Highfin Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma hoignei
tropical fish

Highfin Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma hoignei

User submittedBy: KingFisher

Meneze's Aspidoras -Aspidoras menezesi
Highfin Dwarf Cichlid - Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

Species Name: Apistogramma hoignei

Common Names: Highfin Dwarf Cichlid, Mochoroca, Purjekääpiöahven


Family: Cichlidae

Order: Perciformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max Size: 6.0 cm / 2.4 inches

Environment: Fresh Water

Origin: South America: Orinoco River basin, in the Portuguesa, Aracua, and lower Caura River drainages, and along the mainstream of the lower Orinoco River to Barrancas.

Temperament: Highfin Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma hoignei) is a peaceful species. They will however protect their young and can be aggressive during the spawning period.

Company: Highfin Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma hoignei)  does well with most tetras or other peaceful smaller fish. Can be aggressive towards other dwarf cichlids unless adequate space for territories is provided.

Water Parameters: pH 6.3-7.1 , temperature 23°C - 29°C ° C / 73.4-84.2 ° F

Aquarium Setup: A planted tank is preferred by Highfin Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma hoignei) . Decorate the aquarium with rocks and/or wood to provide hiding places. They can be kept in a community tank at a ratio of one male per four females. Make sure to provide them with small caves.

Feeding: This dwarf cichlid can be a fussy eater but it will accept quality flake or pellets eventually. Highfin Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma hoignei)  must be offered treats of live or frozen foods to keep it in optimal condition and make it display the most coloration.

Breeding: Eggs are deposited on the ceiling of caves and are cared for by the female Highfin Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma hoignei). They are harem breeders, The male will fertilize several batches of eggs with several different females at the same time. When the Highfin Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma hoignei) fry are free swimming, they can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp.