Dwell: How many icons did you design for the map? How did you adapt the standard AIGA Symbol Signs for this project? 

Bierut: There are about two dozen icons on the map overall. All of them were redrawn from scratch. We started with the symbols that Cook & Shanosky design for the AIGA back in the '70s and adjusted their weights so they fit better with the weight of the customized Helvetica font we used. With so much information packed in such a limited area, it was important keep the dissonance between the visual elements on the sign as low as possible.  Photo 3 of 9 in How New York City Developed its Wayfinding Signage by Diana Budds

How New York City Developed its Wayfinding Signage

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Dwell: How many icons did you design for the map? How did you adapt the standard AIGA Symbol Signs for this project?

Bierut: There are about two dozen icons on the map overall. All of them were redrawn from scratch. We started with the symbols that Cook & Shanosky design for the AIGA back in the '70s and adjusted their weights so they fit better with the weight of the customized Helvetica font we used. With so much information packed in such a limited area, it was important keep the dissonance between the visual elements on the sign as low as possible.