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Puntius Nicrofasciatus, Purple Head Barbel, Purple Head Barbel or Black Ruby Barbel is easy to keep.

Published:02 de August de 2021, 10:30 · Fish technical sheets

Puntius Nicrofasciatus, Purple Head Barbel, Purple Head Barbel or Black Ruby Barbel is easy to keep.


The Puntius nigrofasciatus inhabits southern Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.

It is an active, peaceful fish that likes to swim in schools.

It is easy to adapt and maintain.

It requires spacious aquariums, abundant vegetation and dimmed lighting with floating plants.

Barbus nigrofasciatus Günther, 1868; Puntius nigrofasciatus (Günther, 1868).

Pethia – The vernacular generic name for small cyprinids in the Sinhalese language.

Nigrofasciata – From the Latin niger, meaning "black", and fasciatus, meaning "banded", in reference to the color pattern of this species.

Order: Cypriniformes Family: Cyprinidae

Endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is restricted to the Kelani and Nilwala river basins in the wet zone to the southwest of the island, apart from smaller drainages in the area between them.

Reports suggest that the brightest colored fish are becoming increasingly scarce and there is a possibility that selective collection for the aquarium trade has altered the structure of wild populations.

Sri Lanka's southwestern wet zone is an area that receives an annual rainfall of 2,000-3,000 mm, much of which arrives during the southwestern monsoons between March and August.

It is a tropical environment with no periods of drought or significant weather changes, and the air temperature is fairly constant throughout the year, varying between 25 and 27°C.

Such conditions favor the development of lowland tropical forests at altitudes below 1000 m AMSL.

In Sri Lanka, these forests are found only in the humid zone and are inhabited by a significant proportion of the country's endemic flora and fauna, with the hot, humid climate and long period of geographic isolation leading to exceptional localized biodiversity.

As of 2006, only 4.6% of the old-growth forest remained, while the rest only existed in small, highly fragmented patches, most covering areas less than 10 km², some of which are now officially protected reserves.

The Kottawa Forest is one of these and comprises only 15-20 ha of moist evergreen forest, although the combined Kottawa-Kombala Forest covers around 1600 ha.

Little sun can penetrate the forest floor, so aquatic habitats are shaded and water temperatures can be relatively cool, while conductivity and hardness are generally low and pH slightly acidic.

Macrophytes are infrequent, although there may be dense, marginal vegetation, sometimes overhanging the full width of the stream, whose roots may penetrate banks underwater.

Typical substrates are sandy but covered by a layer of leaf litter with fallen twigs and branches.

Puntius Nicrofasciatus, Purple Head Barbel, Purple Head Barbel or Black Ruby Barbel is easy to keep. - Imagen 1


Base dimensions of at least 80 cm or equivalent are required.

The choice of decoration is not especially critical, although it tends to show better coloration in a heavily planted installation with a dark substrate.

The addition of some floating plants, driftwood roots or branches and leaf litter also seems to be appreciated and adds a more natural feel.

The filtration does not need to be particularly strong, although it does seem to appreciate a degree of water movement and works well in a stream type setup as well.

Temperature : 20 – 27°C

pH : The farm-raised fish available in stores are quite adaptable when it comes to water chemistry and should be happy within the 5.5 to 7.5 range. Wild populations are likely to prefer slightly acidic to neutral conditions.

Hardness : 36 – 268ppm.

Wild fish will probably do better towards the lower end of this range.

Puntius Nicrofasciatus, Purple Head Barbel, Purple Head Barbel or Black Ruby Barbel is easy to keep. - Imagen 2


Wild fish are likely to be foragers that feed on diatoms, algae, organic detritus, small insects, worms, crustaceans, and other zooplankton.

In the aquarium it is easy to feed, but the best conditions and colors offer regular meals of small live and frozen foods such as bloodworm, Daphnia and Artemia, along with good quality dry flake and pellets, at least some of which should be used. include additional plants or algae.


It is a very calm fish, which makes it an ideal resident of the community aquarium.

Since it has no special water chemistry requirements, it can be mixed with many of the most popular fish in the hobby, including other small cyprinids, as well as tetras, live bears, rainbow fish, anabantoids, catfish and loaches.

It is a schooling species by nature, and at least 6-10 specimens should be purchased.

Keeping it in such quantities will not only make the fish less skittish but will also result in a more effective and natural looking display, and the males will develop better colors in the presence of conspecific rivals.

Puntius Nicrofasciatus, Purple Head Barbel, Purple Head Barbel or Black Ruby Barbel is easy to keep. - Imagen 3


Adult males are noticeably smaller, slimmer, and more colorful than females, especially during spawning season when the overall color pattern darkens with the head and forebody turning reddish-purple.

Like most small cyprinids, they are egg-free breeders that exhibit no parental care.

When in good condition they spawn often and in a mature aquarium it is possible that small numbers of fry will start to appear without intervention.

The group of adults can still be conditioned together, but a smaller aquarium should also be set up and filled with mature water.

This should be very dimly lit and the base covered with some sort of grade mesh big enough for the eggs to fall through, but small enough that the adults can't get to them.

The water itself should be slightly acidic to neutral pH, with a temperature towards the higher end of the range suggested above, and a sponge or air stone filter should also be included to provide oxygenation and movement of the water.

When the adults are well conditioned and the females appear gravid, one or two pairs should be introduced and spawning should take place the following morning.

An alternative is to breed the fish in a group with half a dozen specimens of each sex as a good number, although a larger aquarium may be necessary.

In either situation, the adults will probably eat the eggs given the chance and should be removed as soon as they are noticed.

These should hatch in 24 to 48 hours with the fry free swimming about 24 hours later.

They should be fed an infusoria grade feed for the first few days until they are large enough to accept microworm, Artemia nauplii or the like.

Puntius Nicrofasciatus, Purple Head Barbel, Purple Head Barbel or Black Ruby Barbel is easy to keep. - Imagen 4

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