Common name: Norman's Lampeye
Scientific Name: Poropanchax normani
Classification: Procatopodidae、Procatopodinae、Poropanchax
  • Size: 3 - 4cm
  • Temperature: 22 - 26℃
  • pH: 6.5 - 7.8
  • Hardness: 90 - 214 ppm
  • IUCN: LC, Least Concern
  • Country of Origin: West and Central Africa

Norman’s Lampeye (Poropanchax normani) is widely distributed in West and Central Africa. It belongs to Procatopodidae in classification. The subfamily, Procatopodinae, also includes Procatopus nototaenia and Lamprichthys tanganicanus, which are common species in the aquarium market. Norman’s Lampeye gets its name from its eyes with bright blue and white metallic luster lighted up by the outside light. Coupled with its petite body, gentle personality, and high group-fish tendency, it is often classified under the ornamental fish commonly known as “Tetra.” This species originally lives in groups in the upper layer of small pure-freshwater streams with medium flow speed and dense aquatic plants; to keep it, the setting of aquariums should meet the above characteristics as much as possible to make the fish feel at ease. Still, it is easy to keep Norman’s Lampeye, which can feed on artificial feed, and suitable to be kept with other small creatures such as other kinds of Tetras and Caridina; hence, even to beginners, Norman’s Lampeye is a good option. It is adaptable to water with temperature 22-26°C, pH 6.5~7.8, but with too-low water temperature, the fish will be weak, without vigorousness, and easily infected with White-spot disease and Fungal disease. The breeding of Norman’s Lampeye is simple; after the parent fish lay their eggs in aquatic plants, the eggs will be hatched one to two weeks later. Its fish fries, which can be often observed in aquariums, can feed on nauplii of brine shrimps or feed with powder form.