Shape Up!

Lunch with The Biggest Loser: Jerry's superhero diet and workout plan

No WONDER people were upset when Jerry Lisenby--the oldest contestant on The Biggest Loser--was kicked off last week: He's the coolest dude ever! (And such a handsome older man--ROWR. No disrespect to his wife, Lynne. Hi Lynne!) Anyhow, Jerry, Lynne and I sat down for lunch today in Rockefeller Center and after gettin' a load of his food and exercise plan, I gotta say, Jerry's some sort of superhero. What his diet looks like:* High-fiber carbs like Shredded Wheat and Great Harvest bread (5 grams of fiber per slice!)* Salmon, salmon, salmon (he grills constantly, he said--just call him the King of Salmon)* Fruit (he was downing a watermelon every two days for a while there!)* No diet soda (he was drinking six or seven cans a day before going on the show)* No caffeine (I would DIE!)* No alcohol (...and I'm dead) To top that off, Jerry plays tennis and works out for two to four hours nearly every day. Not what I might call a dream plan, but he seems to be having a ball--and feels great: "This is FUN!" he told me, beaming over his nicoise salad. "I'm at a loss for words other than fun, fun,

No WONDER people were upset when Jerry Lisenby--the oldest contestant on The Biggest Loser--was kicked off last week: He's the coolest dude ever! (And such a handsome older man--ROWR. No disrespect to his wife, Lynne. Hi Lynne!)

Anyhow, Jerry, Lynne and I sat down for lunch today in Rockefeller Center and after gettin' a load of his food and exercise plan, I gotta say, Jerry's some sort of superhero.

What his diet looks like:

  • High-fiber carbs like Shredded Wheat and Great Harvest bread (5 grams of fiber per slice!)

  • Salmon, salmon, salmon (he grills constantly, he said--just call him the King of Salmon)

  • Fruit (he was downing a watermelon every two days for a while there!)

  • No diet soda (he was drinking six or seven cans a day before going on the show)

  • No caffeine (I would DIE!)

  • No alcohol (...and I'm dead)

To top that off, Jerry__ plays tennis and works out for two to four hours nearly every day__. Not what I might call a dream plan, but he seems to be having a ball--and feels great: "This is FUN!" he told me, beaming over his nicoise salad. "I'm at a loss for words other than fun, fun, fun, fun, fun."

He said he knows he can't keep exercising four hours a day forever, but the trainer/nutritionist he's working with back home in Peoria--and Bob Harper, too--expect that he'll gain a little weight back after the show finale and will find a balance.

In the meantime, Jerry's also planning a cross-country biking trip for charity he's calling Age is Only a Number Biggest Loser Bike Tour.

Could YOU follow a plan like Jerry's?