Real Estate

Dubai’s Golden Visas Are Helping City Defy Global Office Slump

  • Long-term visas have helped lure expats and new businesses
  • That’s helped prop up office occupancy and rents in Dubai

Skyscrapers in Dubai.

Photographer: Christopher Pike/Bloomberg

At the height of the global pandemic, as Dubai faced an exodus of expatriates and mounting competition from neighboring business hubs, the government opened up. That decision is now helping the city dodge the commercial real estate crisis rippling across the globe.

The United Arab Emirates — of which Dubai is a part — started to break away from a decades-old economic model that prevails across the oil-rich region, linking residency to employment. Officials widened the eligibility net for long-term ‘golden’ visas, abolished a requirement for companies to have a majority local partner, switched to a Monday-Friday working week and made it legal for unmarried couples to live together.