Leopard Frog Pleco - Peckoltia sp. (L134)
tropical fish

Leopard Frog Pleco - Peckoltia sp. (L134)

User submittedBy: AlexW

Peckoltia sp. (L134)
Peckoltia sp. (L134) - Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

Species Name: Peckoltia sp. (L134)

Common Names: L134, Leopard Frog Pleco

Synonyms: None

Family: Loricariidae

Order: Siluriformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max Size: 12 cm / 5 inches

Environment: Fresh Water

Origin: L134 originates from the Rio Tapajos in Brazil.

Temperament: Leopard Frog Pleco is a fairly peaceful,but is slightly aggressive to one another. Given enough territory space, they can be kept together.

Company: L134 can be kept in a community aquarium with other soft-water fish. Good tank mates are smaller tetras and Apistogrammas.

Water Parameters: pH 6.0-7.2 , temperature 24-28 ° C / 75-82 ° F

Aquarium Setup: Leopard Frog Plecos should be provided with lots of drift wood and rocks in which they can take refuge. Plants are not a necessity to their tank, but if fed well, they should not harm the plants.

Feeding: More of a carnivore than anything, Leopard Frog Plecos tend towards meatier foods but they will still eat vegetable matter, so blanched vegetables should be provided occasionally, especially if kept in a planted tank.

Breeding: L134 breeds in caves. Females tend to be wider in girth, especially near the pectoral fins.