Ceratopteris cornuta

Ceratopteris cornuta

Ceratopteris cornuta

Ceratopteris cornuta

Family: Pteridaceae
Continent: Pan Tropic
Region: Pan Tropic
Country of origin:
Height: 25-50 cm
Width: 10-30 cm
Light requirements: medium-very high
Temperature: 15-28 °C
Hardness tolerance: soft-hard
pH tolerance: 5-8,5
Growth: fast
Demands: easy

Ceratopteris cornuta is suitable as a floating or underwater plant. If
a leaf is allowed to float on the surface, small plants form on the leaf margin
and can be planted in the bottom. In good light C. cornuta grows fast and
helps prevent algae by consuming large amounts of nutrients. This makes it a
good starter plant in large aquariums. The roots of the floating plant provide
good protection for young fish. The plant used to be called (mistakenly)
Ceratopterris thalictroides

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