some dead leaves (best choice is beech, but Indian almond or oak may also be used) and some caves (half coconut shells or something like that) should not miss. T. pumila prefers to build the small bubble-nests (maximum size of the nest is about as large as a hazelnut) in caves or under broad plant leaves about 10-15 cm over the bottom of the tank.

These fish bear their name “sparkling” with good reason; at least the males do, the females do not sparkle at all. But the males can produce silent croaking sounds. This is usually associated with mating behaviour or displaying. The sound is comparable with the sound produced by a flapper, but much much less noisy. One has to listen carefully to hear it. The sound is produced by bones that stretch over sinews on the swimming bladder. So one can say: these fish play the guitar!

For our customers: the fish have code 470803 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Corydoras imitator and C39

8. February 2016

we receive imports of “Corydoras imitator” from the upper Rio Negro in
Brazil. If one takes a close look on the fish it becomes obvious that
hardly two specimens look really identical. Coloration is variable, as
well is  the shape of the body. Some fish, for sure, are unplanned
by-catches, for example C. incolicana (C1). But it seems very doubtful
that Corydoras imitator (with a quite narrow black band on the back) and
C39 (with a more robust body and a much broader band on the back that
reaches the lower plate-row of the body in the region of the tail fin)
do really represent two different species….. At least both forms are
collected and exported together and there are so many intermediate
individuals that it is impossible to assort them properly.

our customers: Corydoras cf. imitator C39 have code 227314 on our
stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Loricaria sp. Rio Atabapo

3. February 2016

Finally we are able again to offer bred specimens of this Loricaria. It is the most beautiful species of the genus. Like all its relatives it is a mouthbrooding species. The males carry the egg-clusters along with them. For this they use the lower lip, which becomes much bigger during the breeding season, until the fry hatch.

The feature that makes Loricaria sp. Rio Atabapo (also known as Loricaria sp. Colombia) unmistakable is the dark harness stripe over the head. The species attains a length of about 20 cm and is still undescribed scientifically.

For our customers: the animals have code 266662 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-6

Dawkinsia cf. exclamatio

26. January 2016

We were able to import another splendid large barb from India. It belongs to the species Dawkinsia (formerly Puntius or Barbus) exclamatio or a closely related, scientifically still undescribed species. The fish are currently 8-9 cm long and are in breeding condition. Both sexes show now a red back, the males also develop “spawning pimples” on the snout and prolonged dorsal fin rays. Sadly these strong swimmers show only a much faded coloration in the small photo tank. In their regular, large tank the males also have a ruby-red breast and a deep red caudal fin.

For our customers: the fish have code 369666 on our stockliat. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Polypterus retropinnis

25. January 2016

After quite a long time we were able now to import again one of the smallest species of Polypterus, namely Polypterus retropinnis from the Congo. This bichir has been thought to represent an undescribed species for a while, but then it was found that it has been confused with the only recently described species Polypterus mokelembembe.

By the way: we also have the very rare P. mokelembembe in stock …. See for details

Polypterus retropinnis attains a maximum length of “only” about 30-40 cm and is a very slender species. The peaceful fish are a good choice for community tanks with other large, but peaceful Aquarium fish.

For our customers: the species has code 165002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft DR Congo
Verfügbare Größe in cm 10-15

Paludomus loricatus

20. January 2016

Among the most unusual species of freshwater snail is the Red Spotted Bella Snail, Paludomus loricatus, from Sri Lanka. The eyes of this snail are very attractive coloured, brightly red-orange. Around the mantle are numerous folds of the same colour.

We are informed on the biology of P. loricatus by Starmühlner (Starmühlner, F. (1974): The freshwater gastropods of Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Sri Lanka, 25, 97-181). According to him, the snails inhabit clear, very clean, fast running streams in the crystalline uplands of South-West Sri Lanka (altitude 60-700 m). The snails prefer to crawl near the water surface on rocks and stones in a current between 30 and 100 cm/s; sometimes they are also found outside the water. The water is very soft (total hardness 0.5-1.2°dH), the pH is between 5.8 and 7.1, the water temperature between 18 and 27.3°C. The snails feed on Aufwuchs and detritus. It is thought that they are – like all members of the genus Paludomus – are ovo-viviparous, eg that they give birth to completely developed youngsters.

For our customers: the animals have code 485812 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Sri Lanka
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Chalinochromis brichardi

19. January 2016

pretty cichlid from Lake Tanganyika is only very, very occasionally
found in the trade. This is hard to understand. Despite the fact that
the coloration is rather simple, the fish are quite conspicuous. Keeping
and breeding can be compared with the closely related genus
Julidochromis. Maximum size of Chalinochromis brichardi is about 12 cm.

For our customers: the fish have code 504302 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pseudohomaloptera sp – A new dwarfish hillstream loach from Vietnam

19. January 2016

For the first time ever we obtained this hillstream loach from Vietnam. The determination is pretty tricky. All features visible in live fish (position of the dorsal fin, coloration, position of the anus) lead to the genus Pseudohomaloptera, which currently includes six described species: Pseudohomaloptera tatereganii (Popta 1905), P. sexmaculata (Fowler 1934), P. leonardi (Hora 1941), P. yunnanensis (Chen 1978), P. vulgaris (Kottelat & Chu 1988), and P. batek (Tan 2009). Three of them, namely P. sexmaculata, P. vulgaris, and P. yunnanensis, may possibly occur in Vietnam, although no one is listed for the country so far. We are not able to clearify this currently.

From an aquarists point of view it is most interesting that these hillstream loaches seem to stay very small. Our fish are about 4 cm long and at least sexually differentiated. When looked at from above the presumably males have larger pectoral fins. The very peaceful fish are easy to keep and feed readily on any type of usual fishfood offered.

For our customers: the fish have code 421579 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Vietnam
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Corydoras cochui and C. habrosus

19. January 2016

These dwarf species of Corydoras have been confused quite a long time. Both species attain a maximum length of about 3 cm and a very cute, nice and lively aquarium fish.

If one has the opportunity to see live specimens of both species together it may be hard to understand how they may be confused; moreover: Corydoras cochui originates from Brazil, C. habrosus from Colombia and Venezuela. But preserved specimens are very similar to each other and even on black-and-white-photographs – especially when they are strongly retouched – young animals look much alike.

Corydoras cochui from the Rio Araguaia also obtained a C-number until it was determined: C22. Sadly this species s very rare in the hobby. So we are quite glad to be able to offer that nice fish again.

Corydoras habrosus from the upper Orinoco is quite the opposite: this species belongs to the always available Corydoras in the pet trade.

Both species should be always kept in groups, at least five specimens together. They like warm water temperatures, starting with 26°C. In all other respects these two dwarf Corydoras are easy-to-keep, hardy fishes.

For our customers: Corydoras cochui has code 225802, C. habrosus 231003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil, Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Distichodus rostratus, D. engycephalus and D. brevipinnis from Nigeria

18. January 2016

Last week we received for the first time an unsusal shipment containing Distichodus unknown to us from Nigeria. The first determination was that they belonged to the species Distichodus rostratus. This species attains a maximum length of about 70 cm. We thought initially that all or fish would belong to the very same species, despite the fact that there are both spotted and striped animals, because it is known from D. rostratus that very young fish are initially striped, become spotted later and the fully grown fish is more or less uniformly coloured.

When picking up specimens for photos we saw that the differently coloured fish had a different shape of the head. And there was even one specimen of a third species with comparatively large spots and a completely different shape of the head.

Further study of literature showed that in fact we have three species. Only the striped ones are really D. rostratus. The spotted ones are in fact D. engycephalus, a species attaining about 40 cm in length; and the bycatch with the larger spots is a specimen of D. brevipinnis, which becomes 60-70 cm long.

Obviously the different species imitate each other during the juvenile phase. This gives a bigger security for the individual specimen against predators. The different shape of the mouth clearly show that the different species have different food preferences. So the fish in the school of mixed species have the advantage of more security but comparatively less competition for food than in a one-species school.

For our customers: D. rostratus has code 128103 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Dawkinsia assimilis

18. January 2016

In South India a group of barbs exists that was formerly placed either in Barbus or in Puntius and which is now placed in the only recently (2012) erected genus Dawkinsia. In Dawkinsia a phenomenon exists that aquarists are used to know for example from cichlids from Lake Malawi: every new collecting site reveals a new sport. This often makes it impossible to determine the species for sure. Now we received a new “mascara barb” (due to the dark eye-band). This fish is either a sport of D. assimilis or a new species of Dawkinsia. We obtained a few fully grown specimens (photos) and a good number of juveniles.

For our customers: the fish have code 369503 (4-5 cm) and 369505 (7-9 cm) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-9

Poecilia velifera NEON ORANGE

16. December 2015

We received this new sport of Molly from Southeast Asia. It was offered under the name of “Neon Orange”. The special feature of the new sport is the reflecting border of the scales on the back in front of the dorsal fin. This is more obvious in females than in males. In males. the reflecting zone is more restricted to the central parts of the back.

For our customers: the animals have code 432853 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-7

Yasuhikotakia sp New Cambodian Tiger

16. December 2015

Formerly all the deep bodies loaches from Indochina were placed in the catch-all genus Botia. This generic name should be used now only for the Indian species, while the species from Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam are placed in Ambastia, Syncrossus, and Yasuhikotakia. We now were able to import for the first time ever a really spectacular coloured species, belonging to the genus Yasuhikotakia, which has been collected in Cambodia, near the Mekong river. This species is still unnamed scientifically, so we provisionally call them “New Cambodian Tiger Loach”.

In fact this species is known at least since 1937, when Fowler (Fowler, H. W. (1937): Zoological results of the third De Schauensee Siamese Expedition. Part VIII,–Fishes obtained in 1936. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 89: 125-264) published drawings he made from it. However, Fowler misidentified the fish as Botia hymenophysa (nowadays Syncrossus h.). There are also many pictures of the new species in the internet; they are determined here almost as juveniles of Yasuhikotakia eos or Y. lecontei. However, both species most often do not display a special juvenile coloration at all, juveniles look like adults. But there are striped individuals/populations documented in several species of Yasuhikotakia (both juveniles and adults), which are currently placed in Y. lecontei, Y. modesta, or Y. morleti. So a lot of time consuming scientific work will have to be done to clarify the status of the “New Cambodian Tiger

The new species will probably attain a maximum length of about 10-15 cm (the photographed specimens are 6-7 cm long). They can be kept easily in the aquarium, like all these botiine loaches. The most important thing is to keep them in large groups, better not less than 10 specimens. Otherwise these fish can develop a very nasty behaviour against other fish in the same tank and become very aggressive. If not enough specimens of a peculiar species are available, one can also combine different species of Yasuhikotakia to hinder that they become over-aggressive.

For our customers: the animals have code 405453 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Citharinus citharus

7. December 2015

We recieved Moonfish, Citharinus citharus, from Nigeria. This tetra is only very rarely available. The large species can attain a maximum length of about 60 cm and 7 kg of weight. In its home countries, the moonfish is a much estimated food fish. But the species is also very interesting in respect of aquarium keeping. The calm silver discs are very interesting. Most worth mentioning is the mouth structure, which is very similar to that of the night tetras (Semaprochilodus) from South America and the Kissing Gouramis (Helostoma) from Southeast Asia. Like these the Moonfish feeds mainly on Aufwuchs.

Against conspecifics and as well against other fish the Moonfish is quite peaceful. It makes an interesting inhabitant for very large aquaria.

For our customers: the fish have code 114503 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Biotoecus opercularis

2. December 2015

This fish probably represents the most interesting species of dwarf cichlids from Amazonia. Currently we were able to import it once more. B.opercularis is for sure not demanded due to its coloration. As typical sand cichlids they do not have pop-art colours, but shining pastel shades. The same phenomenon can be found in the sand dwelling cichlids of Lake Tanganyika. Nevertheless well adapted animals are really beautiful. Moreover our recently imported specimens (they came via Manaus) have brilliant orange ventral fins.

However, the aquarist’s interest in these fishes is not due to the attractive appearance of the fish, but due to their unique breeding behaviour. Every enthusiast should have once in a lifetime observed the male Biotoecus building up a hill from fine sand. Once this hill is erected, the male digs a pit and in this pit the fish spawn.

For our customers: the fish have code 634492 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Biotoecus: ancient Greek, means “house of life”. The authors of the genus believed Biotoecus to carry their young in their gills. opercularis: refers to the distinct black mark on the gill cover (Latin: operculum).

Suggestion of a common name: Sandhill dwarf cichlid

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Geophagus sp. Aporema

2. December 2015

Aquarium Glaser obtained in spring 2014 a boxed that contained a mixed group of Geophagus, which belonged to three different species. Among them were seven specimens that could not be applied to any known species of Geophagus so far. The fish were 7-8 cm long. Over the time the grew up to gorgeous, about 20 cm long specimens. They have not only grown to real beauties, but also spawned. So now Aquarium Glaser is able to offer exclusively the first bred specimens of the new eartheater at all.

According to the supplier the new Geophagus has been collected in the Rio Aporema (basin of the Rio Araguari) in the Brazilian state of Amapa. Juveniles and subadults look very much alike Geophagus camopiensis. But this species – it originates from the system of the Rio Oyapock – has a comparatively drab coloration on the flanks, consisting mostly of green-beige colours. Geophagus sp. “Aporema” – this is how the new entries should be termed provisionally – becomes much deeper bodied than G. camopiensis, and much more colourful! There is a lot of strong yellow on the body and in the fins. Depending on mood and food the colours behind the opercles can become even orange.

This fish should be kept in large aquaria, as it becomes pretty big. The tank should contain about 500 litres. It is best to keep this Geophagus in groups of six specimens or more, for eartheaters often like to swim in groups. And the fish show more of the interesting behaviour when kept along with a number of conspecifics. The sexes can be recognized only in full adults. There is no well marked sexual dimorphism or dichromatism. The females stay smaller and have a more swollen belly, that´s all. Soft, slightly acidic water with a temperature between 28 and 30°C fulfills the desires of the splendid animals. They should be fed with a broad variety of different food items that can contain flakes as well as frozen and live food items.

For our customers: the animals have code 682122 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text: Thomas Weidner, photos: Thomas Weidner & Frank Schäfer


1. December 2015

Fishes of the family Anabantidae are often referred to as Climbing perches. This name bases on a species of fish that is very famous among mankind, even in people who are not much interested in fish at all: Anabas testudineus. The species is known to walk over land at wet weather to search for new habitats. The fish “walks” with s-shaped moves and uses the strongly serrated and wide spread opercles as abutments. They are not slow at all! A hobbyist who tries to pack such a fish in a bag has to hurry, for otherwise the fish will climb out of the net very fast! But it is a pure legend that Climbing perches climb on palm trees to fuddle on fermented palm juice…

From a systematic point of view the Climbing perches are literally unexplored. Only two species are widely accepted, Anabas testudineus, which is said to inhabit the complete tropical Asia, and the Bengal species Anabas cobojius. However, there are many more species. We recently imported Climbing perches from Bengal. Most specimens belong to a large headed species with only very small black spots behind the opercle and on the caudal peduncle, one specimen belongs to a second species with a much smaller head and much larger spots. However, none of both is identical with A. testudineus or A. cobojius. It was only for practical reasons that we listed them on our stocklist under the name of Anabas testudineus.

Climbing perches are not colorful fish, but quite interesting. They can be kept along with barbs and catfish. Anabas do not care for the brood, the eggs are spawned free in the water column and spread over the water surface after that.

For our customers: the fish have code 364202 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Lepidosiren paradoxus

17. November 2015

Only recently we introduced to you our lungfishes imported from the Congo (
Now we received the even rarer cousin: the South American Lungfish,
Lepidosiren paradoxus, from Paraguay. There is only one species extant
in South America, namely this living fossil. We usually import them as
small young fish from Peru, the specimens we now have in stock are
uniformly brown subadults, which are 35-40 cm long. Against conspecifics
these fish are extremely snappy, we had to put them in separate tanks
(one fish per tank) immediately. The mouth of that species is very
special. At the tip of the mouth is a small, round opening. It looks as
if the fish would try to whistle or if it imagined to have a longtrink
with drinking straw. In the real life these fish prefer to feed on

For our customers: the animals have code 265506 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Lungfishes from the Congo

3. November 2015

quite a long time we were able again to import juvenile lungfishes from
the Congo. Currently the animals are 12-20 cm long. Three species of
lungfish are known to occur in the Congo: Protopterus aethiopicus, P.
annctens, and P. dolloi. At least two of them, namely P. aethiopicus and
P. dolloi are represented in the current import, maybe even the third
species, P. annectens. We keep the animals together (this is still
possible as the fish are very young, but lungfish are famed for their
aggressivity against conspecifics); as young lungfish of the different
species look very much alike we have listed the fish under only one
position on our stocklist: Protopterus sp. Zaire (the old name for the

lungfishes are predatory fish and suited only for specialists. The
animals become large: P. aethiopicus is said to reach 2 m, P. annectens 1
m, and P. dolloi 1.3 m in length. Nevertheless these fishes are very
interesting for specialists and institutions, because lungfishes are
“living fossils” and show a number of interesting features. For example,
they move the threat-like fins as if they were arms and legs.

pugnacity against conspecifics seems to be least in P. aethopicus and
strongest in P. dolloi. P. annectens is in between the two. In P.
aethiopicus and P. annectens it often seems that the biting is a result
of an error, because the fish simply try if the opposite is food.
However, lungfish have strong jaws, so bites can cause serious wounds.
Even the keeper should be careful not to be bitten. On the other hand,
the ability to regenerate lost parts of the body is extraordinary strong
in lungfish. In any case one should be aware that it might be necessary
to keep each individual in a separate tank on its own in a long time
sight. When lungfish are kept together the keeper has to observe them
daily for aggressive acts or biting, so that he can react in time. In
our fishhouse a well proven method is to put greater masses of rude
green pond filter wool in the tank of Protopterus. The fish will crawl
inside the wool and bites actually don´t happen anymore.

For our
customers: the fish have code 167004 (12-15 cm) and 167005 (15-20 cm) on
our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale
trade. Available in limited numbers only.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Small goldfish Ranchu, mixed colours

3. November 2015

is the best season for buying young goldfish. The animals have spend
the summer in growing ponds and are in top condition now. Of course most
hobbyists ask for goldfish in springtime, this has a long tradition.
But one should keep in mind that in spring time the fish come from an
exhausting hibernation and that makes them quite sensitive. So, whoever
is interested in goldfish is well advised to look for them right now.

we have imported for example pretty young ranchus in mixed colours from
Hongkong. One thing have goldfish and koi in common: among thousands of
animals are only very few that fulfil the high demands of a breeder.
But all of them are healthy and strong fish!

For our customers: the animals have code 818001 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Apistogramma cacatuoides wild

3. November 2015

The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is one of the most popular members of the genus Apistogramma and found in petshops all over the World. Almost exclusively bred specimens of very colourful sports are traded. These do not appear in the wild.

However, “the” wild form of A. cacatuoides does not exist at all. Like so many other Apistogramma, this one is polychromatic in males. This means that even within one population males can look very different. The biological sense of the phenomenon is not understood at all. But the polychromatism is without any doubt the reason why in so many cases Apistogramma sports can be developed after only a few generations of breeding the fish.

Maybe the phenomenon is comparable to the situation found in guppys. Here the females always select the most colourful male for mating. On the other hand, the most colourful males will be always the first victims of predators. This is the reason why males in guppy populations with a low predatory pressure are very colourful even in the wild. In the aquarium no predators exist. This, in combination with the selection by the breeder, form very fast very colourful sports – it takes only a few generations.

Currently we have wild collected Apistogramma cacatuoides in stock, which most probably originate from the surroundings of Pucallpa, at least for sure from the Rio Ucayali basin.

For our customers: the animals have code 617203 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Labeo chrysophekadion

26. October 2015

The black shark is of course no shark at all, but a cyprinid or carp. It is a very large growing species, attaining almost a metre in length and 7 kg in weight. Like many other large carps it is a very much sought for food fish in Southeast Asia. So it is bred in aquaculture. This is the way how juveniles sometimes enter the ornamental fish trade. They are very attractive animals for owners of real large tanks.

Despite the zoological relationship the name “shark” is a good description, because the species owns a large dorsal fin which is often presented during display. An albino sport is also known from that species, which could be named “white shark”….

For our customers: the fish have code 422485 (wild form) and 422493 (albino) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Poecilia (Limia) perugiae

19. October 2015

The Dominican Republic is the destination for millions of tourists each year. But it is only known by few people that also beautiful freshwater fish exist there. One of the prettiest of them is Poecilia perugiae. We can offer this beautiful livebearer on a quite regular basis, but have usually only few specimens in stock. Our specimens are German bred ones.

For our customers: the fish have code 424833 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Crenicichla semifasciata

19. October 2015

Formerly the pike cichlids were splitted in two genera. Batrachops and Crenicichla. Batrachops were the rather blunt-headed species. Nowadays this classification is not accepted anymore and Batraochops seen only as a synonym of Crenicichla. However, hobbyists have not forgotten the old name…

One of these blunt headed species is Crenicichla semifasciata from Paraguay. The attractive species is sadly only very seldom available. The pictures are made from a specimen that reached us a by-catch of Crenicichla edithae directly from Paraguay, but we also have a few tank-bred specimens in stock. These fish have reached sexually maturity. The parents of this aquarium strain originate from the Rio Tagatyia.

For our customers: the fish have code 673114 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only very few specimens available!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 12-15

Corydoras pantanalensis C5

19. October 2015

This species is one of the largest of its genus: C. pantanalensis can reach a total length of more than 8 cm! Now we finally were able once more to import these splendid pieces of gold in small numbers.

Besides the impressive size Corydoras pantanalensis is also very interesting because the males develop during the breeding season a completely different pattern. In this time they have a dark net pattern all over the body. Our current imports are not in the mood for breeding. The males differ from the females only in the intensity of the colours: the males are more golden-red.

For our customers: the fish have code 240623 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Apistogramma commbrae

12. October 2015

The species Apistogramma commbrae is only very occasionally available. The species has been described back in 1906 already and has a very wide distribution: Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. But from this region mainly the close relatives of A. commbrae, namely A. borellii and A. trifasciata become exported. This is not easy to understand, because A. commbrae is a really attractive fish. The males can be recognized by the nice face pattern, which resembles to the “Masken-Apistogramma” (now: A. paulmuelleri) from Peru.

For our customers: the fish have code 616702 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Paraguay
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Xiphophorus variatus Rio Nautla

8. October 2015

obtained in very limited numbers this beautiful local variety of the
wild variatus platy (Xiphophorus variatus) from a German breeder. The
Rio Nautla variety is a fish that occurs in the wild, not an artificial

For our customers: the fish have code 442983 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Trichogaster pectoralis

7. October 2015

Snakeskin Gourami is the largest and the most peaceful species of
gourami. The animals can reach a maximum size of about 20-25 cm. This
makes them also much sought for food fish in their home countries in
south-east Asia. However, we prefer to enjoy their peaceful habit and
the pretty coloration of the fish.

Over the past years a debate
is pursued about the correct generic name of the gouramis. The
professional ichthyologists argue that it cannot be accepted to continue
an old error. After a rigid interpretation of the international rules
of nomenclature all gouramis formerly known under the generic name of
Trichogaster have to be placed in Trichopodus now and all species placed
in Colisa must be called Trichogaster.

group of concerned people – the pragmatists – argue that it is not
desirable to change well known names after more than 70 years
unnecessarily. The gouramis are a group of fish of a high economic
value. The rules allow exceptions. And this is a case where an exception
should be made. One should keep in mind that the rules are made to
hinder confusion, not to increase or create confusion.

academical debate is still going on. But it is undisputed that
snakeskin gouramis make wonderful aquarium fish – no matter what name
they bear!

For our customers: the animals have code 469733 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer




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Batrochoglanis raninus Dwarf

5. October 2015

Batrochoglanis raninus Dwarf

The genus Batrochoglanis was formerly placed in Pseudopimelodus. Batrochoglanis can be best distinguished from Pseudopimelodus by the shape of the caudal fin. Pseudopimelodus has a deeply forked caudal fin, Batrochoglanis only a slightly indented one.

Currently five species of Batrochoglanis are accepted. We obtain occasionally specimens of that genus from Colombia, which fit perfectly in all respects to the described species B. raninus, with one exception: the fish stay small! Usually B. raninus should be a fast growing species that becomes 15-20 cm long. But neither could our supplier ever deliver larger specimens nor did they grow much in our facility. The largest specimens observed so far were about 8 cm long (including caudal fin). It seems that the larger and heavier fish are the females.

Batrochoglanis are night-activ fish that love to hide themselves. They are very peaceful to all other fish that do not fit the mouth. Although one cannot say that Batrochoglanis are social animals, the cluster in large aggregation in the plastic tubes we offer for the as hiding places.

For our customers: the fish have code 209951 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8


29. September 2015

Tiny scats

Scats (Scatophagus) spawn in the sea. The juveniles enter brackish water zones after their development in the plankton. From the mouths of the rivers they migrate often far inland. In India currently this migration starts and we received from there charming scat babies of 1-1.5 cm length.

Juvenile scats show their realtionship: the butterfly fishes (Chaetodontidae). Both families share a special juvenile stage which is called “Tholichthys”. Tholichthys have small horns on the head. In many specimens in our scat Kindergarten these horns are still clearly visible.

For our customers: The fish have code 454750 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India
Verfügbare Größe in cm 1-2

Sphoeroides annulatus

29. September 2015

A very interesting species of pufferfish reached us currently from Colombia: Sphoeroides annulatus. This species is primary a seawater fish, but juveniles are often found in pure freshwater. However, we recommend to keep the species in brackish water. This beautiful puffer can reach a maximum length of 40 cm. Most specimens are peaceful, but one should always keep in mind that puffers in general have an individual temper. Sadly every now and then even among peaceful species single specimens exist that love to bite in the fins of their tankmates.

For our customers: the fish have code 293702 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia

Danio (Brachydanio) roseus

29. September 2015

The pearl danio (Brachydanio albolineatus) is the type species of the (sub-)genus Brachydanio. It belongs to the most popular species of ornamental fish in the world and is almost anytiome available in any petshop. However, the other Bracydanio in the closer sense are by far less well known. Among them is Brachydanio roseus that originates from the northern Thailand, northern Laos, and northern Burma.

Currently there is much discussion wether the gender of Brachydanio is masculine (like Danio) or feminine (both Danio and Brachydanio were thought to be feminine by the authors of Brachydanio). If it becomes evident that Brachydanio has to be regarded as feminine, all specific names that are adjectives, like albolineatus (= with a white stripe) or roseus (= rose-coloured), and end by the Latin masculine suffix – us have to be changed to the feminine form with the suffix -a, eg albolineata or rosea. However, we do not follow this opinion. Danio has been described in 1822 as a subgenus of Cyprinus. A subgenus has always the same sex as the genus, so Danio is masculine. Brachydanio has been described in 1916 as a subgenus to Danio, so it also has to be masculine.

Currently we have very pretty wild collected B. roseus in stock.

The species Brachydanio roseus is distinguished from B. albolineatus by the almost totally lack of the rosy (white in preserved specimens) stripe on the caudal peduncle. Displaying males of B. roseus get a bright red shining belly. Lika all Danios, B. roseus is a perfect community fish: lively, colourful, absolutely peaceful, and easy to maintain. One should keep Danios always in groups (10 specimens upwards), they feel better when kept along with conspecifics. B. roseus becomes around 5-6 cm long.

For our customers: the fish have code 413722 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Astronotus ocellatus Roter Tiger Oskar

29. September 2015

Astronotus ocellatus Roter Tiger Oskar

Astronotus ocellatus Roter Tiger Oskar

Astronotus ocellatus Roter Tiger Oskar

Astronotus ocellatus Roter Tiger Oskar

Only a Red Tiger Oscar…

The man-made sport “Red Tiger Oscar” from Astronotus ocellatus is very common in the ornamental fish trade. Oscars are large cichlids that should be kept only in really large tanks. Here they are very nice pets with a great personality.

However, we often do not look very intensive on such common fish. This is a sad thing! Because sometimes real rare jewels are among them. Like the extremely pretty female we just discovered among more usually coloured tankmates. We have separated it along with a young and strong male. Now we are very curious for the offspring….

For our customers: Red Tiger Oscars have code 633002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-8