Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Jasper Johns

Let’s express ourselves by painting a map in the style of Jasper Johns.

About the Artist:

Jasper Johns is an American artist, born in 1930,  known for his paintings of maps, flags, targets, and other common objects. He was born in Georgia, but raised in South Carolina. He moved to New York as a young man to pursue his art career. His art paved the way between abstract expressionism and  pop art. He likes to paint these everyday things to get us to look more closely at them in a different way. 

Let’s paint a map outline in the style of Jasper Johns.

You can paint directly on the map print outs of the United States, North Carolina, or draw your own map outline.

Listen to this video about “Map 1961”

This video shows more information about Johns:


  • Print out or drawing of a map on thick paper

  • Template of NC map to print (enlarge to fit page when printing)

  • Tempera, acrylics, or watercolor paints

  • Brush

  • Dish of water

Watch Ms. Jennifer create her Jasper Johns inspired map here:


  1. Using tempera or acrylic paints in primary colors (red, yellow, and blue), cover the map with bold strokes. 

  2. You can let the paints mix where they touch, or try to keep the colors separate. 

  3. You can paint over the outlines in some places, or paint inside the lines in other places. 

  4. When your painting is dry, make marks or write the names of some states, cities, oceans etc over top of the paint with chalk, Sharpie, or crayon.

For Doodlebugs Ages 2-5:


  • Print out of a map



  1. Print out the map outlines and allow your Doodlebug to color it with markers, paint, or crayons. Talk about where you live on the map. Ask if they can color their home state a certain color, or the state where a friend or relative lives a different color.

Music by

You did it!

Please don't forget to email your artwork to so it will be showcased in this Friday’s Kids Gallery!


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Art Lesson w/ Ms. Jennifer: Henri Rousseau Inspired Tiger Collage


Docent’s Corner | Robert Reid, American Impressionist